


? Elizabeth Segran 2014年11月26日

????對于想要籌資的女性創(chuàng)業(yè)者來說,機會其實并不多。美國巴布森學(xué)院(Babson College)最近的一項調(diào)查顯示,如果一家風(fēng)投公司擁有女性合伙人,那么其選擇投資女性CEO所領(lǐng)導(dǎo)企業(yè)的概率,是投資純男性主導(dǎo)企業(yè)的三倍多。然而,風(fēng)投公司中的女性比例正在下降,從1999年的10%降到6%。同時,僅有2.7%獲得風(fēng)投注資的企業(yè)是由女性CEO掌管。


????如果你是艾米麗?韋絲,你可能就會對風(fēng)投的拒絕淡然處之了。這位29歲的美容博客Into The Gloss創(chuàng)始人最近獲得了840萬美元的融資,她計劃用這筆資金擴展其新的護膚品系列Glossier?!拔也慌聞e人對我說‘不’?!痹诜窒砣绾潍@得數(shù)百萬投資的經(jīng)驗時,她表示,“了解各路資金并清楚哪些才是最合適自己的,這一點至關(guān)重要?!?/p>


????在最新的一輪成功籌資之前,韋絲找到了一名值得信賴的投資人——電子商務(wù)風(fēng)投公司Forerunner Ventures的柯爾斯頓?格林。眾所周知,這家公司幫助成立了不少極為成功的電商公司,比如眼鏡公司W(wǎng)arby Parker和美妝公司Birchbox等,格林的公司也為Into the Gloss提供了種子資金。“柯爾斯頓深入挖掘,廣尋問題,因為她也是這些產(chǎn)品的消費者。”韋絲表示,“我能感受她的信念,我知道當(dāng)我們談妥合作的時候,無論對她還是對我來說,都是意義非凡的?!表f絲還通過格林聯(lián)系到了興盛資本公司(Thrive Capital),該公司領(lǐng)投了Into the Gloss的最新一輪籌資。

????哈德利?穆林是私募股權(quán)公司TSG Consumer Partners的合伙人,她認為投資界的性別比例失衡現(xiàn)象并不合理,尤其對那些投資消費品牌的公司來說,因為通常都是女性在主導(dǎo)家庭支出。穆林表示,“不論男性還是女性企業(yè)家,在探討產(chǎn)品定位和擴張時機的時候,擁有一位女性投資人都能夠為其增加可信度。”她還補充說,盡管一些男性投資人也能夠與女性企業(yè)家合作良好,但是女性投資人往往更容易理解那些由女性企業(yè)家打造的產(chǎn)品,或是針對女性消費者的產(chǎn)品。





????It’s slim pickings if you’re a female entrepreneur hoping to raise money. A recent study from Babson College found that venture capital firms with female partners are more than three times as likely to invest in companies with female CEOs than firms led by all-male teams, but the percentage of women in the VC industry has dropped from 10% to 6% since 1999—and only 2.7% of VC-backed companies have a female CEO.

????So what’s a female founder to do?

????If you’re Emily Weiss, you shrug off rejection. The 29-year-old founder of beauty blog Into The Gloss recently raised $8.4 million in funding; she plans to use the capital to scale her new skincare line Glossier. “I’m not afraid of being told ‘no’,” she says of her journey to millions. “It was an important exercise in understanding different funds and learning which would be the best fit for me.”

????Rather than just licking her wounds when an investor turned her down, Weiss pushed for feedback so she could continue iterating her business plan. “So much of venture capital is pattern recognition,” she says. “I sat across the table from many men who might not have necessarily understood the difference between foundation and tinted moisturizer.” Weiss handled male VCs beauty illiteracy by tweaking her pitch to emphasize her success—her blog’s 8.5 million monthly pageviews—and discuss the market needs her company addresses in the $454 billion beauty market. “The onus is on you to make your idea compelling,” says Weiss.

????Before her most recent fundraising round, Weiss found a trusted investor in Forerunner Ventures’ Kirsten Green. Green’s firm, which is known for helping to launch wildly successful e-commerce companies like Warby Parker and Birchbox, provided seed funding for Into the Gloss. “Kirsten dove deep, asking the most questions because she is also a consumer of these products,” Weiss says. “I could feel her conviction and I knew that when we said yes to working together it meant as much to her as it meant to me.” Green was also Weiss’ connection to Thrive Capital, which led Into the Gloss’ most recent fundraising round.

????Hadley Mullin, a partner at private equity firm TSG Consumer Partners, says the gender imbalance in the investment community does not make sense—especially at firms that invest in consumer brands, as women drive household spending. “For male and female entrepreneurs alike, having a woman investor can bring credibility when discussing product positioning and expansion opportunities,” she says. Mullin adds that while some male investors have a track record of working well with women entrepreneurs, female investors tend connect more easily with products created by or for women.

????But, for the time, the investment world’s poor gender dynamics remain unchanged. Weiss says that women entrepreneurs need to take matters into their own hands and work hard to articulate what makes their businesses valuable and distinct. It’s an uphill battle, but she says it is well worth the fight: Finding strong funding partners, she explains, can allow female entrepreneurs to create brands that matter.

????“I approached fundraising as an opportunity to align myself with partners who have more varied experience and diverse backgrounds than I do, to help bring Glossier to life,” she says. “I’m so fortunate to have aligned myself with Kirsten; it was like finding a needle in a haystack.”



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