
從Esprit創(chuàng)始人到Tory Burch:創(chuàng)業(yè)夫妻為何多以離婚收場?

從Esprit創(chuàng)始人到Tory Burch:創(chuàng)業(yè)夫妻為何多以離婚收場?

Deena Shanker 2015-01-22


????托里?伯奇和克里斯的悲劇故事便印證了這一點(diǎn)。2004年,這對夫妻創(chuàng)立了Tory Burch公司。等到這家公司終于發(fā)展成全球知名的時(shí)尚品牌,兩位創(chuàng)始人卻離婚了,而且成了競爭對手。



????Managing a company with your mate is not easy. If the business is struggling, that can damage your relationship. If the relationship is struggling, that can damage the business. And even if the company is thriving, the marriage can fall apart – in an ugly way.

????That was underscored with the latest chapter in the sad saga of Tory and Chris Burch. In 2004, the then-married couple founded Tory Burch. And while it grew into a global fashion brand, its two founders divorced – and at one point, became competitors.

????After the fact, it may be easy to spot the signs of trouble in the relationship or business (or both). But usually, couples who run companies together are figuring it out as they go along. The key to success: Setting clear boundaries between work and home, and communicating openly when there’s a problem. “Be really explicit [about] what’s allowed to spill over and what’s not,” says Nancy Rothbard, Professor of Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

????Here are seven famous examples of brands created by couples – and what happened after.



????2004年,企業(yè)家兼投資人克里斯?托奇幫他的妻子托里開設(shè)了第一家Tory Burch零售店。2006年,這對夫婦宣告離婚。2011年,二人的關(guān)系出現(xiàn)了奇怪的變化??死锼?托奇推出了一個(gè)名叫C?Wonder的服裝品牌,由于它的定位和托里伯奇非常相似,因而它也被稱為克里斯的“復(fù)仇公司”。這對勞燕分飛的夫妻隨后就打起了一場官司。



????Chris and Tory Burch

????In 2004, Chris Burch, a successful entrepreneur and investor, helped his wife Tory open the first Tory Burch retail store. By 2006, the couple had divorced. In 2011, the relationship took a strange turn when Chris debuted C. Wonder, a clothing line viewed as so similar to the Tory Burch brand that his business was dubbed a"revenge retail company." A legal battle between Chris and Tory ensued.

????Telling quote:In 2012, Chris told Vanity Fair, "[Tory Burch] never could have existed without me, and it never could have existed without Tory." Some Tory Burch company representatives disputed that account, saying that Chris was not involved in day-to-day operations.

????The upshot:Tory and Chris announced a settlement of their legal battles in December 2012. The privately-held Tory Burch company is hugely successful and has been estimated to be worth more than $3 billion. Earlier this month, BuzzFeed reported that Chris was shutting down C. Wonder, but he's still pursuing another venture with comedienne Ellen DeGeneres. Together, they're launching her new fashion line, E.D.

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