


Daniel Bukszpan 2015年04月12日




????《財(cái)富》雜志決定看看歷史上最賺錢的10大科幻電影到底是哪些。我們使用的是電影票房網(wǎng)站Box Office Mojo提供的數(shù)據(jù),并剔除了通脹因素對票房收入的影響。



????On Friday, “Chappie” comes to movie theaters around the world. It was directed by Neill Blomkamp, whom you may recall was the director of 2009’s “District 9.” That movie was one of the rare science fiction movies to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, but sadly, it lost to the “The Hurt Locker.”

????For sci-fi, that’s par for the course. The movies rarely win critical accolades, much less Oscar nominations, and to date, no science fiction movie has ever gone home with the statuette. But science fiction movies aren’t made for the critics. They’re made for the fans.

????And what rabid fans they are, dressing up in full Imperial Stormtrooper regalia to line up around the block and see the first screening at midnight on opening day. So movie studios keep making them, knowing they’ll make more money than they made with “Birdman,” or “The Hurt Locker” for that matter.

????Fortune decided to take a look at the 10 highest-grossing science-fiction movies of all time, using data from Box Office Mojo and adjusting for inflation.

????Here they are below, starting with number 10.

????Spoiler alert: You may see the name of a certain franchise repeated more than a few times.


????10、 《星球大戰(zhàn)前傳二——克隆人的進(jìn)攻》(2002)



????10. Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones (2002)

????The “Star Wars” prequel trilogy told the story of a young Jedi who grows up to become Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith. The critical reception that the trilogy received could politely be described as “l(fā)ukewarm.”

????Fans had issues with it too, and the second installment in the trilogy, 2002’s ”Attack of the Clones,” won the dubious distinction of being the least commercially successful film in the “Star Wars” canon. Still, it earned $311 million, the equivalent of $404 million in 2015, so it squeaks its way onto the bottom rung of this list.

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