


Erin Carlson 2015年02月13日












????“You have to really, really prioritize as to what you want to spend your money on and what you’re going to get the biggest bang for,” said Meron, discussing the tricky dance of staying in-budget. “So we make sure that the sets are designed for the show, we get to repurpose them and make sure that we get maximum usage out of them.”

????Outside the Dolby Theatre, a ripple effect of revenue flows into local businesses, from hot-ticket hotels, restaurants and limo services to hairstylists, make-up artists and manicurists on call for midnight touch-ups as clients depart the Governors Ball en route to the extra-VIP Vanity Fair bash.

????According to LA-based economist Roy Weinstein, whostudied the impact of 2013’s awards on the city, the frenzy infused some $216 million into the economy and stands to drop even more dollars in the future amid a development boom downtown and in other trendy areas close to the action.

????“There are new hotels going up that are going to be beautiful, modern skyscraper hotels … and that additional five-star hotel capacity is going to stimulate events like the Oscars and the Emmys, the Grammys, the Golden Globes, People’s Choice, all of them, to find ways to expand their events,” said Weinstein. “You know, it’s, ‘If you build it, they will come.'”

????Then Weinstein, too, dropped the all-important S-word: Social Media.

????“That seems to be something that can enhance the buzz — both before, during and after these events, which can only be good for the economic impact of these events,” he said.

????And with the rise of hate-tweeting (the phenomenon wherein a hive mind congregates to collectively snark, eviscerating Anne Hathaway and anyone in her path), Meron and Zadan are learning to take the good with the bad. After all, unscripted flubs can unravel in real-time, fueling the Twitter-verse with extra ammo for jokes. (Two words: Adele Dazeem.)

????“You also have to understand that if somebody says something really positive, somebody else might say, ‘Oh I gotta see this and turn on the show.’ If somebody says, ‘Oh my god the most outrageous thing I’ve ever seen, this is really bad,’ they’ll turn on the show,” said Zadan, calling the Oscars a “blood sport.”

????“So no matter what extreme they go to, they’ll bring you a bigger audience,” he said. “And since you have no control over what they say, you just are grateful for the enormity of the Twitter following.”

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