


S. Kumar 2015年09月29日






????與此同時,Mac臺式機和PC的銷量差距逐漸縮小,這非常有利于蘋果改善自身平臺上的微軟產(chǎn)品性能。換句話說,借助自身硬件銷量的提升以及微軟云服務(wù)Office 365的高人氣這兩大利好,蘋果可以大賺一筆。根據(jù)美國產(chǎn)業(yè)工業(yè)聯(lián)合會的數(shù)據(jù),Office 365的使用率已經(jīng)超過了Google Apps和Salesforce。

????微軟Office 365的火爆人氣,一方面可能源于可靠性和熟悉的操作界面,另一方面還免去了企業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)向云環(huán)境時耗費重金培訓(xùn)員工適應(yīng)新平臺的人力物力。此外,微軟也在推廣上下了大力氣,這才讓它重奪王位。與此同時,蘋果推出了12.9英寸的新款iPad Pro。根據(jù)投資者研究網(wǎng)站Motley Fool和其他機構(gòu)的預(yù)計,它將幫助蘋果進一步擴大企業(yè)市場的份額。值得一提的是,根據(jù)IDC的數(shù)據(jù),即便平板電腦市場有萎縮之虞,2合1混合型筆記本市場依舊在今年增長了86.5%。


????這個問題需要從兩個層面來回答。分析師們認為,盡管微軟的Surface業(yè)務(wù)正在健康發(fā)展,但iPad Pro似乎擁有更好的前景。這就意味著對微軟而言,如果想要讓Office接觸到盡可能多的用戶,攜手蘋果不僅是一個不錯的選擇,而且是一個必然選擇。蘋果產(chǎn)品系統(tǒng)高度關(guān)聯(lián)而且粘性很大。要么加入,要么與其徹底絕緣。





????During a presentation at Dreamforce last week, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella reportedly demonstrated the Outlook mobile app on the iPhone first before switching to a Windows phone. This is surprising, given that Apple and Microsoft were bitter rivals at one time. And earlier this month, Apple surprised everyone when itinvited a Microsoft representative to present at the event unveiling its new iPhone and other products.

????Not that we should read too much into both events, but the instances remind me how much both companies could benefit by forming a partnership.

????Apple is a consumer company. More than 60% of its sales come from its flagship iPhone. But even though Apple’s global market share continues to climb, the sales growth for smartphones is declining and competition from Android devices is likely to remain fierce. That means the company needs supplement its consumer business by expanding its presence in the lucrative enterprise market, which is estimated to reach $620 billion this year.

????The growth in tablets (like the iPad) is being driven by business adoption, according to research from Forrester cited by AppleInsider. In addition, Forrester also sees Apple as being strongly positioned to reap the benefits of this growth, especially through itspartnership with IBM . An alliance with Microsoft will only help this process and strengthen Apple’s position in the important enterprise market.

????Microsoft’s Office suite, which includes popular programs like Excel, Word and PowerPoint, are used by 1.2 billion people, according to the company. Products from Google and others offer some competition but Microsoft Office remains the gold standard of business software due its long history with users and the ubiquity of PCs in the workplace. So while the Office for iPad and Office for iPhone apps have been downloaded 80 million times, that still leaves a large market of loyal Office users for Apple to target.

????Moreover, as the gap between PC sales versus those of Macs narrows over time, Apple is in an ideal position to take advantage of this trend by improving the performance of Microsoft products on its platform. In other words, Apple could get a double hit due to increasing sales of its own hardware and surging popularity of Microsoft Office 365, its cloud service, which is now beating both Google Apps and Salesforce in terms of usage, according to CIO.

????Likely reasons for Microsoft Office 365’s popularity include reliability and familiarity, the cost and difficulty of re-training employees on new platforms as companies migrate to the cloud, and a push by Microsoft to retake the crown. At the same time, Apple has introduced its new 12.9 inch iPad Pro, which is expected to help the company expand further into the enterprise market, according to investor research siteMotley Fool and others. It’s worth noting that even though the tablet market is projected to decline, the 2-1 hybrid device market (of which the iPad Pro is a part) is slated to grow by 86.5% this year, according to IDC.

????Ironically, Microsoft’s Surface line competes head on with iPads in the business segment. But then that’s all the more reason why improved performance of Microsoft’s Office products on the Apple platform is critical. Without it, Apple could lose competitive ground to Surface and other devices. This does, of course, bring up an interesting question: why would Microsoft agree to cooperate with Apple if it could potentially hurt its own hardware sales?

????The answer is two-fold. While Microsoft’s Surface business is healthy, the iPad Pro seems to have far brighter prospects, according to analysts. That means cooperation with Apple is not only desirable for Microsoft, but necessary, in its own bid to reach the widest possible audience for Office. Apple’s products exist in a highly inter-connected and sticky ecosystem; you’re either part of it or not.

????Another reason that Microsoft needs Apple is because the company is morphing from being a software provider to a cloud-based services company, especially over mobile devices. With Apple iOS’ market share in the mobile arena nearly 7 times that of Microsoft, the latter needs Apple’s users to maximize its reach.

????All of this points to the fact that a burgeoning partnership between Apple and Microsoft is sensible, inevitable and overdue.

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