


Kirsten Korosec 2015年07月16日




????去年4月,特斯拉開始向中國客戶交付Model S電動車,秋季以前又在日本出貨,挺進亞洲的行動正式拉開帷幕。不到一年內(nèi),該公司在日本開設(shè)了三家體驗店、一家服務(wù)中心、六家被稱為超級充電站的免費快速充電站點,以及25個目的地充電樁。

????特斯拉進軍中國的步子邁得更大。為實現(xiàn)高銷量,這家制造商在中國進行了大規(guī)模招聘,最終共聘請員工600人。在體驗店和服務(wù)中心開張的同時,該公司開始積極打造超級充電站和目的地充電樁構(gòu)成的網(wǎng)絡(luò),而且這些充電設(shè)施都設(shè)在Model S車主常光顧的酒店、購物中心和度假村內(nèi)。




????美國投行Jefferies LLC的分析師丹·多列夫認為,市場對特斯拉在華銷量的擔憂被夸大。Jefferies今年春季發(fā)布的一項調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),2020年,僅靠北美和西歐兩個市場的銷量,特斯拉就能達到其50萬輛的年度銷售目標。



????他將韓國的潛力與挪威對比。去年,Model S成為挪威最暢銷的車。




????Tesla Motors isn’t in Korea just yet. But a job posting for a vice president of sales for Japan and Korea hints at the luxury all-electric automaker’s expansionist ambitions.

????Tesla TSLA 1.16% is certainly considering Korea, but for now the company is focused on building out its supercharger and destination charger network, as well as other infrastructure in existing Asian markets such as Japan, China, and Hong Kong, spokeswoman Alexis Georgeson told Fortune.

????Tesla believes Asia—and China in particular—could become one of its largest markets within a few years. The company has said in previous quarterly reports that it plans to expand in China as quickly as possible.

????Tesla’s foray into Asia began in April 2014 when it started delivering its Model S sedan to customers in China, and then to Japan by fall. In less than a year, Tesla has opened three stores, a service center, six free fast-charging stations known as superchargers, and 25 destination charging locations in Japan.

????Its entry into China was more aggressive. Tesla, aiming to meet lofty sales goals, went on a hiring spree in China. The company eventually amassed a staff of 600 people, opened stores and service centers, and began an aggressive rollout of its network of superchargers and destination charging stations, which are located at hotels, shopping centers, and resorts frequented by Model S owners.

????China proved to be a tougher market to conquer than initially anticipated. The company sold an estimated 3,500 cars in 2014, below its sales goal and behind electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles produced by Chinese rivals BYD and BAIC. Sales continued to lag in the beginning of 2015. Elon Musk, Tesla’s chairman, chief executive, and largest stockholder, has placed much of the blame on a misconception among Chinese consumers that charging is difficult there.

????The weaker than expected sales led to executive turnover and a restructuring; hiring came to a stand still.

????Today, Tesla’s Asia job postings paint a more hopeful picture of its future in the region. There are at least 60 open positions in China, mostly in Beijing, and around 35 or so in Japan. Those numbers don’t come close to the hundreds of positions in North America. Then again, it’s an uptick from the one lone job position in China—a massive economy of 1.35 billion people—that was posted back in March.

????Dan Dolev, an analyst with Jefferies LLC, says concerns about sales in China are overblown. A Jefferies survey released this spring found Tesla could achieve its 2020 sales target of 500,000 cars a year in North America and Western Europe alone.

????“Conquering China is a bigger long-term goal,” Dolev told Fortune. “They’re still plugging along in China and I don’t think they’ve turned the corner yet. But remember, the problem they have in China is not about demand, it was infrastructure, which they are fixing, and perception. So infrastructure is a good problem to have in the sense that once they get more stores, more service stations, more charging stations, things will turn around.”

????So what about Korea? Dolev stresses that China is really the No. 1 priority in Asia, although he expects eventually the company will expand there.

????He compares the market in Korea to that of Norway, where the Model S became the top-selling car in 2014.

????“Being the king of Norway, where the population is 5 million, doesn’t move the needle,” Dolev says. “Korea is 10 times bigger than Norway, but China is the real prize.”

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