


Erin Carlson 2015年02月13日














????Not everyone remembers which film won Best Picture at last year’s Academy Awards (Answer: 12 Years a Slave). But even the most acute Oscar amnesiac will recall the defining moment when host Ellen DeGeneres snapped the Twitter selfie seen ’round the world.

????In a fresh burst of spontaneity, DeGeneres pushed the old-school ceremony into the digital-era deep end, wrangling the likes of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence to participate in a splashy group photo that gained 3.4 million retweets and helped bring the show its best numbers in 14 years with 45 million viewers.

????“We broke records and we broke Twitter,” said Neil Meron, who produces the big event alongside Craig Zadan. “The Oscar gods shone very bright on us that night.”

????Suddenly, social media became a No. 1 heavy hitter in the Oscars Economy — a way to drive eyeballs to the broadcast and create revenue for all the players involved, from host network ABC to the advertisers to the rising stars hoping the increased exposure will lead to bigger and better acting opportunities (plus a salary bump).

????The DeGeneres selfie stunt — captured on a Samsung smartphone — fetched an estimated $800 million to $1 billion for the tech company, ad agency Publicis boasted afterward, making the case that social shares plus celebrities plus live television equals big bucks if you’ve got a product to hawk.

????Or ratings pressure to live up to.

????“What we’re doing is specifically reaching out to all the platforms on social media — and because we had such tremendous success last year with it — we want to capitalize on that success and grow it,” said Meron of this year’s Feb. 22 telecast, teasing “massing engagement” with social powerhouses like Twitter TWTR 2.34% , Facebook FB 0.31% and Instagram.

????Their third year at the helm, Meron and Zadan — the savvy team behind recent NBC musical revivals of Sound of Music and Peter Pan as well as a string of movie and Broadway hits — will again add pizzazz with boldfaced singers, on the level of Barbra Streisand (in 2013) and U2 (2014), to dangle before viewers who have yet to see (or may not have access to) many of the smaller films honored.

????“We get a lot of people who come to it knowing that they’re not going to make any money,” said Zadan. “The host doesn’t make more than two cents, and performers make two cents, and presenters don’t make any money. Nobody makes any money, but you’re doing it because you want to be part of the Oscars.”

????The 2015 emcee, Neil Patrick Harris, will earn upward of $15,000 per union guidelines, while a top-tier singer such as Streisand collects at least $2,400 to perform a non-nominated song. (Crooning a tune that’s up for an award? That’s a starting fee of $3,500.)

????The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit, made $93.8 million off the Oscars in 2013, a $4 million boost from the year before, according to financial records. A significant chunk of that pile came courtesy of ABC parent company Disney DIS 7.63% via a $75 million-a-year contract to air the show that expires in 2020.

????Meanwhile, the organization that year racked up almost $40 million in awards-associated expenses including the costs of hiring thousands of staff, building the set, staging the crowd-pleasing performances and rolling out a seemingly endless red carpet on which nominees parade in expensive custom gowns and tuxes and million-dollar borrowed jewels. The organization also footed the $1.8 million bill for the annual Governors Ball, the glitzy after-party catered by Wolfgang Puck and his flowing champagne, caviar-encrusted pizzas and many, many truffles.

????(The Academy did not have 2014’s financial data available at publication time.)

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