


Dan Primack 2015年10月18日

????10月13日 ,老牌電腦制造商惠普公司的首席執(zhí)行官梅格·惠特曼預(yù)計(jì),戴爾斥資640億美元收購EMC的交易將產(chǎn)生“混亂”,創(chuàng)造“真正屬于惠普的機(jī)會(huì)”。同日,美國知名科技網(wǎng)站Re/Code報(bào)道,在簽訂EMC收購協(xié)議以前,戴爾曾嘗試出售旗下個(gè)人電腦業(yè)務(wù),但沒找到買家。


????據(jù)悉,惠普就是當(dāng)初拒絕了戴爾個(gè)人電腦業(yè)務(wù)交易邀約的公司之一,當(dāng)時(shí)惠普之所以拒絕主要是因?yàn)樵摴菊幱诓鸱譃閮杉要?dú)立公司HP Inc.和HP Enterprise的沖刺階段。分拆過程定于本月末收尾。完成分拆后,HP Inc.將經(jīng)營個(gè)人電腦和打印機(jī)業(yè)務(wù),HP Enterprise將出售服務(wù)器和其他商用硬件?;萏芈鼘㈩I(lǐng)導(dǎo)HP Enterprise公司,同時(shí)出任HP Inc.公司的非執(zhí)行董事長(zhǎng)。

????即將擔(dān)任HP Inc.公司首席執(zhí)行官的迪昂·韋斯勒10月13日 預(yù)計(jì),戴爾會(huì)“分散精力”。他敦促本公司的銷售人員“主動(dòng)追討戴爾應(yīng)付的帳款”。但他的語氣比惠特曼的克制些。我估計(jì)那是因?yàn)轫f斯勒想要留條后路,這樣一旦惠普的拆分完成,有時(shí)間鞏固自身業(yè)務(wù)之時(shí),還可以將戴爾的個(gè)人電腦業(yè)務(wù)收入囊中。





????Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman yesterday predicted that Dell’s $64 billion purchase of EMC Corp. EMC -2.79% will result in “chaos,” thus creating a “real opportunity for HP.” At the same time, Re/Code reported that Dell explored a sale of its PC business before signing the EMC agreement, but couldn’t find any takers.

????Despite the shade and failure, don’t be surprised if HP and Dell’s PC unit don’t eventually get married.

????HP HPQ -0.24% reportedly was among those that passed on Dell’s offer, but that was primarily because it was in the final stages of splitting into a pair of separate companies. That process is set to wrap up at the end of this month, after which HP Inc. will sell PCs and printers, while Hewlett Packard Enterprise will sell servers and other business hardware. Whitman will be leading the latter company, and serve as non-executive chairman of the former.

????The incoming CEO of HP Inc., Dion Weisler, also said yesterday that Dell would be “distracted,” and urged his sales teams to “aggressively pursue Dell accounts” — but was a bit more measured in his language than was Whitman. My guess is that was because Weisler wanted to make sure not to burn bridges, so that he can scoop up Dell’s PC business once the HP split has occurred and had a bit of time to solidify.

????HP Inc. is the single most logical landing spot for Dell’s PC business, as they are number one and number two, respectively, in terms of market share (albeit a sinking market, as Dell’s gross profit for the segment fell 26% in the first half of its latest fiscal year). Moreover, Dell still has plenty of reason to sell, since proceeds could be used to pay down the massive pile of debt that it will amass from the EMC merger. Moreover, the EMC deal makes it even clearer that Dell views itself as more of an enterprise tech company than a consumer one.

????Now all we need to do is wait for this second shoe to drop…

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