


Kirsten Korosec 2015年06月03日

????去年,電動汽車制造商特斯拉公司開始在中國銷售第一批Model S汽車。由于中國對奢侈品的需求日益增加,政府也希望增加環(huán)保汽車的比例,該公司似乎搶占了很好的位置。




????然而,幾乎沒有人提到汽車所有權(quán)的問題,這個被忽視的因素很有可能對Model S的銷量產(chǎn)生了重大影響。直到如今,該問題才開始得到緩慢的解決。



????去年進(jìn)入中國市場時,特斯拉并沒有被各個城市的相關(guān)部門認(rèn)定為新能源汽車,因此無法免除搖號程序。如此一來,Model S的潛在買家就只能靜靜等待搖號通過,這一障礙可能影響了汽車的銷量。

????除了搖號之外,中國官員還會決定哪些車型能夠獲得新能源汽車的補(bǔ)貼。波士頓研究咨詢機(jī)構(gòu)Lux Research的研究助理莉莉婭?謝表示,直到最近,地方政府還只給本土制造商提供補(bǔ)貼。謝補(bǔ)充道,特斯拉并未從中國政府得到新能源汽車補(bǔ)貼。





????When electric automaker Tesla Motors began delivering the first Model S sedans to Chinese customers last year, the company seemed well-positioned to meet a growing demand for luxury goods and fulfill a desire by the central government to put more eco-friendly cars on the road.

????Tesla TSLA -0.26% , aiming to meetlofty sales goals, quickly went on a hiring spree (eventually amassing a staff of 600 people) and began an aggressive rollout of free fast-charging stations known as superchargers.

????But, then the company stumbled. It failed to hit its sales goals and sold fewer cars—approximately 3,500 in 2014—than electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles produced by Chinese rivals BYD and BAIC.

????CEO Elon Musk has placed much of the blame on a misconception among Chinese consumers that charging electric cars was difficult. Others argued that infrastructure, in a country where most people don’t have private garages to charge cars, was the real problem.

????However, a little-discussed barrier regarding car ownership—which likely had a big effect on Model S sales—was pushed to the side, and is only now slowly being addressed.

????In Chinese cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin, regulations have been put in place to limit the number of cars an individual can own in an effort to reduce pollution. Prospective owners in the country can only acquire a license plate through a monthly lottery system.

????However, so-called new energy vehicles have special privileges, which include local governments exempting them from the lottery system.

????When Tesla entered the Chinese market last year, the company didn’t certify itself with each individual city in order to be included on their selected vehicle list and therefore weren’t excluded from the lottery. Without this exemption, potential Model S buyers must wait and go through the lottery system, an obstacle that could dampen sales.

????In addition to lottery lists, officials also determine which models qualify for new energy vehicle subsidies. Until recently, local governments were known to hand out subsidies only to manufacturers based in its own region, says Lilia Xie, a research associate with Boston-based Lux Research, later adding that Tesla doesn’t receive new energy vehicle subsidies from the Chinese government.

????Earlier this month, Tianjin added Tesla to its selected vehicle list. The company previously made the list in Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen. That leaves Beijing as the final holdout.

????“Beijing is the big one, Xie says. “There’s no other market that matters as much.”

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