


Shalene Gupta 2014年11月12日






????歐洲人有充分的理由尋求舊金山灣區(qū)科技界的投資。據(jù)道瓊斯旗下的市場研究機構(gòu)Dow Jones Venture Source統(tǒng)計,風(fēng)險投資家在2013年對美國公司投資了330億美元。這是歐盟所有企業(yè)同期獲得投資額的4倍以上。



????為這家中心提供贊助的機構(gòu)有著一個極具官僚作風(fēng)的冗長名字:歐洲創(chuàng)新與科技研究院和通信科技實驗室(European Institute of Innovation and Technology Information and Communication Technology Labs)。這個中心自身則使用了一個縮寫名稱:EITICT實驗室,由此可看出組織者多么需要得到硅谷營銷專家的幫助。

????包括德國、法國、西班牙和意大利在內(nèi)的許多國家都已經(jīng)在硅谷設(shè)立了孵化中心,提供導(dǎo)師、培訓(xùn)課程和社交機會等服務(wù)。然而,EIT ICT實驗室表示他們將從所有歐洲初創(chuàng)公司中挑選最合適的推銷對象。這一點,而不是提供某種重要服務(wù),似乎是他們的主要賣點。


????In a bare office in downtown San Francisco, European bureaucrats wearing suits and ties cleared their throats and spoke about the glory of European innovation and American investment. They were launching a new Silicon Valley hub that they hoped would get European start-up talent American funding.

????To celebrate, they snipped a ribbon unfurled across the stage and assembled a foam puzzle showing the European Union and US flags. The audience checked their cellphones.

????The event, with its long Chamber of Commerce-style speeches, highlights the disconnect between Europe and Silicon Valley. Although Europeans are trying to emulate the U.S. tech industry’s success, they still have much to learn – starting with the need to loosen up, in keeping with the region’s free and easy vibe.

????“If Europe took a selfie, it would be an old lady,” Mauro Battocchi, Italy’s consul general, said on stage.

????The new tech hub, which formally opened in September, is intended to showcase the best of European innovation at a time when American technology by the likes of Google, Facebook and Apple dominate. The overseas start-ups will need to prove that they have something new to offer Bay Area investors who have plenty of other options to choose from.

????There’s a good reason for the Europeans to look for money in the Bay Area tech scene. In 2013, venture capitalists invested $33 billion in US companies, according to Dow Jones Venture Source. That’s more than four times the amount invested in companies in the entire European Union.

????The gap is even wider in the tech industry. Total venture capital invested in the US tech industry reached $8.67 billion last year compared with just $1.44 billion in Europe.

????The new European hub is hosted in a co-working office in downtown San Francisco called Rocketspace, which is already home to incubators for Canada, Brazil and Spain. Start-ups from all over Europe will be invited to work out of the office, get training and participate in events, at no charge.

????In typical bureaucratic fashion, the organization sponsoring the hub has a mouthful of a name: European Institute of Innovation and Technology Information and Communication Technology Labs. The hub, itself, is known by the acronym, EIT ICT Labs, which shows just how desperately the organizers could use help from Silicon Valley’s marketing gurus.

????A number of countries already have start-up incubators in Silicon Valley including Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. They offer services ranging from mentorship, education classes, and networking opportunities. However, EIT ICT Labs says it will distinguish itself by drawing from start-ups all across Europe, and this rather than any other major program offerings seems to be their major selling point.

????“We can pick the best of the best and make the selection process more streamlined,” says Paul Campbell, the Silicon Valley advisor for the hub.

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