


Jay Milliken 2016年03月04日














Chinese New Year (CNY), as one of the most important festivals in the Chinese calendar, is an important holiday in China for both the Chinese people and the brands that wish to engage with them.

To find out more about how consumers engage with brands during CNY, Prophet surveyed 1,000 consumers across three markets in January - Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore - regarding their attitudes on how brands participate in CNY.

The surprising part of the survey is that mainland respondents indicated that they are more likely to recommend brands to others (59%), try new brands (65%), or buy more from brands (64%) if those brands participate in CNY. While it is to be expected that consumers would buy more from brands that participate in CNY, it is not necessarily expected that those brands would also get trials and recommendations from consumers as well.

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies have an inherent advantage in using CNY as a brand building opportunity. The prominent role of food and gifting during CNY puts such brands at the center of the family. CPG companies benefit from being high engagement categories. They also have ready-made tools in their marketing tool-kit to use at CNY, vs. non-consumer oriented categories.

It is interesting to note that the majority of Chinese consumers we surveyed feel that Chinese brands and foreign brands are equally good at taking advantage of the CNY holiday to build their brand (41% equal vs. 34% Chinese better vs. 25% foreign better).

Traditionally, foreign brands have proven to be more adept at building a stronger emotional connection with consumers. Coca-Cola was the most frequently mentioned brand in the survey when consumers were asked which brand (Chinese or foreign) does a great job with CNY. Coca-Cola was mentioned four times more frequently than any Chinese packaged goods company (Jia Duo Bao was the top Chinese brand) and was mentioned three times more frequently than the next foreign packaged goods company (Ferraro Rocher). Why is Coca-Cola so highly regarded? In addition to many of the advantages listed previously for packaged goods companies, Coca-cola also has a brand idea around happiness and sharing which is highly aligned with CNY, and they are able to ruthlessly execute against that idea.

Chinese consumers give foreign brands permission to be both authentic (49% of Chinese consumers think it is very important for non-Chinese brands to be authentic with CNY activities vs. 22% in Singapore and 30% in Hong Kong) and surprising (34% of Mainland Chinese consumers think it is very important for non-Chinese brands to be surprising with CNY activities vs. 17% in Singapore and 12% in Hong Kong).

An example of a company that scored big on both of these attributes in recent CNY activity was Unilever’s Lifebuoy soap. Lifebuoy developed hongbao or red packets, used by family members and friends to give and receive money at Chinese New Year, from its unique anti-bacterial soap paper. The novel New Year’s packets, which can be used to gift money and wash hands, were sent to 270,000 target households in Shanghai. The packets increased Lifebuoy’s brand awareness in the Shanghai market by 17%, or the equivalent of US$830,000 in free impressions

Looking at our survey results raised two interesting questions. First, why aren’t more non-packaged goods companies on the list? The answer is that most non-packaged goods companies treat CNY as just another promotional opportunity, but consumers are interested in more than just traditional promotions.

Once exception to this generalization is Haier. The Chinese appliance maker catered to consumers’ emotional needs this CNY with a campaign called “Be your parents’ companion during CNY.” Haier partnered with China Railway to decorate train compartments with QR codes. People taking the train home for family reunions could scan the QR code and watch a short video on the meaning of reunion and the unconditional love of parents. Chinese consumers related strongly to the video and were touched by it, but it remains unclear whether this executional idea had any long-term brand impact.

The second question prompted by our look at the survey results was, what can other companies learn from those CPG companies that use CNY well? CPG companies fundamentally understand that CNY is a long-term brand building opportunity, not simply an opportunity to increase short-term sales.

What all brands in China, non-Chinese as well as Chinese, can learn from our survey is that they must engage Chinese consumers in new and authentic ways, not just at CNY, but throughout the year. They need to take a bit more risk to surprise consumers with events, experiences and great storytelling, but do so in an authentic way that matches the essence of their brand. The benefits to brands that heed this advice is a great opportunity to build brand loyalty with both existing and new customers.

Jay Milliken is a Senior Partner in Hong Kong at Prophet, a strategic brand and marketing consultancy.


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