


Alan Murray 2015年04月26日









????The collapse of the respected tech website Giga?om was an unfortunate surprise for its devoted readers and talented journalists. But for Fortune and our readers, it has turned into an opportunity.

????The Gigaom journalists have been leaders in covering the technologies that are transforming the very foundations of global business—cloud and mobile computing; big data and machine learning; sensors and intelligent manufacturing; advanced robotics and drones; and clean-energy technologies. Together these innovations are hurtling us ?toward a new industrial revolution. Savvy corporate leaders know that they have to either figure out how these technologies will transform their businesses or face disruption by others who figure it out first.

????That’s why I am thrilled that we are bringing the very best of what Gigaom had to offer—six of that site’s finest and most plugged-in reporters—into the Fortune fold.

????I am pleased to welcome Stacey Higginbotham, Mathew Ingram, Barb Darrow, Katie Fehrenbacher, Jeff John Roberts, and Jonathan Vanian into our already prodigious team of tech journalists, led by assistant managing editor Adam Lashinsky. (Stacey kicks things off this issue with a story on “block chain” tech.)

????Technology coverage has long been a focus of Fortune’sjournalism. But increasingly we recognize that this revolution is not just about the technology industry—but about every industry. And it is not just the concern of the chief information officer and the chief technology officer; it is the concern of every executive in every job in every industry who is focused on business success.

????Fortune is honored to be your guide through these tumultuous technological times. This is the motivating spirit that guides our fast-growing digital efforts, our award-winning print magazine, and our distinguished and expanding conferences. We hope you’ll continue to join us on the journey. We all have a lot to learn.

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