


Colleen Kane 2015-05-13




????Times change and so do consumption habits. The following iconic brands, companies, and products once seemed to be timeless, but now it seems the titans are teetering.

????Part of these shifts in buying habits can be attributed to the different tastes and values of millenials. But it’s not only millenials turning their backs on these brands. With the resources of social media, it’s easier to spread the message nationwide and globally if a product or business is unhealthy or otherwise outmoded.



????至于麥當(dāng)勞近年的生意何以如此慘淡,一個被經(jīng)常提及的原因是,麥當(dāng)勞的顧客們正在涌向他們認(rèn)為更健康的快餐連鎖品牌(比如Chipotle)。除此之外,近年來市場上涌現(xiàn)了一批高端的漢堡連鎖店,如Shake Shack、Five Guys和Smashburger等等。不過現(xiàn)在看來,麥當(dāng)勞的平價(jià)策略正在產(chǎn)生對經(jīng)營不利的效果。



???? McDonald’s???

????McDonald’s sales declined more than expected–nearly $400 million–in the first quarter of 2015, as the company annouced they were closing 350 poorly performing stores in Japan, the U.S., and China. And that’s just the latest in a series of struggles the fast food giant has gone through lately.

????The oft-cited reason for McDonald’s woes is that customers are defecting to chains they see as healthier choices, like Chipotle. Plus more upscale burger chains like Shake Shack, Five Guys, and Smashburger are edging in. It seems like a case of the ubiquitous Golden Arches and what they stand for are now working against the corporation.

????McDonald’s has tried a number of tactics to capture that millennial love such as test-marketing all-day breakfastand a 24-hour, 24-city marketing “day of joy” on March 24, a response to reporting its first sales fall in 12 years in January. At the time the company admitted there was an “urgent need to evolve with today’s consumers.” In Australia, McDonalds opened an experimental hipster cafe called The Corner in Sydney and is offering customizable gourmet burgers in Melbourne. The company recently announced that the first details of a turnaround plan but itfailed to impress investors.

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