
十年盤(pán)點(diǎn) | 因YouTube而火的紅人們

十年盤(pán)點(diǎn) | 因YouTube而火的紅人們

Daniel Bukszpan 2015-05-28




????If you want to feel the merciless ravages of time as it has its way with you, simply ponder the fact that as of this year, YouTube is 10 years old. Founded in 2005 and sold to Google the following year for $1.7 billion, it’s been the go-to source for leaked movie trailers, musicians of dubious talent and kitten videos ever since.

????It didn’t take long for people to figure out that YouTube was a great source of free publicity, but turning millions of YouTube views into actual, paying careers is another matter entirely. Just ask Rebecca Black, or Chris Crocker,or Tay Zonday, who all found this out the hard way.

????Despite this brutal reality, a few people have beaten the odds and parlayed YouTube popularity into actual careers. With paychecks and everything! Fortunepresents a list of these lucky luminaries, who jumped out of our computer screens and into our hearts.



????韓國(guó)音樂(lè)人樸載相創(chuàng)作了風(fēng)靡全球的震撼單曲《江南Style》,他的藝名“鳥(niǎo)叔”則更為人所知。2012年7月,鳥(niǎo)叔發(fā)布了自己的第六張專(zhuān)輯《Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1》,《江南Style》是其中的主打歌。盡管這張專(zhuān)輯在韓國(guó)本土銷(xiāo)量出色,但它能夠成為轟動(dòng)全球的神曲,還必須感謝YouTube強(qiáng)大的傳播力量。



????The omnipresent hit single “Gangnam Style” is the brainchild of South Korean musician Park Jae-sang, better known by his stage name, Psy. It was released in July 2012 as the lead-off single from his sixth album, “Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1,” and though the album did well in his native land, it became an international sensation thanks to YouTube.

????On November 24, 2012, the artist took to Twitter to announce that the video had just become the most watched video in YouTube history, and less than a month later, it became the first in history to reach one billion views. This led to the song peaking on the USBillboard charts at number two, and its presence on every DJ playlist in corporate Christmas party history in the last couple of years. Psy’s next album is expected to be released later this year.

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