


Trond Undheim 2014年11月26日


????比特幣是新興技術(shù)網(wǎng)絡的最著名代表,而這個網(wǎng)絡有可能讓銀行業(yè)得到改善。比特幣屬于加密貨幣這個新型金融物種,是一種基于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、分散、安全的資金存儲和轉(zhuǎn)移方式。比特幣,甚至是更有前途的瑞波幣(Ripple)網(wǎng)絡的作用不是在銀行的基本商業(yè)模式,也就是貸款、存款、交易和貨幣兌換方面打開缺口,而是播撒催生全新市場的種子,通常人們把這些市場稱為價值互聯(lián)網(wǎng)(Internet of Value)。它是一種途徑,可以讓普通人和專業(yè)人士一樣將一切事物貨幣化,且不受地域、傳統(tǒng)市場準入以及司法權(quán)限的限制。





????2001年,我在加州大學伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)時的同事尼爾?弗雷格斯坦出版了一本書,名叫《市場的結(jié)構(gòu)》(The Architecture of Market)。他在書中一針見血地指出,不要以為市場本身會自動或者神奇地出現(xiàn),也不要以為市場的出現(xiàn)源于個人行為或者源于結(jié)構(gòu)因素和現(xiàn)有機制的共同作用。確切地說,市場是一種精致而復雜的產(chǎn)物,由一些群體出于共同的目的而創(chuàng)造,而且必須由那些靠市場生存的參與者予以維持。



????Bitcoin heralds a new age more disruptive than that of today’s Internet. Disruption can be a good thing, especially when it affects banking, a failing set of business models which, for all the tweaks, have been virtually unchanged for millennia. Paradoxically, some banks are afraid of Bitcoin because it would force them to innovate.

????Bitcoin is but the most famous example of an emerging technology network with the potential to improve banking. It belongs to the new type of financial animal called crypto currencies, i.e. decentralized, secure money storage and money transfer enabled by the Internet. What Bitcoin, and the even more promising Ripple network do, is not to poke a hole in banking’s basic business models—lending, deposits, trading, and money exchange—but to create the embryos for entirely new markets typically referred to as the Internet of Value. That is, a way for regular folks, as well as specialists, to potentially monetize everything, regardless of location, traditional market access and jurisdiction.

????Cryptocurrencies have been with us for over five years, an eternity by Internet time. Using the elegance of mathematics they enable almost instant transfer of value at almost no cost between two parties without the need for a trusted third party. The disruption lies exactly there: in disrupting the intermediaries.

????For a few years already, we have been talking about the sharing economy. Companies like AirBnb and Uber have enabled previously untapped, idle assets such as your empty bedroom or your second car to be mobilized for financial gain. Liquidizing such stale assets has added convenience in the utterly inefficient markets of room rentals and transportation services.

????The Internet of Value would go a few steps further. Imagine a world where you can literally become your own market maker; you can create markets for any of your own assets—which could be thought of as anything you own, think or do, or can influence others to do.

????In contrast, and to the great disappointment of many financial tech (‘fintech’) startups, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) last month released new guidance for virtual currency exchanges and payment processors, ruling that such companies may be considered money services businesses under US law and would be subject to new regulations. The ruling is well meaning, but quite contradictory, and, more importantly, wrongheaded. Prematurely imposing such limitations will have little long term impact beyond dulling the US’s innovative edge.

????In the 2001 book, The Architecture of Market, my former UC Berkeley colleague Neil Fligstein makes the excellent point that markets cannot be thought of as automatically or magically appearing on their own, neither by individuals acting alone nor by structures and established institutions acting in concert. Rather, markets are elaborate and complex creations by communities with a joint purpose, and they must be sustained by those who use them in order to survive.

????In the case of Bitcoin, what is being enabled here is not merely a new market, but a market of markets; a platform for all kinds of new markets to emerge. In it, lies the promise of a transformation, as strange as it sounds, greater than the Internet. Denying such a potential is equal to denying the reality of globalization.

????This is why banks had better embrace the experimentation around crypto technologies and business models—in consortia rather than alone, in order to reduce risks and in order to foster and shape the set of appropriate platform innovations that will come over the next decade, one way or another.

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