


Susie Poppick 2014-12-13





????2. 他們會(huì)給你安排粗魯?shù)氖圬泦T。一項(xiàng)新的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在古琦(Gucci)這類高端商店,在售貨員做出無(wú)禮舉動(dòng)后,顧客反而更可能購(gòu)買昂貴商品。這種效應(yīng)不適用于熱銷品牌,只適用于奢侈品。它似乎與人們更愿意成為團(tuán)體中的一員有關(guān)。美國(guó)演員格勞喬?馬克思曾經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò):如果某團(tuán)體不愿接納你,那你反而會(huì)更想加入其中。

????3. 他們會(huì)用小包裝,讓你買得更多。你也許會(huì)認(rèn)為,如果堅(jiān)持購(gòu)買和飲用最近風(fēng)靡一時(shí)的迷你瓶裝蘇打飲料和啤酒,那你就會(huì)喝得少一些。但研究發(fā)現(xiàn),購(gòu)買大批迷你包裝的產(chǎn)品,會(huì)讓你的購(gòu)買總量實(shí)際上更多了。

????4. 他們會(huì)讓你找不著東西或感到迷惑。雜貨店商品的陳列,時(shí)常讓人找不著東西,這可不是巧合。營(yíng)銷策略專家馬丁?林德斯特羅姆表示,失去焦點(diǎn)更容易讓人沖動(dòng)消費(fèi)。加州大學(xué)圣地亞哥分校(UC San Diego)的營(yíng)銷學(xué)教授溫迪?劉在一篇研究中也指出,在購(gòu)物中被人打斷,也會(huì)讓你對(duì)價(jià)格不那么敏感。這是因?yàn)樵诜中暮笾匦驴瓷唐窌r(shí),你會(huì)產(chǎn)生錯(cuò)覺(jué),認(rèn)為自己已經(jīng)深思熟慮了。

????5. 他們會(huì)模仿你的動(dòng)作,并讓女性觸碰你。女性,而非男性的觸碰,會(huì)使得男性和女性消費(fèi)者放松對(duì)金錢的掌控。所以如果女售貨員拍了你的肩膀,你可能就會(huì)不自覺(jué)地花更多錢。另外,研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),如果售貨員(不論男女)模仿了你的姿勢(shì),你就更可能買他(她)賣的東西。

????6. 他們會(huì)讓你近距離觀察商品。加州理工學(xué)院(Caltech)的一項(xiàng)研究表明,相比照片或文字描述,擺在面前的馬克杯和DVD會(huì)讓顧客心甘情愿地多掏至少40%的錢,擺在面前的小吃則會(huì)讓顧客多花60%。另一項(xiàng)研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),花越多時(shí)間來(lái)觀看和觸摸商品,你就越可能買下它。

????This post is published in partnership with Money. The original can be found at Money.com

????Today’s marketing strategies aren’t dreamed up in smoky rooms full of Mad Men. The tools companies employ to get you to buy their stuff have grown ever more sophisticated, with marketers even using neural measurements to design product packaging and appeal to your deepest desires (to be covered in Cheetos dust, apparently).

????Consumer experience these days is not simply designed; it’s engineered. Research determines the ads you see, the scents and sounds you encounter in stores, even the way a salesperson might casually touch your arm. It’s not all high-tech brain science, but here are some of the tricks companies use to entice you to spend more.

????1. They make you nostalgic.Don Draper was on to something with his sentimental pitch for a Kodak campaign. But the abundance of families, puppies, and childhood ephemera in the ads you see every day is more than a simple ploy to tug on your heartstrings. Recent research shows nostalgia makes people value money less and feel willing to pay more for purchases.

????2. They sic rude salespeople on you.At high-end stores like Gucci, customers are actually more inclined to buy expensive products after a salesperson has acted snottily to them, a new study found. This effect—which doesn’t work with mass-market brands, only luxury—seems to have something to do with the desire to be part of an in crowd. To paraphrase Groucho Marx, you’re more likely to want to belong to a club that doesn’t want you as a member.

????3. They use smaller packaging to get you to buy bigger.You’d think that it would be easier to buy and drink less soda and beer if you stick to the cute new mini-cans that seem to be all the rage these days. But research shows buying multi-packs of those small sizes can actually lead people to consume more overall.

????4. They get you lost and confused.It’s not an accident that grocery stores are often laid out unintuitively. Losing focus makes people spend more on impulse purchases, says expert Martin Lindstrom, who has conducted studies on marketing strategies. Getting interrupted during shopping also makes you less price-sensitive, according to research co-authored by marketing professor Wendy Liu at UC San Diego. That’s because when you return to look at products after a distraction, you have a false sense of having already vetted them, she says.

????5. They mimic your gestures—and get women to touch you.A woman’s touch—but not a man’s—makes people of either sex looser with their money, so when that saleswoman touches your shoulder, you may unwittingly end up spending more. Additionally, research shows that if a salesperson of either sex imitates your gesticulations, you are more likely to buy what he or she is selling.

????6. They get you to handle the merchandise.Consumers are willing to pay at least 40% more for mugs and DVDs—and 60% more for snacks—that are physically present than for the same products displayed in photographs or described in text, according to a Caltech study. And other research shows your willingness to pay more increases as you spend more time looking at and holding objects.

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