


Matt McCue 2014年11月06日






????與SINGLDOUT合作的Instant Chemistry是一家位于多倫多的實(shí)驗(yàn)服務(wù)公司,負(fù)責(zé)進(jìn)行DNA測(cè)試,并確定會(huì)員的基本基因?qū)傩浴2杉疍NA的過(guò)程非常簡(jiǎn)單:會(huì)員打開已預(yù)付郵資的信封,在采集盒中提供唾液樣本,然后寄往Instant Chemistry。這只是找到緣分的第一步,要確定約會(huì)對(duì)象還需要進(jìn)行大數(shù)據(jù)分析。


????另一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)是關(guān)于調(diào)節(jié)人體免疫功能的白細(xì)胞抗原系統(tǒng)。通過(guò)對(duì)這項(xiàng)指標(biāo)的分析,可以確定兩人在生理上是否互相吸引。SINGLDOUT引用了多項(xiàng)研究結(jié)果來(lái)支持其“異類相吸”理念?!酒渲兄皇?006年發(fā)表于《精神科學(xué)》(Psychological Science)的一項(xiàng)研究結(jié)果。該項(xiàng)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),男女雙方的基因匹配比例越高,女方對(duì)男方的性敏感程度就越低,對(duì)男性的吸引力也越低,而比例較低的男女反而越高】。

????The world of online dating has something for everyone. Sites are dedicated to picking partners based on religion, dining preferences, pure physical attraction and the good, old-fashioned values of cowboy life (at Farmersonly.com, of course). So it was only a matter of time before a website took the next step beyond shared interests and tapped into genetic profiling.

????SINGLDOUT, a San Diego-based start up, has devised a proprietary algorithm that matches singles based partly on DNA compatibility and partly on the results from a psychological questionnaire.

????In a rare twist for the dating website industry, which is dominated by male company founders, SINGLDOUT was started by CEO Jana Bayad and chief marketing officer Elle France, who hatched the idea based on their own dating experiences.

????“SINGLDOUT is the first online dating website that is going to bridge the gap between the biological and digital worlds of love,” says Bayad. “It is the evolution of online dating.”

????The website is aimed at time-crunched professionals who want to know from the outset that they will click with the person who looks good in a profile. “When we looked at it from a DNA viewpoint, we realize you could actually determine chemistry between two people based on their genes,” says Bayad, who has an online sales background. Plus, DNA doesn’t lie, unlike so many dating profiles.

????SINGLDOUT works with Instant Chemistry, a Toronto-based lab services company that administers the DNA testing and determines the basic genetic profiles of members. For the member, this part is as easy as opening a prepaid envelope, providing a saliva sample in the DNA kit and sending it back to Instant Chemistry. It’s a clinical way to start a budding romance, but no more so than relying on big data to set up a date.

????The research hones in on two specific results. The first is the length of the serotonin transporter gene, which influences emotion. Research has suggested that those who have the shorter gene tend to be more emotionally sensitive while those with the longer gene tend to be more emotionally stable. Based on the results of their proprietary algorithm, SINGLDOUT sends the two potential partners a compatibility percentage with a broad explanation of how they might interact in real life.

????The second DNA test looks to determine physical attraction based on the human leukocyte antigen system, which regulates the immune system. SINGLDOUT points to a few pieces of research to make the argument that opposites attract here. (One piece of evidence is a 2006 study published in Psychological Science that found as the proportion of these genes couples shared increased, women’s sexual responsiveness to their partners decreased and their attraction to men other than their primary partners increased.)

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