


Kirsten Korosec  2016年04月11日




公司表示,2017年,Drive Me項目將向哥德堡附近的消費者提供100輛沃爾沃XC90自動駕駛汽車,在日常駕駛條件下使用。測試用的汽車將配備英偉達(dá)Drive PX 2超級計算機,在特定氣候條件下可沿城市環(huán)線自動駕駛。

汽車制造商與谷歌(Google)等科技公司,正在展開一場將司機變成乘客的自動駕駛汽車競賽。奧迪(Audi)、戴姆勒(Daimler)的梅賽德斯-奔馳(Mercedes-Benz)、福特(Ford)、通用汽車(General Motors)、日產(chǎn)汽車(Nissan)、特斯拉(Tesla)和豐田汽車(Toyota)等均在開發(fā)自動駕駛功能。



去年,沃爾沃推出了一款設(shè)計,使駕駛員可以通過方向盤上特別設(shè)計的控制桿,激活和停用自動駕駛模式。這個名為“IntelliSafe Auto Pilot”的人機界面,將在沃爾沃為Drive Me項目提供的100輛汽車中率先使用。開發(fā)這一界面的目的是為了了解駕駛員在未來汽車中如何控制自動駕駛模式。(財富中文網(wǎng))


Volvo is expanding its landmark self-driving car project to China. The automaker, which was acquired was acquired by Zhejiang Geely Holding of China in 2010, announced plans on Wednesday to give local drivers in China access to 100 self-driving cars to test them in everyday driving conditions.

The company says it will begin negotiations with interested cities in China to see which one will able to provide the necessary permissions, regulations, and infrastructure required for the experiment. Volvo is on the verge of introducing a similar self-driving pilot called the DriveMe project in Sweden.

In 2017, the Drive Me project will make 100 XC90 self-driving model Volvos available to consumers around Gothenburg for use in everyday driving conditions, according to the company. The cars, which will be equipped with Nvidia’s Drive PX 2 supercomputer, will be driven autonomously in certain weather conditions and on one road that loops around the city.

Automakers as well as tech companies like Google GOOG 1.02% are in a race to develop self-driving tech that will turn drivers into passengers. Audi, Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz, Ford F 0.39% , General Motors @ GM 1.15% Nissan, Tesla TSLA 3.91% , and Toyota are developing autonomous driving features.

While these companies have been working on autonomous driving for years, most of the work has been done quietly in research and development departments. That all changed about a year ago after Google’s self-driving project introduced its own prototype and several automakers started to publicly share their progress and plans for autonomous driving.

Volvo has been among the more aggressive in this space, and sees autonomous driving systems as the tool that will help it meet its goal to have no one seriously injured or killed in a new Volvo by the year 2020. It also believes the introduction of autonomous driving will reduce traffic and pollution as well as create more valuable free time for drivers.

Last year, Volvo unveiled a design that will let drivers activate and deactivate the autonomous mode through specially-designed paddles on the steering wheel. The interface, called IntelliSafe Auto Pilot, will be available for the first time on 100 model cars that Volvo will make available for its Drive Me project. The interface was developed to oversee how drivers will transfer control to a car’s autonomous driving mode in future cars.

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