


Polina Marinova 2016年04月13日


威廉王子和凱特王妃在訪問印度的第二天,在The Social活動上,接見了多位最聰明的創(chuàng)新者。The Social是專為年輕創(chuàng)業(yè)者們提供的合作工作空間。

據(jù)報道,這兩位英國皇室成員嘗試了一臺印度薄餅制作機,一種新式盲人識字設(shè)備,還有一款賽車模擬裝置。在參觀此次科技活動的行程結(jié)束時,他們還啟動了第三屆年度“Tech Rocketship Awards”評選活動。據(jù)新德里英國高級專員公署(British High Commission New Delhi)表示,獲獎?wù)邔⒂袡C會前往英國進行為期一周的商務(wù)旅行,與風(fēng)險投資家和創(chuàng)業(yè)界的同行見面。


Mukunda Foods公司創(chuàng)始人兼CEO艾什瓦爾?維卡斯

威廉王子將面糊倒到“一臺印度薄餅機”的加熱板上,只需一分鐘便可以制作出煎餅、法式薄餅、印度薄餅和煎蛋餅。這項發(fā)明來自24歲的創(chuàng)新者、Mukunda Foods公司的創(chuàng)始人兼CEO艾什瓦爾?維卡斯。這款設(shè)備使用戶可以控制印度薄餅的厚度、尺寸和類型。


At a tech event on Monday in India, several top entrepreneurs got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pitch their startup concepts to two unlikely judges: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

On the second day of their India tour, Prince William and Princess Kate met with some of the brightest minds in innovation at The Social, a collaborative workspace for young entrepreneurs.

The royals reportedly tested out a dosa-making machine, a new Braille device, and a racing car simulator. At the end of their visit to the tech event, the couple kicked off the third annual Tech Rocketship Awards. Winners are eligible to go on a week-long business trip to the UK where they will meet with venture capitalists and fellow entrepreneurs, according to the British High Commission New Delhi.

Here are the entrepreneurs who met Their Royal Highnesses on Monday:

Eshwar Vikas, founder and CEO of Mukunda Foods

Prince William poured batter onto “a dosamatic machine” hot plate that makes pancakes, crepes, dosas and omelettes in just one minute. The invention is the brainchild of 24-year-old innovator founder and CEO of Mukunda Foods, Eshwar Vikas. The machine allows users to control the thickness, size and type of the dosa. After the Duke of Cambridge took a bite, Vikas reportedly told the media, “The Duke told me he and the Duchess love dosas and he said it was a wonderful machine. He said they would love to have one in their palace and the Duchess said that because you can also use it to make pancakes the whole of London will want one.”

2016年4月11日,印度孟買,劍橋公爵、威廉王子和劍橋公爵夫人凱瑟琳王妃,在訪問孟買期間,接見年輕的創(chuàng)業(yè)者。(攝影師:Heathcliff O’Malley-Pool/蓋蒂圖片社)


雖然無法確定馬恒達車隊(Mahindra Racing)的哪些隊員出席了此次科技活動,但威廉王子在試玩該車隊的賽車模擬裝置時,玩得很開心。馬恒達車隊參加的是電動方程式賽車,參賽的汽車是F1式電動汽車。


Isaias Sousa Valero, technician at Mahindra Racing

Though it’s unclear which members of the Mahindra Racing team attended the tech event, it looks like Prince William had a great time trying out their racing car simulator. Mahindra Racing is the company behind the motor racing team that competes in the Formula E championship for F1-style electric cars. According to People, William managed a lap time of 2 minutes and 6 seconds in the car simulator. Isaias Sousa Valero of Mahindra racing reportedly said, “It’s a good lap time. He is a really nice driver and he could come and drive for us anytime with a bit more training.”

圣斯奎提?達瓦爾,Project Mudra聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人。





Sanskriti Dawle, co-founder Project Mudra

Blindfolded, the Duke and Duchess spelled out son George’s name using an innovative Braille learning machine. The machine, which only costs about $150 to make, aims to improve literacy rates among the visually impaired in India. Computer science students Dawle and Aman Srivastava designed this affordable Braille “dicta-teacher” by attaching a box with six pegs to a Raspberry Pi. The pegs move up or down as words come through the machine’s headphone jack.

Chris Sheldrick, co-founder & CEO of what3words

Chris Sheldrick worked in the music business for 10 years booking bands and managing production. During his time in the business, he became increasingly frustrated with band members who couldn’t find their way to gigs and suppliers who were unable to locate the right site entrance. So Sheldrick decided to solve this problem by starting what3words, a company that provides a new method of mapping that divides the world into square grids and tags them with simple English words. The company has raised £3.5 million, or about $5 million, in venture capital, according to Forbes.

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