特斯拉Model X全方位起底

倍受期待而又屢次跳票的特斯拉第三款電動車型(并不是特斯拉另一款即將上市的車型Model 3)預計將于今年秋天上市。這款車讓市場等了太久了。這款全電動跨界車型成功與否,對于特斯拉能否躋身主流汽車廠商之列至關重要。它也將檢驗特斯拉的生產能力。不知道這輛Model X能否吸引那些想帶孩子去太浩湖旅行的父母們。 “Model X作為一輛SUV的表現,很可能比Model S作為轎車的表現還要好。” ——特斯拉CEO穆斯克今年6月在公司年度股東大會上如是說 價格:7萬-10.5萬美元 續(xù)航里程:215-270英里 馬力:329-700匹 預訂:超過2萬輛 加速:從靜止加速至時速60英里約需3-5秒 研發(fā)成本:特斯拉第一季度的資本支出為4.26億美元 *大部分用于Model X的生產 |
Tesla’s hotly anticipated, long-delayed third model — not to be confused with the upcoming Model 3 — is expected to ship this fall. It’s been a long time coming. The success of the all-electric crossover vehicle is crucial for Tesla’s mainstream automaker ambitions, testing its production capacity and ability to appeal to parents who take family trips to Tahoe. Here’s a look. “The Model X may arguably be a better SUV than the Model S is a Sedan.” —Tesla CEO Elon Musk at the company’s annual shareholder meeting in June Price: $70,000-$105,000 Range: 215 to 270 miles Power: 329 to 700 hp Preorders: More than 20,000 Acceleration: 0-60 mph in 3-5 seconds R&D: $426 million in Q1 Tesla capital expenditures* *majority earmarked for Model X production |

特斯拉Model X的競爭對手:電動版寶馬X5、保時捷卡宴混合動力版、沃爾沃XC90混合動力版、奧迪Q6電動版