
“登月隊長”解密Google X

“登月隊長”解密Google X

Miguel Helft 2015年01月22日

????說到塑造未來,阿斯特羅?泰勒鮮有對手。他的正式頭銜是谷歌 “登月隊長”——一個頗具谷歌風(fēng)范的稱謂;他的日常工作是負(fù)責(zé)Google X實驗室的運營,谷歌將其稱為“登月工廠”。在這里,谷歌正在開發(fā)無人駕駛汽車、谷歌眼鏡、Loon項目(通過高空氣球提供上網(wǎng)服務(wù))、Makani項目(通過高空風(fēng)輪機(jī)發(fā)電)以及用于檢測癌癥和其他疾病的納米膠囊。在工作上和泰勒密切配合的有谷歌首席執(zhí)行官拉里?佩奇(《財富》雜志2014年年度商人),以及谷歌聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人、管理著Google X和其他一些專業(yè)項目的謝爾蓋?布林。最近,泰勒接受了《財富》雜志的采訪,介紹了Google X如何獲取突破性創(chuàng)新。

????《財富》:Google X的“登月”項目是怎么來的?












????There are few people more qualified to talk about shaping the future than Google’s Astro Teller. His official title the oh-so-Googley “Captain of Moonshots.” His day job is running Google X, which the company calls its “moonshot factory.” It’s where Google GOOG -0.30% is developing self-driving cars, Glass (its glasses-like wearable computer), Loon (a project to deliver Internet access worldwide through high-altitude balloons), Makani (an effort to generate energy through high-flying wind turbines), and ingestible nanoparticles that would detect cancer and other diseases. Teller works closely with CEO Larry Page, which Fortune named 2014 businessperson of the year, and Sergey Brin, the Google co-founder who oversees X and other special projects. He recently spoke with Fortune about his lab’s approach to breakthrough innovation.

????Fortune: How do moon shots come together at Google X?

????Well, with the caveat that it’s not simple, I think that there are some principles, or some ways of seeing, at least, things that don’t work.

????You have to have three things in order for it to conceptually be a moon shot. That doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily do it, but it means necessarily we won’t do it if it doesn’t have these three things.

????The first one is that it’s a huge problem. That sounds pretty obvious, but it’s incredibly not obvious in fact.

????Then the second thing is that there has to be some kind of radical proposed solution. It should be a science fiction-sounding product or service. Obviously whether it really sounds like it comes out of [Isaac] Asimov isn’t important. What’s important is that we be not treading the same ground that other people have tread before because thinking that we’re going to be smarter or better resourced or work harder than people who’ve come before us is just not a good bet.

????Then the third one is some reason to believe that this isn’t just pie in the sky. We would call this breakthrough science or tech.

????This could be something we’ve discovered. It could be something someone else has discovered. It could be something that has worked in one domain but has never been transplanted to this other domain. There are lots of different ways of ending up having an “Aha!” moment where you believe that something looks nearly impossible might not be impossible.

????These three things don’t happen all at once, right?

????That’s right. So in some cases one of these is easy and the others are hard. Sometimes we will think we have a bead on two or even three of these things, but after awhile one of them will fall away.

????Take Loon [the Google X project to deliver Internet connectivity worldwide through high-altitude balloons], for example. This was super obvious. There are 5 billion people in the world who don’t have Internet connections, and there’s very little that would cause the world to be more at peace, more prosperous than getting the other 5 billion people on the planet connected.

????Very generally, doing this from balloons rather than from satellites sort of has the form of a radical solution.

????And so we went through a process for almost a year where the mantra was not “This is going to work” but “This is not going to work. How can we discover why this won’t work as fast as possible so that we can discard this and move on to something else?” And it was only having tried rigorously for a year and having failed to fail many times in a row that we got to the point where we were starting to take this project really seriously.

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