


Trond Undheim 2014年11月26日



????特隆德?溫海姆是麻省理工斯隆管理學院(MIT Sloan School of Management)全球經(jīng)濟及管理高級講師。他還創(chuàng)立了富有洞察力的網(wǎng)站Yegii.com,讓企業(yè)可以接觸到全球各種專業(yè)知識。



????Why are bankers afraid of Bitcoin’s impact? Easy, it will lead to ripples across the financial sector, it will create new winners and losers, and it will likely decentralize banking services and create micro markets to an extent not seen since the advances of the barter economy and the market economy combined. In fact, this is what the Internet of Value is all about—erasing the distinction between bartering, money and service exchange in any market. Once each potential good has a financially tradable and storable equivalent, “a bitcoin,” if you will, trade will explode in a myriad of directions impossible to predict by current algorithms. Intermediaries will come and go, and the end points of exchange nodes will become more important. To many bankers, this is a scary thought. To everyone else it is likely quite liberating.

????Clearly, there must be regulation. Without regulation, markets are unstable. However, countries that over-regulate a disruptive innovation in its infancy will only lose out on the first waves of that innovation. Several countries seem to be heading that way, and the US is now in the front seat of that wagon. What a pity. The urge to cripple crypto based currencies is futile.

????Trond UndheimisSenior Lecturer in Global Economics and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Undheim is also founder ofYegii.com, an insight network that connects companies to global expertise.

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