一說到可穿戴設備,大多數(shù)人都會想到蘋果手表或健身追蹤器FitBit這種戴在手腕上的硬件。當然,有些公司的產(chǎn)品更具創(chuàng)意,比如用來監(jiān)測睡眠質(zhì)量的智能戒指和智能項鏈,可以當手機揚聲器使用的智能手包等等。不過,最新一波面向女性的可穿戴設備走得更遠——正在進入我們的身體。 女性可穿戴技術公司Chiaro的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼CEO塔妮婭?波勒爾表示:“一些人談論的‘自我量化’,是能夠被追蹤的最后一個領域。”該公司首個產(chǎn)品是一款名為Elvie的盆底肌鍛煉追蹤器。波勒爾表示,廣大女性經(jīng)常會忽視盆底肌,或者對這個部位不夠了解。如今,每三個女性當中就有一人存在盆底肌方面的問題,其中又有很多人平時不做骨盆運動。 波勒爾解釋道:“很多女性知道她們需要做骨盆運動,但她們不知道自己做得對不對,也不知道是否有效?!蓖ㄟ^連接智能手機應用,Elvie可以探測到一名女性做骨盆運動的方式是否正確,并可以追蹤通過這項鍛煉所取得的進步。 亞歷山大?亞希利是該公司另一名創(chuàng)始人,他也是健身追蹤器Jawbone的董事長和創(chuàng)始人。波勒爾表示,亞希利在Chiaro的身份一開始只是投資人,后來他意識到可穿戴設備在女性健康領域大有可為,于是親自參與了公司的創(chuàng)辦歷程。 根據(jù)波勒爾估算,用于防止小便失禁(這也是盆底肌無力導致的問題之一)的產(chǎn)品的市場規(guī)模達1700萬美元,這還不包括那些只是單純地想提高性愛質(zhì)量和健康水平的女性。自從Chiaro于2013年8月成立以來,該公司已經(jīng)獲得300萬美元融資,其投資人包括谷歌地圖聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人拉爾斯?拉斯姆森。 |
When we think about wearables, most of us imagine the Apple Watch, or the fitness tracker FitBit—hardware that is worn on our wrists. Of course, some companies have gotten more creative, with smartrings, necklaces that track your sleep, and clutches that double as phone speakers. But a new wave of wearables for women is going even further: inside our bodies. “When people talk about the ‘quantified self,’ this is the final frontier of what can be tracked,” says Tania Boler, co-founder and CEO of Chiaro, a women’s wearable tech company. Chiaro’s first product is Elvie, an exercise tracker for the pelvic floor, which Boler says is largely ignored and misunderstood. One in three women have pelvic floor problems, yet many are deterred from doing Kegel exercises. “A lot of women know they need to do them, but they can’t tell whether they’re doing them correctly and they don’t know if it’s working,” she explains. Linked to a smartphone app, Elvie can sense whether a woman is doing Kegels correctly and track her progress with the exercises. Boler’s co-founder is Alexander Asseily, the chairman and founder of fitness tracker Jawbone. Asseily initially came on board as an investor, but later became a founder when he recognized the size of the market opportunity for wearables in the women’s health space, Boler says. Boler puts the market for products to prevent accidental leakage—one of the problems associated with a weak pelvic floor—at $17 million. And that doesn’t factor in women who are looking to have better sex or simply be healthier. The company has raised $3 million in funding since launching in August 2013, and includes Lars Rasmussen, co-founder of Google Maps, among its investors. |
另一個重要的女性可穿戴設備市場是生育生殖領域,蒙大拿州博爾德市的Kindara公司是這個市場上最大的初創(chuàng)公司之一,目前已經(jīng)謀得近700萬美元融資。這家公司由凱瑟琳?比克奈爾和威廉?薩克斯夫婦創(chuàng)辦,不過現(xiàn)在由薩克斯一個人領導。薩克斯對生育健康領域非常有激情。他表示:“這是一件美好而神奇的事,沒有人真正了解?!?/p> Kindara公司旗艦產(chǎn)品Wink,是一款可以根據(jù)生理溫度測定女性排卵期,并且能夠連接智能手機的生育溫度計。這款產(chǎn)品對于想懷孕的女性非常有吸引力,當然,它對那些想通過安全期避孕的女性也同樣具有吸引力。薩克斯表示:“我們正在解決一個極具價值的問題,還有什么事情比決定一個人類是否降生更重要呢?” |
Another major area of opportunity for women’s health wearables is in reproductive health and fertility. One of the biggest players in the space is Boulder-based Kindara, which has raised nearly $7 million from investors so far. Co-founded by husband-and-wife team Katherine Bicknell and William Sacks, it is now being led by Sacks alone, who is passionate about fertility. “It’s this beautiful, magical thing, and no one really knows a thing about it,” he says. Kindara’s flagship product is the Wink, a fertility thermometer that links to a smartphone and tracks a woman’s fertility cycle over time. The product appeals to women who want to get pregnant, of course, but also to those who use fertility awareness to avoid it, says Sacks. “We’re solving a really high-value problem. What’s more important than whether or not another human being born or not born?” |
隨著性愛玩具變得愈發(fā)智能,女性的性健康領域正在經(jīng)歷顛覆性創(chuàng)新。和前些年的震動棒相比,一些最新型的性愛玩具倒是與FitBit有更多的相似點。比如Vibease和OhMiBod等公司生產(chǎn)的性愛玩具都可以連接到智能手機上,使女性對她們的“自娛自樂”體驗有了前所未有的控制權(quán)——不管是由她們自己控制,還是把控制權(quán)交到其伴侶手上。 OhMiBod公司聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人蘇琪?鄧納姆表示,這項技術將與女人的性趣齊頭并進?!拔覀冋J為,這些產(chǎn)品能真正提高女性的性生活質(zhì)量?!彼赋觯纱┐髟O備和智能手機應用可以幫助女人了解自己的性喜好,并能將這些知識分享給她們的伴侶。OhMiBod的應用還包含一個“性高潮日志”功能(相當于MyFitnessPal,只不過它記錄的是性高潮)??纱┐髟O備Vibease則能夠和智能手機上的“性幻想小說”同步震動。OhMiBod的老板是鄧納姆和她的丈夫,Vibease目前已經(jīng)籌得價值11.1萬美元的種子資金。 |
Women’s sexual health is also being disrupted, with sex toys getting much smarter: The newest models have more in common with the FitBit than with the vibrators of years past. Companies like Vibease andOhMiBod link toys to smart phone apps, allowing women to have unprecedented control over their experiences—whether that means being in control themselves, or handing the reins over to a partner. Suki Dunham, co-founder of OhMiBod, says that tech and women’s sexuality go hand in hand. “We believe that these products can truly augment a woman’s love life,” she says, noting that apps and wearable can help women learn about their own sexuality and share that knowledge with a partner. For example, the OhMiBod app includes a journal function for orgasms (thinkMyFitnessPal, except for sex). The Vibease, which is completely wearable, has an option to have the toy sync to a “fantasy story” on a smartphone. While OhMiBod is co-owned by Dunham and her husband, Vibease has raised $111,000 in seed funding so far. |