
怎么使Model S的價格便宜一半?特斯拉有了新計劃

怎么使Model S的價格便宜一半?特斯拉有了新計劃

Kirsten Korosec 2015年07月27日











????薩姆·杰斐曾在清潔能源研究和分析機構(gòu)Navigant Research長期從事分析工作,現(xiàn)在他是初創(chuàng)公司Cygnus Energy Storage的首席執(zhí)行官。他認(rèn)為,目前大多數(shù)電池中的硅含量都非常低,包括消費電子產(chǎn)品使用的電池。



????Model X和作為供應(yīng)商的特斯拉

????車輛估值及汽車市場研究機構(gòu)Kelley Blue Book高級分析師卡爾?布勞爾對《財富》雜志表示:“所有業(yè)內(nèi)人士都有很大的動力來不斷改進電池技術(shù)。這當(dāng)然是特斯拉的命根子?!?/p>

????他說,特斯拉的Model X SUV備受期待,為此該公司必須提高電池容量。這是因為Model X較重,不提高電池容量的話,行駛里程就會縮短。



????譯者: Charlie


????An Electrode Particle Walks Into a Party

????Think of the battery electrode as a room and a lot of electrode particles—or people— are packed in there for a party, Dahn explains. Now imagine that everybody in that room suddenly becomes obese; the people aren’t going to fit anymore.

????“If everyone is already packed in there and they all become 400 pounds, you’re in big trouble,” says Dahn.

????This is what happens when all the particles in the electrode are silicon. But if only a few people in the room become obese, it’s not so bad because they can shuffle around and make enough space for these obese folks.

????“This is why only a small amount of silicon is being initially added,” Dahn says.

????That’s not the only issue with using silicon. To take the crowded room analogy a step further, imagine these obese people (or electrode particles) shrink when the battery is charged and then blow up again when it’s discharged. That enormous volume change causes another issue. The surface of every silicon particle is in contact with the electrolyte, and the protective film on the silicon is continually being stretched as the size of those particles change. When it shrinks it can flake off, which can impact the lifespan of the battery.

????This means that the more silicon you put in, the more challenging it is to maintain cycle life, Dahn says.

????Which brings us to where battery makers and researchers are today.

????“Right now, you put in a touch—a little pixie dust—and it’s tolerable,” says Dahn. “Over the years, more and more will go in and that’s a good thing because it means these products are going to improve and get better.”

????Dahn’s research team aims to increase both the energy density and the lifespan of lithium-ion cells, which could, in turn, help drive down costs in automotive and grid energy storage applications. They aren’t the only ones. “There are quite a few companies around the world that are starting to put silicon in the negative electrode,” explains Dahn. “And it’s not just Panasonic, Tesla’s supplier. Samsung and other companies around the world are doing this too.”

????Most batteries today, even those in consumer electronics, have tiny amounts of silicon, says Sam Jaffe, a longtime analyst, formerly of Navigant Research, and now CEO of startup Cygnus Energy Storage.

????The question is what percentage of silicon is Tesla using. The industry standard is between 1 to 3% silicon in battery recipes, Jaffe says. He believes Tesla has figured out how to use more.

????“For them to have made a significant change in the energy density of the battery and then to publicly say it’s the silicon increase makes me think—and this is speculation now—that they’ve made progress getting higher percentages of silicon into the cell,” Jaffe says.

????Model X and Tesla as a Supplier

????“There’s a lot of incentive to continue to improve this battery technology for everyone in the industry,” Karl Brauer, a senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book, told Fortune. “It’s certainly the lifeblood for Tesla.”

????Tesla had to increase the battery capacity for the highly anticipated Model X SUV because it’s heavier and without it, the vehicle would have lost range, Brauer says.

????Brauer also believes the focus on battery tech isn’t just to improve the cars, but to set the company up as a supplier.

????With many companies already anticipating the use of cheaper, more powerful lithium-ion batteries and competing to apply that technology to residential and commercial power grid applications, Tesla’s move could put them at the forefront of a newly revolutionized energy industry.

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