


《財(cái)富》 2015-11-26











此外,獨(dú)角獸公司等待上市的時間越長——這是由喬布斯法案(JOBS Act)以及像共同基金這樣的短期風(fēng)投旅游者所導(dǎo)致的—投資機(jī)構(gòu)所承擔(dān)的風(fēng)險就越多。到了某個節(jié)點(diǎn)上,風(fēng)投基金的投資人就會要求收回資金。

網(wǎng)上調(diào)查公司Qualtrics的首席執(zhí)行官瑞安?史密斯(Ryan Smith)在《財(cái)富》雜志舉辦的“科技頭腦風(fēng)暴大會”(Brainstorm Tech conference)上說,因?yàn)榕e行大規(guī)模集資活動而獲得稱譽(yù)就像“祝賀某人拿到了抵押一樣?!睕r且,我們都知道,簽署太多的抵押憑據(jù),卻又不太關(guān)心它們?nèi)绾蔚玫絻斶€,其結(jié)果會怎樣。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))





The legendary Silicon Valley venture capitalist Michael Moritz has been sounding the alarm about high valuations of “unicorn” startups for months, and this week he even invoked the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs to take those companies to task.

In a post on LinkedIn, which originally ran as an op-ed in the Financial Times, Sequoia Capital chairman Moritz implored the unicorns—private companies with valuations of $1 billion or more—to “count the nickels,” and to demonstrate the Apple AAPL -2.90% founder’s scrappy hunger for success if they hope to follow in his footsteps.

“It is easy to forget that, when he was a student, the man who brought us the Macintosh, iPhone and iPad (and, with his little finger, Pixar) collected bottle caps to make ends meet,” Moritz wrote. “It is on that spell, rather than the enormous public profile commanded by Steve Jobs in his later years, that would-be emulators should dwell.”

Consider, Moritz wrote, that Apple was valued at $1.2 billion when it went public in 1980 (or about $3.6 billion in today’s dollars). Jobs, along with his co-founder Steve Wozniak and then-CEO Michael Scott, owned roughly 40% of the company “l(fā)argely because they had been so efficient (and parsimonious) with the small amount of outside capital they had raised.”

While praising the value of hard work as illustrated by Jobs, Moritz also warned that today’s startups will have to work even harder, because “at least in Silicon Valley, it is also more difficult and expensive to build a company up than it was at the end of the 1970s and early 1980s.”

Moritz cited a slew of obstacles, from intense competition for talent to the high cost of rent. Here is an excerpt:

The fact that there are more technology behemoths—Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft—than at any time in history makes life tougher for the start-ups. These companies, together with a raft of smaller, rapidly growing, profitable ones (and, increasingly, several Chinese businesses with Silicon Valley outposts) are run by people eager to conquer new frontiers. That has had a dramatic effect on the cost of start-up labour.

Since January, 59 new startups got their unicorn horns—with brand-new billion-dollar valuations. Only three went public, and none were acquired.

This isn’t how venture capital is supposed to work. Even if you assume that $1billion valuations for zerorevenue companies make sense, the purpose of funding them is still to generate a return.

And the longer unicorns wait to go public—enabled by both the JOBS Act and VC tourists like mutual funds—the more risk funds assume. At some point investors in VC funds are going to demand their money.

Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith said at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference this year that getting kudos for a large fundraise is “l(fā)ike congratulating someone for taking on their mortgage.” And we all know what happens when too many mortgages are written without paying enough attention to how they’re going to be paid off.

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