


Verne Kopytoff 2015年03月24日
能夠完全自動(dòng)駕駛的汽車(chē)離我們還遠(yuǎn)嗎?梅塞德斯奔馳公司研發(fā)的無(wú)人駕駛原型車(chē)F 015向我們展示了這種可能性。奔馳日前邀請(qǐng)部分記者試乘這款外形和內(nèi)部設(shè)計(jì)都很有科幻范的汽車(chē)。乘坐無(wú)人駕駛汽車(chē)究竟是一種什么感覺(jué)?請(qǐng)跟隨作者一起體驗(yàn)一下吧。







????本周二,奔馳公司邀請(qǐng)20余名記者試乘電動(dòng)版原型車(chē)F 015。今年早些時(shí)候,奔馳已經(jīng)在拉斯維加斯CES消費(fèi)電子展上公開(kāi)了它的外觀設(shè)計(jì)。但到目前為止,能夠有幸乘坐這款車(chē)型的外人仍屈指可數(shù)。當(dāng)然,這款車(chē)型具有令人難以置信的圓潤(rùn)和金屬感,這些顯然都是科幻作品中不可缺少的汽車(chē)設(shè)計(jì)元素。車(chē)身瘦長(zhǎng),再加上長(zhǎng)度異乎尋常的軸距,為車(chē)子內(nèi)部營(yíng)造了更大的乘坐空間。




????I felt a bit uneasy as a Mercedes-Benz self-driving car chauffeured me and my fellow passengers around an abandoned military airfield. No one was watching the road.

????A computer ably steered the car around in gentle loops and, presumably, would have stopped if another car careened in our path. (In fact, the tarmac was closed to traffic.) But I felt unnerved, particularly after the Mercedes “driver” and I did what would be unthinkable in a normal car: We swiveled our seats to face backwards.

????I couldn’t help myself from occasionally looking over my shoulder to check what lay ahead.

????Welcome to the future, at least as envisioned by Mercedes and its team of futurists who have built a sci-fi car that is intended to reflect what driving will be like in 2030. What they came up with was a plush cabin filled with touch screens and an autopilot who never tires.

????Mercedes is trying to show that it has the tech know-how to succeed in the future. Rival automakers like Audi, Nissan, and Ford, along with interlopers like Google and Tesla, are all pushing the envelope as they experiment with a new generation of vehicles that operate autonomously and, in some cases, have radically different designs.

????On Tuesday, Mercedes invited a couple dozen other journalists to ride in its electric prototype, the F 015. The German automaker had premiered the design at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year, but had yet to let more than a just handful of outsiders hitch a ride. The car, of course, is impossibly sleek and metallic, an apparent requirement for visionary car designs. The body is elongated with the wheels spaced unusually far apart to allow for more room inside the cabin.

????The ride started with Peter Lehmann, the Mercedes engineer who helped create the car, tapping a smartphone app to summon the vehicle from a pseudo-garage nearby that was built for the occasion at the former Alameda Naval Air Station, located across the bay from San Francisco. The car woke from its nap and made a slow arc to where we were waiting. As we approached, a female’s voice rang out from the car to say “Please go ahead,” a signal that it was safe to pass in front.

????Using sensors, the car had detected that we were nearby and automatically started slowly opening the car’s four bay doors. I soon found myself sitting in a luxurious and comfortable white leather seat reminiscent of the style found in airline cockpits. (Money will be of no object in the future, at least in Mercedes’ vision.)

????With Lehmann in the “conductor’s” chair, I prepared mentally for the ride. Would it feel odd? Of course, I considered the possibility of a crash. But they’ve rigorously tested the system, right?

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