


Kirsten Korosec 2016年01月26日







2010年被浙江吉利控股集團(tuán)收購(gòu)的沃爾沃,一直在研發(fā)自動(dòng)駕駛功能,包括允許駕駛員通過(guò)方向盤(pán)上專門(mén)設(shè)計(jì)的控制桿激活和關(guān)閉自動(dòng)駕駛模式。這個(gè)名為“IntelliSafe Auto Pilot”的人機(jī)界面,將首先用在100輛沃爾沃XC90上。沃爾沃計(jì)劃將這100輛汽車(chē)提供給2017年在瑞典哥德堡開(kāi)始的“Drive Me”項(xiàng)目。

These days, buying a car typically involves some online research, a visit to a local dealer, and a little imagination—if you can’t get an up close view of the vehicle.

Volvo wants to break free from this limited buying experience by using HoloLens, Microsoft’s yet-to-be-released, augmented reality device. The automaker announced it would work with Microsoft to incorporate the device into the car-buying experience. But this partnership won’t be limited to just using augmented reality—the companies plan to work on autonomous driving technologies as well, and use the enormous amount of data generated from connected cars to create other new services.

During a demonstration at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Wash. where the partnership was announced, attendees were shown how the Windows-maker’s augmented reality interface could be used by Volvo customers to configure cars in three dimensions. For example, wearing HoloLens, an untethered, wearable holographic computer, customers can explore the ins and outs of their potential purchase, changing features, colors, and other options.

But don’t expect HoloLens at local Volvo dealers anytime soon. Sascha Heiniger, a spokesman for Volvo’s connected car division, told Fortune that at this stage, it’s too early to talk about a concrete introduction date. In other words, stay tuned for future announcements.

Still, the Volvo collaboration also helps Microsoft, which has said in the past that it wants HoloLens to be more than an entertainment device. Microsoft has invested heavily in both augmented reality and virtual reality technology, which are two businesses that are expected to generate $150 billion in combined annual revenue by 2020, according to Digi-Capital, a research and advising firm.

Meanwhile, automakers are in a technological race todevelop self-driving vehicles that will turn drivers into passengers. Audi, Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz, Ford, and Tesla are just a few automakers that are developing autonomous driving features. Microsoft competitors Apple and Google are also developing driverless cars.

Volvo, which was acquired by Zhejiang Geely Holding of China in 2010, has been working on autonomous features that include an interface which will allow drivers to activate and deactivate the self-driving mode through specially-designed paddles on the steering wheel. The interface, called IntelliSafe Auto Pilot, will be available for the first time on 100 XC90 model cars that Volvo will make available for its Drive Me project in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2017.

2015年洛杉磯車(chē)展上發(fā)布的Concept 26概念車(chē)。

沃爾沃一直在嘗試各種方式,讓汽車(chē)在完全受控的情況下,從駕駛員駕駛向全自動(dòng)駕駛模式過(guò)渡。在2015年洛杉磯車(chē)展上,沃爾沃公布了其中一種想法——專屬座椅設(shè)計(jì)和娛樂(lè)信息中心,當(dāng)駕駛員在駕駛模式與放松模式之間轉(zhuǎn)換時(shí),座椅和娛樂(lè)信息中心可自動(dòng)進(jìn)行調(diào)整。當(dāng)駕駛員希望汽車(chē)接管駕駛的時(shí)候,這款Concept 26汽車(chē)的方向盤(pán)可以伸縮,座椅可放倒,儀表板上會(huì)突然出現(xiàn)一個(gè)大的顯示器。Concept 26代表每天平均26分鐘的通勤時(shí)間。




Volvo has also experimented with ways to transition consumers from driving to full autonomous mode, in which the car is in total control. One idea, which debuted this week at the 2015 LA Auto Show, is an interior seat design and infotainment center that adjusts as the driver moves from driving to relaxing. Concept 26—named to reflect the average daily commute to work of 26 minutes—makes the steering wheel retract, the seat recline, and a large display suddenly emerge from the dashboard, when the driver wants the car to take over.

Fully autonomous vehicles may be years, perhaps decades away, largely because regulations have not caught up with technology. This is why Volvo has focused on other implementing tech, such as Microsoft’s HoloLens, in the meantime. For instance, the augmented reality device could could be a particularly handy sales tool device as Volvo starts rolling out its new plug-in electric hybrid vehicles. The company is aiming for at least 10% of its global sales to come from electrified cars by 2020. To reach that goal, it will have to convince consumers to move away from gas-powered engines. The company is also planning to add plug-in hybrid vehicles across its entire product range, to develop a whole new line of smaller, electric cars, and to build an all-electric vehicle for sale by 2019.

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