
三星S6和iPhone 6有多像?

三星S6和iPhone 6有多像?

Jason Cipriani 2015年03月05日
S6將Galaxy系列產(chǎn)品帶向了一個(gè)全新的方向。最顯眼的變化是三星手機(jī)的“萬年大塑料”不見了,三星為S6首次配備了金屬+玻璃的材質(zhì)組合。Home鍵嵌入了升級(jí)的指紋傳感器,用戶只需將手指放上掃描即可解鎖,使用的感覺幾乎和蘋果的Touch ID一模一樣。另外,S6里的三星支付值得稱贊。

????三星一度曾是全球智能手機(jī)銷量的霸主,在蘋果憑借iPhone 6和6 plus強(qiáng)勢(shì)攫取了不少用戶后,此番三星再次攜新品洶洶而來,力圖奪回王座。上周日在記者云集的巴賽羅納2015年世界移動(dòng)通信大會(huì)上,三星發(fā)布了Galaxy系列手機(jī)的最新力作:Galaxy S6和S6 Edge。


????S6 Edge首次在屏幕左右兩邊都采用了曲面屏設(shè)計(jì),在功能性上有所提高。(在舞臺(tái)演示環(huán)節(jié)中,當(dāng)有電話呼入時(shí),曲面屏?xí)@示定制的顏色提醒,另外從曲面屏可以快捷進(jìn)入常用聯(lián)系人)。Home鍵下嵌入了一顆經(jīng)過升級(jí)的指紋傳感器,使用戶無需像S5那樣掃屏解鎖指紋,而是只需將手指放在Home鍵上等待掃描完成即可,使用的感覺幾乎和蘋果的Touch ID一模一樣,從而終于打消了我一年前對(duì)Galaxy S5指紋識(shí)別功能的抱怨。




????現(xiàn)在這項(xiàng)技術(shù)被嵌入到Galaxy S6中,而且與NFC支付技術(shù)進(jìn)行了整合,使三星支付功能變得非常有吸引力。它在技術(shù)上領(lǐng)先了蘋果的Apple Pay一步,因?yàn)楹笳咧荒茉谥С諲FC支付的零售場(chǎng)所和終端使用。(這也是我親身體驗(yàn)的Apple Pay的一個(gè)缺點(diǎn)。當(dāng)時(shí)我曾試著在科羅拉多的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)僅憑Apple Pay購買一周的所有用品。)

????有了三星支付,用戶就不用再為了Apple Pay和CVS不支持NFC那點(diǎn)事兒打口水戰(zhàn)了。所以CVS不想支持NFC就讓它不支持吧,Galaxy S6另有一套絕活對(duì)付你呢。



????多年以來,三星的旗艦手機(jī)一直是長(zhǎng)于功能,短于跟進(jìn)——至少在我看來是這樣。而最新的Galaxy S6和S6 Edge則代表了三星開始選擇另一條道路,并為以后的一系列機(jī)型奠定了道路。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))

????本文件者Jason Cipirani是《財(cái)富》個(gè)人科技專欄“Logged In”的作者。


????Once the titan of global smartphone sales, Samsung is looking to retake its throne after Apple made inroads with its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. On Sunday, in a room filled with technology journalists in Barcelona, Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones: the S6 and S6 Edge.

????Both devices take the Galaxy line in a completely new direction, and on multiple fronts. The most apparent change, at least the first time you lay eyes on the duo, is the noticeable lack of plastic formerly synonymous with Samsung smartphones. With the S6 lineup, Samsung opted to go with a combination of metal and a glass housing.

????The S6 Edge features a curved display on both edges of the screen, offering enhanced functionality. (An on-stage demonstration showed custom color alerts for incoming calls, and shortcuts to favorite contacts). A revamped fingerprint sensor sits below the home button, foregoing the need for a user to swipe her or her finger across the button. Instead, he or she only needs to place a finger on the button and wait for the scan to complete. The change makes the experience nearly identical to that of Apple’s Touch ID, and appears to eliminate a complaint I had about last year’s Galaxy S5.

????Sure to disappoint Samsung loyalists, the South Korean company ditched two features long used to mock Apple’s AAPL 0.49% iPhone: expandable storage and a replaceable battery. Looking beyond the aesthetic changes are a faster processor, higher-quality camera, curved display, and wireless charging capabilities.

????There are two features that have made the new Galaxy models more alluring to me than previous editions. The first is called Samsung Pay. The company’s mobile payment solution takes a two-pronged approach by combining a near-field communication (NFC) chip with the magnetic secure-transmission technology it acquired from LoopPay to transmit payment information between your device and a point-of-sale terminal.

????When I reviewed LoopPay last year, I found the technology to be magical, yet disappointing. I was forced to carry around and manage yet another device. The promise behind mobile payments is convenience; the LoopPay fob was not convenient. A quick refresher: You hold the LoopPay fob up to a normal credit card reader, press a button and the machine would interpret the signal in the same manner it would a card being swiped. The payment was then processed, without the machine—and often time the clerk—realizing you did anything different.

????Now that that technology is embedded into the device and combined with the ability to use NFC for payments, Samsung Pay is very appealing. And it has a leg up on Apple Pay, which is limited to working only at retail locations and outlets with the necessary equipment to process NFC payments. (This is a drawback I experienced first-hand when I tried to go a week using Apple Pay for every purchase in my small, Colorado town.)

????With Samsung Pay, users won’t be caught in the middle of a spat between competing payment platforms as Apple is with the likes of CVS completely disabling NFC terminals. So go right ahead, CVS, disable NFC. The Galaxy S6 has a trick up its sleeve.

????Another thing: Each year when Samsung would announce the latest Galaxy device, it would announce a slew of new software-based features that served little purpose. Having a smartphone watch my eyes, then scroll a webpage or pause a video based on where I’m looking? No thanks. The “enhancements” slowed down the device, drained the battery, and offered little benefit to the end user. In other words, they served only to pad the spec sheet.

????With this year’s release, Samsung cut the fat, at least with regard to its proprietary user interface known as TouchWiz. Any unnecessary menus or overzealous prompts were left out, it seems. The litany of excess apps notoriously preinstalled on the Galaxy line has been removed. All in all, the company claims to have cut down so-called software bloat by 40 percent, and the phones now include only a trio of Microsoft apps and select Samsung apps (S Health and Milk, Samsung’s music service). At least, until wireless carriers get a hold of it.

????For years, Samsung’s flagship phones have been long on features, but short on follow-through—at least to me. The new Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge appear to lay the groundwork for a lineup of devices that are quite the opposite.

????Jason Cipriani is the author of “Logged In,” Fortune’s personal technology column.

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