


Daniel Bukszpan 2015年02月11日

第57屆格萊美獎(jiǎng)?lì)C獎(jiǎng)禮于周日舉行。流行音樂界的大小人物在此匯聚一堂,希望看到歌曲《Shake It Off》與《All About That Bass》一爭高下。




The 57th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony takes place on Sunday. Everybody who’s anybody in the world of popular music will be there, eager to discover whether “Shake It Off” is indeed a finer song than “All About That Bass.”

Whoever wins on Sunday night, it’s a safe bet none of them possesses any the real-world know-how necessary to cut it in the executive world.

Or is it?

Numerous Grammy nominees have executive experience on their impressive resumes, and we’re not just talking about king-making music industry brass like Clive Davis or Herb Alpert. Several famous executives have been nominated for the statuette, and a few of them have even taken one (or two) home.




Barack Obama

You may have heard of one Barack Obama. Since January 2009 he’s been the 44th President of the United States and leader of the free world. All fine and good, but did he ever get nominated for a Grammy? As it turns out, yes.

Obama was nominated twice and won twice. In February 2008, he won the best spoken word Grammy for the audiobook version of "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream." This was two years after winning the same prize in 2006 for "Dreams From My Father."



在10年時(shí)間里,卡特似乎一直是格萊美獎(jiǎng)?lì)C獎(jiǎng)典禮上的配角,從未獲得過此項(xiàng)殊榮。但這一切在2007年發(fā)生了改變。那一年,他錄制的有聲讀物《Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis》獲得了最佳誦讀專輯獎(jiǎng)。

Jimmy Carter

As the 39th president of the United States, Jimmy Carter served only one term. But when it comes to Grammy nominations, the former chief executive of both the United States and the state of Georgia has racked 'em up, with no less than six separate spoken word nominations to his credit since 1997.

For a decade, it seemed as though he would forever be a Grammy bridesmaid, never a bride. However, that changed in 2007, when he took home the Best Spoken Word Album prize for his audiobook, “Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis.”

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