


Tom Huddleston, Jr. 2016年04月04日







近幾年,制作預(yù)算和首映周末票房接近《蝙超》的超級(jí)英雄大片有三部,分別是迪士尼的《復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟2:奧創(chuàng)紀(jì)元》和《鋼鐵俠3》以及華納的《蝙蝠俠前傳3:黑暗騎士崛起》。電影票房統(tǒng)計(jì)網(wǎng)站Box Office Mojo的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,這三部電影的次周末票房平均比首周末低60%左右。




娛樂資訊網(wǎng)站The Hollywood Reporter認(rèn)為,《蝙超》票房高開得益于多個(gè)因素,其中之一是該片基本上在全球最大的幾個(gè)電影市場(chǎng)同時(shí)上映,包括中國(guó)。這也意味著它隨后的海外票房不會(huì)因?yàn)樯嫌硶r(shí)間較晚而出現(xiàn)波動(dòng)。該網(wǎng)站還指出,《蝙超》的首映周末觀眾大多是年輕白人男性,這個(gè)群體包括業(yè)界所說“狂熱粉絲”。對(duì)許多這樣的粉絲來說,無論評(píng)價(jià)多么尖刻,他們都會(huì)去看這部電影。還不清楚不那么熱衷于漫畫改編電影的觀眾是否會(huì)像前者一樣對(duì)批評(píng)者的“請(qǐng)勿觀影”勸誡置若罔聞。







This past weekend, movie theaters worldwide played host to a battle between two powerful forces. Fanboy enthusiasts collided head-on with an avalanche of negative critics deriding the latest superhero blockbuster, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, as a “disaster” and an “indigestible. . .mope-fest.”

The real winner—financially speaking, at least—might end up being Time Warner’sWarner Bros., the studio behind Dawn of Justice.The movie overcame its critical pummeling to rake in an impressive $166 million in domestic ticket sales in its first weekend. Worldwide, the superhero spectacle collected roughly $420 million on its way to posting one of the highest-grossing opening weekends of all-time, and the fourth-highest ever for a comic-book adaptation. The film has already more than made back the reported $250 million Warner Bros. spent on the film, not counting marketing and promotion costs.

That’s obviously great news for Warner Bros., which has a lot invested in this movie as a launching-pad for at least 10 more DC Comics films planned for release over the next four years. However, while hype and endless marketing helped Dawn of Justiceovercome the wealth of negative reviews for one weekend, it may still be too early for the movie studio to declare victory.

To say Dawn of Justice has received mixed reviews might be an understatement. The movie sports a very disappointing “29% Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes (based on reviews from more than 260 critics), though 73% of moviegoers on that site say they like it and the film received a “B” rating from audiences through CinemaScore. Is it possible the film’s overwhelmingly negative critical reception will catch up with audiences’ initial excitement? Or, can Dawn of Justice ride its opening weekend momentum to become one of this year’s biggest films (it would have to overtake another superhero movie, Deadpool)?

“Long-term, you always want to have good reviews,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at ComScore SCOR -0.10% . Great reviews bolsteredStar Wars: The Force Awakens‘ long-term success last year, he notes, helping the movie generate more than $2 billion in global ticket sales over roughly two months in theaters.

According to Bloomberg, Dawn of Justice would need to gross $1.15 billion worldwide in order to match the profits of comparable recent superhero films such as Walt Disney’s DIS 0.89% popular Marvel movies or Warner’s three most recent Batman films—a collection that includes many of the highest-grossing superhero films ever. Dawn of Justice is off to a great start, no doubt, but the film is due for a major drop-off at the box office starting this weekend, as is typically the case with even the biggest blockbusters.

A breakdown of three superhero blockbusters—Disney’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and Iron Man 3, as well as Warner’s The Dark Knight Rises—from the past few years, with similar production budgets and opening weekend grosses to Dawn of Justice, shows an average drop-off in ticket sales between the films’ first and second weekends of about 60%, according to Box Office Mojo.

In terms of overall gross, those three other films made an average of 40.6% of their total domestic box office gross in their first weekend. If Dawn of Justice follows a similar trajectory—a big ‘if’—it would ultimately pull in an estimated total of $408.4 million in domestic ticket sales, and perhaps as much as $1.1 billion worldwide, based on its overseas performance so far.

In other words, the movie’s success so far puts it on a path that would effectively silence its (many) critics, proving that negative reviews aren’t necessarily box office kryptonite.

Of course, Warner Bros. still has reason to be worried. The film’s critical drubbing could prevent it from seeing the kind of staying power that some of its superhero blockbuster predecessors experienced. (The three other films mentioned above averaged 80% Rotten Tomatoes scores from critics, led by a whopping 87% Fresh rating for the previous Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises.)

The Hollywood Reporter notes that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice‘s massive opening was propelled by a variety of factors, including the fact the film opened simultaneously in essentially all of the world’s largest movie markets, including China. That means the movie can’t count on a future bump in overseas revenue due to a delayed release schedule. THR also noted that Dawn of Justice‘s opening weekend audience base was largely made up of young, white males—a demographic that includes what the industry refers to as “fanboys,” many of whom likely would have turned out to see the film no matter the critical reception. It’s not yet known whether moviegoers less devoted to the comic book adaptation genre will be as willing to ignore critics’ pleas to skip the film.

Another major factor in Dawn of Justice‘s blockbuster first weekend is much more simple: timing. Nearly two years ago, Warner Bros. made the strategic decision to move up Batman v Superman‘s spring 2016 release to late-March from early-May. The reasoning was that an earlier release would give the film weaker box office competition by avoiding the early-May release of Marvel’sCaptain America: Civil War (May 6).

That plan worked, as the movie’s biggest competition last weekend was from Disney’s popular animated holdover Zootopia and another sequel in comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. Neither film grossed more than $25 million domestically over the weekend, and Dawn of Justicenow has five more weekends to try to cash in at the box office before another major tentpole film arrives in theaters.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros. can cross its fingers and hope that the positive financial buzz its movie generated over the weekend can manage to overshadow the seriously chilly reception critics have offered Clark Kent and the Caped Crusader.

One thing ComScore’s Dergarabedian is sure of is that he’s never seen this level of discussion around the disconnect between a film’s critical response and its box office success. What’s more, he adds, the fact that the industry and the media have spent so much time discussing these factors, “can only serve to make people more curious and interested in seeing the film.”

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