
中國精子銀行用iPhone 6S招徠捐贈者

中國精子銀行用iPhone 6S招徠捐贈者

Scott Cendrowski 2015年09月28日
國內(nèi)兩家精子銀行日前發(fā)帖稱:“無需賣腎,獻精輕松擁有6S!”鼓勵男性捐贈精子以獲得5000元人民幣的補貼來購買最新款iPhone 6S。這款手機的搶手程度由此可見一斑。

????中國消費者正在熱切期盼到手一部iPhone 6S,就連精子庫也開始用它來吸引捐贈者。




????對蘋果而言,中國市場極為重要。蘋果上一季度在中國的收入增長了110%。中國大陸加上香港和臺灣,貢獻了蘋果總收入的三分之一。而對中國而言,蘋果也同樣重要。在中國人看來,iPhone絕不只是一部智能手機,而是一個價值1000美元的飾品。蘋果首席執(zhí)行官蒂姆·庫克曾說過,為Apple Watch和iPhone 6S搭配玫瑰金色的靈感正是來自中國消費者。在中國幾乎每一個城市,你都可以看到二十多歲的年輕人、政府官員,當(dāng)然還有暴發(fā)戶手拿金色款iPhone手機。

????分析家表示,iPhone 6S的預(yù)定訂單可能有多達20%來自中國。這款手機近日已經(jīng)成為了閑聊中熱議的話題。前幾天,一名北京的房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀人就擬定了購買計劃。他嘆道:“在大陸買太貴了,香港就要便宜得多?!彼麥蕚淙ツ抢飺屬徱徊俊?/p>

????舊款iPhone 6 Plus在香港的售價比中國大陸低300美元。這促使走私者想盡花招,試圖在出入境時夾帶手機。




????The iPhone 6S is so anxiously awaited in China that sperm banks are using it to lure donors.

????Two sperm centers posted messages on the country’s Facebook analogue, Tencent’s WeChat, this week encouraging men to donate so they have the cash to buy the new Apple phone that is expected to retail for about $1,000 in mainland China.

????“You don’t need to give up a kidney to raise cash to buy an iPhone 6s as you can get enough money just by donating sperm!” the advertisements said, according to the South China Morning Post.

????In central Hubei province, the going rate for samples from some young to middle-aged men was 5,000 yuan ($800). The Post said the ads had already attracted 400,000 views.

????While China is hugely important to Apple right now—China revenues grew 110% last quarter and the region including Hong Kong and Taiwan comprises almost a third of total revenues— Apple is just as important to China. The iPhone is not just a smartphone to Chinese, but a $1,000 accessory. Apple CEO Tim Cook has said Chinese consumers were the inspiration for the rose gold color of the Apple Watch and now the iPhone 6S. In nearly every Chinese city you see gold iPhone 6s held by aspiring 20-somethings, government officials, and of course the nouveau riche.

????Analysts say China may have driven as much as 20% of 6S preorders and the phone has become part of small talk these days. On a recent day in Beijing, a real estate agent laid out his plan for buying one. “They’re expensive here,” he bemoaned. “Much better prices in Hong Kong.” That’s where he’d go for one.

????The old iPhone 6 Plus sold for $300 dollars less in Hong Kong than mainland China and drove smugglers to find ever more inventive ways to hide phones while crossing the border.

????It may not be surprising, then, that sperm banks are joining the hype.

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