


Leena Rao 2015年06月11日
蜘蛛絲的強(qiáng)度是鋼筋的5倍。通過(guò)解析蜘蛛的DNA,初創(chuàng)企業(yè)Bolt Threads公司已經(jīng)創(chuàng)造了一種相似的絲纖維。這種人造蜘蛛絲織成的面料看起來(lái)類似絲綢,即保暖又柔軟,但它更好的一點(diǎn)是極為堅(jiān)韌,可以用洗衣機(jī)洗滌,不必干洗。

??? 在加州大學(xué)舊金山分校攻讀生物化學(xué)和工程博士學(xué)位時(shí),丹?維德梅爾、大衛(wèi)?布雷斯勞爾和伊桑?米爾斯基對(duì)使用結(jié)網(wǎng)蜘蛛的蛋白纖維(即所謂的蜘蛛絲)制造人造絲的想法產(chǎn)生了濃厚的興趣。實(shí)際上,蜘蛛絲的強(qiáng)度是鋼筋的5倍,比人造纖維Kevlar還要更加堅(jiān)韌。

????從2009年起,這幾位博士生就著手研發(fā)一項(xiàng)不需要蜘蛛就能制造這類蛋白的技術(shù)。經(jīng)過(guò)多年的秘密研發(fā)和生產(chǎn),Bolt Threads公司終于推出了利用專利工程技術(shù)織成的絲織品,并宣布進(jìn)行3230萬(wàn)美元的B輪融資。

????在Foundation Capital的引領(lǐng)下,F(xiàn)ormation 8和Founders Fund等公司相繼為這輪融資買單。該公司目前的融資總額已經(jīng)超過(guò)4000萬(wàn)美元。

????Bolt Threads利用專利技術(shù)制造出一種工程絲纖維,這種絲纖維基于蜘蛛絲中發(fā)現(xiàn)的蛋白質(zhì),可大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)制造。









????While in UC San Francisco’s PhD biochemistry and engineering program, Dan Widmaier, David Breslauer and Ethan Mirsky became fascinated with the idea of creating man-made silk from the protein fibers in the webs spiders make, called spider silk. In fact, spider silk is known to be five times stronger than steel, and tougher than man made fabric Kevlar.

????The PhD students set out in 2009 to create a technology that makes these proteins without using spiders. After years in stealth research and production, Bolt Threads is finally debuting its proprietary engineered silk, along with announcing a new $32.3 million round in Series B funding.

????Foundation Capital led the round, which included new investors Formation 8 and Founders Fund. The company has raised a total of $40 million.

????Bolt Threads uses proprietary technologies to create engineered silk fibers based on proteins found in spider silk that can be produced at commercial scale.

????At a scientific level, Bolt actually examines the DNA of spiders and then replicates those genetic sequences in other ingredients to create a similar silk fiber.

????Bolt’s silk is made primarily of sugar, water, salts and yeast, which combined makes a liquid silk protein. Through a process called wet spinning, this liquid is spun into fiber, similar to the way fibers like acrylic and rayon are made.

????If you look under a microscope, says the company, Bolt’s engineered silk fibers have the exact same chemistry as naturally occurring animal silks from spiders or silk worms.

????Widmaier explains that the silk fabric created by Bolt has similar qualities to conventional silk in that it will provide warmth, and a softer feel, but will be easier to wash and wear. For example, you won’t have to dry clean Bolt’s silk because it will have the durability to be washed in a machine. The company is working with textile manufacturers in North Carolina to commercially scale production of the fabric.

????Bolt isn’t the only company to try to create spider silk at mass. Japanese startup Spiber is marketing a similar fiber. German company Amsilk is also developing commercial grad spider silk.

????The company will be using the new funding to expand production and commercialization of its silk fabric.

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