


? Scott Cendrowski 2014年11月04日
中國決定對Visa、萬事達(dá)和境外其他支付處理機(jī)構(gòu)敞開大門,這對支付寶和蘋果Apple Pay而言也是個(gè)好消息。





????位于北京的弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester)副總裁王平表示,支付寶要達(dá)成這一合作仍存在障礙。他表示:“高大上的iPhone 6用戶想要在百貨商場買點(diǎn)東西,結(jié)果店員說:‘對不起,我們不支持支付寶’——這可能不是蘋果想要帶給顧客的體驗(yàn)?!?/p>


????馬云和蘋果公司的潛在合作可能與中國關(guān)系不大。Counterpoint Research公司的尼爾?沙哈負(fù)責(zé)研究中國的移動市場,他表示:“阿里巴巴想做的,可能是進(jìn)入美國巨大的線下零售市場。作為回報(bào),阿里巴巴的在線產(chǎn)品將植入蘋果支付功能,借此將其從蘋果應(yīng)用商店帶入中國的在線零售商店?!?/p>



????Jack Ma stopped short of submitting to UnionPay’s rules when it came to online payments, however, because the stakes were too big. Alipay handled almost half the $900 billion online payments in China last year, according to iResearch.

????Jack Ma is known for staying a step or two ahead of the government without creating feuds. The way he sidestepped UnionPay’s monopoly in the mid-2000s by setting up Alipay’s online system with 200 banks is one example. Teaming up with Apple Pay looks like another. A partnership made little sense until China’s government announced it was opening up payments for everyone, which reduces UnionPay’s influence on the market and on Alipay. It remains to be seen how the rules will be implemented, but overnight UnionPay’s has less sway over Alipay.

????Ma’s suggestion of an Apple Pay partnership, knowing a policy change would help it advance, looks prescient. An Alibaba spokeswoman declined comment.

????Even though China’s government is intent on allowing foreigner card companies, and by extension Alipay, into the market, it will be years before any build scale to compete with UnionPay, which has tens of thousands of agreements with stores, restaurants, and shops.

????Forrester vice president Bryan Wang in Beijing sees a potential Alipay agreement as a hedge. “The high-end iPhone 6 user wants to buy something at a department store, and they say, ‘Sorry we don’t accept Alipay—that’s probably not the experience Apple want to bring customers,” he says.

????The first conversations Apple had about coming to China happened with UnionPay. But the negotiations have been slow to form. For now, Apple Pay is deactivated on iPhones sold in China. Caixin has reported that negotiations are still advancing.

????It may be that the potential tie up between Jack Ma and Apple has little to do with China. “What Alibaba may be trying to do is…gain entry into the huge U.S. offline retail market and in return integrate Apple Pay into Alibaba’s online footprint from app stores to online retail stores in China,” says Neil Shah, who tracks the China mobile market for Counterpoint Research.

????Apple doesn’t need Alipay and Alipay doesn’t need Apple. But at least now it’s clearer how they would work together.

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