


Daniel Bukszpan 2015年06月22日


????此前在接受ABC電視臺(tái)《20/20》欄目采訪時(shí),詹納便已經(jīng)透露,他變性為女人了。但此次登上《名利場》封面可以看作是首次正式亮相,網(wǎng)上的火爆反應(yīng)足以證明。娛樂網(wǎng)站The Wrap刊登了《名利場》出版商康泰納仕集團(tuán)的一份內(nèi)部備忘錄,和盤托出了其中種種細(xì)節(jié)。


????有人可能懷疑,僅憑這個(gè)封面在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的火爆,是否能夠真正帶動(dòng)這份雜志的銷量?這種懷疑也是情有可原的。畢竟就在不到一年前,《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》就曾報(bào)道過,雜志特別是名人類雜志的銷量正在急劇下跌, 2014年上半年美國雜志銷售數(shù)據(jù)著實(shí)慘淡:




????On June 1, the online edition of Vanity Fair posted a preview of the cover of its July 2015 print edition. It was a photo of the athlete formerly known as Bruce Jenner, with the caption “Call me Caitlyn.”

????Jenner had already come out as a transgender woman in an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC’s “20/20,” but the Vanity Fair cover seemed to make it official, if the overwhelming response it got on the Internet is any indication. The entertainment website The Wrappublished a company-wide memo from Vanity Fairpublisher Condé Nast that laid out all the details.

????“In the last 24 hours, our colleagues at Vanity Fair broke a number of internal records with their Caitlyn Jenner July cover story,” it said. “With 13.1 million organic video views, we had our best video day ever. And, VanityFair.com generated its highest-ever single-day traffic with more than 9 million unique visitors. The story was trending on Twitter within the first 10 minutes of being live and on Facebook within the first 2 hours – and continues on Day 2 to be number 1 on Facebook and number 3 on Twitter”

????People can be forgiven for being skeptical about whether this online frenzy will translate into actual sales of the magazine. After all, it was less than a year ago that The New York Times reported that magazine sales — in particular, celebrity magazine sales — were in a state of sharp decline, and the numbers they cited for the first half of 2014 were grim.

????“Newsstand sales of People, InStyle and US Weeklydropped by nearly 15 percent in that time, compared with the same period in 2013,” the newspaper reported. “In Touch Weekly’s newsstand sales declined by 23.5 percent,Star Magazine by 21.8 percent and Life & Style Weeklyby 21.7 percent. People StyleWatch suffered a 32.8 percent decline. Even highbrow celebrity titles were challenged;Vanity Fair had an 11.8 percent decline.”

????The print edition of July’s Vanity Fair doesn’t hit newsstands until Tuesday, June 9, so until then, any speculation about the effect of the Internet response on sales is a purely academic exercise. But if the past is any indication, an eye-catching cover can sell a lot of magazines, and sometimes the cover itself is remembered long after the article and the rest of the issue are forgotten.

????Fortune takes a look at some of the most unforgettable magazine covers in publishing history and how much they sold. Most appeared on the American Society of Magazine Editors’ October 2005 list, “ASME’s Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Last 40 Years;” those that weren’t were either published after 2005 or simply seemed too important to leave off. Unless otherwise noted, all sales figures were provided by the Alliance for Audited Media, a nonprofit organization that verifies circulation information for online and print publications. (People and Time are owned by Time Inc., which owns Fortune.)




????LIFE (August 15, 1969)

????The word “iconic” gets thrown around a lot, but it was the right word for the cover of LIFE magazine’s August 15, 1969 issue. The photo depicted astronaut Buzz Aldrin as photographed by fellow traveller Neil Armstrong, and the issue sold 8,527,600 copies, which was actually down from the previous week, when 8,666,219 sold.

????The publication regained some of its mojo with the August 22 issue, which sold 8,572,569 copies. The cover took the number 13 spot on the American Society of Magazine Editors’ October 2005 list.

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