


Michael Casey、Rober Hackett 2014-11-21

????“創(chuàng)新”這個詞似乎已經(jīng)泛濫成災(zāi),原因是營銷人員滿世界地用它。那么,哪家公司在研發(fā)方面的實際投資最多呢?事實證明,企業(yè)研發(fā)支出額度已經(jīng)達(dá)到了前所未有的水平。咨詢公司思略特[Strategy&,前博斯公司(Booz & Co.)]的《全球創(chuàng)新1000強》報告(The Global Innovation 1000)為我們揭示了在創(chuàng)新方面投入最多的上市公司。該報告顯示,去年這1000家企業(yè)的創(chuàng)新投資達(dá)到了創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的6470億美元,較去年增長約90億美元,而這一數(shù)字占全球創(chuàng)新總投資的五分之二。


????“Innovative” has become, it seems, a trite descriptor, since marketing departments plaster the word everywhere. So who is actually investing the most in research and development? As it turns out, companies are spending more on R&D than ever before. The Global Innovation 1000, a list of public companies that spend the most on innovation, last year invested a record $647 billion, an increase of $9 billion over the previous year. That total represents two-fifths of all innovation spending by organizations worldwide, according to a report from Strategy&, the consultancy formerly known as Booz & Co.

????Where does all that money go? Over the past decade, two industries have accounted for half of all R&D spending: healthcare and computers. Other resource-intensive industries include healthcare, autos, and software. Fortune combed through the annual reports of Strategy&’s top 10 to learn more about how big companies spend their R&D budgets. Here’s what we found.

????1. 大眾汽車

????? 2013年研發(fā)支出:135億美元

????? 占收入的百分比:5.2%


????1. Volkswagen

????? R&D spending in 2013: $13.5 billion

????? As a percentage of revenue: 5.2%

????For the third year in a row, the German carmaker tops the Strategy& list of research and development spenders. Volkswagen says its spending results from being a “highly competitive and innovative car manufacturer which must fulfill a whole host of environmental and safety standards.” Much of that spending has gone into hybrid vehicles and adding new technology, including semi-autonomous features to some of its 12 brands. It also is looking to reduce CO2 emissions across its fleet and invest in ways to electrify vehicles.

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