


John Kell 2016年04月20日

阿里巴巴影業(yè)宣布參與投資兩部熱門影片《忍者神龜》(Ninja Turtles)和《星際迷航》(Star Trek)的續(xù)集,并計劃提供市場營銷支持,在至關(guān)重要的中國市場幫助這兩部電影打造聲勢。


對于好萊塢的電影公司來說,找到正確的合作伙伴至關(guān)重要,因為中國每年僅允許引進34部海外電影。電影上映日期可能會被推遲,上映安排隨時都可能改變。例如,2015年末在全球上映的《星球大戰(zhàn)——原力覺醒》(Star Wars-The Force Awakens),不得不等到今年年初才在中國上映,因為中國去年的名額已滿。




Alibaba Pictures has made investments in the sequels to the popular Ninja Turtles and Star Trek franchises, with plans to give marketing support to help those properties make a splash in the critical Chinese market.

Variety has reported the film making division of e-commerce giant Alibaba is investing in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and Star Trek Beyond, with plans to import both of those films into China under a revenue sharing pact that is utilized whenever a U.S.-based studio wants to bring a film to China. It is the second deal Alibaba and Paramount have inked together at the multiplex: they previously worked together onMission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.

Having the right partner can be critical for Hollywood studios, as just 34 non-Chinese movies are allowed into the market in any given years. Delays can occur and schedules can move at whim.Star Wars – The Force Awakens, which debuted globally in late 2015, had to wait until early this year to reach China because the quota had already been met.

Hollywood’s blockbusters increasingly depend on strong demand from markets abroad to ensure their big-budget movies earn a profit. Roughly half of the $467 million in revenue pulled in by the latest Star Trek movie was earned in foreign markets, according to BoxOfficeMojo, while 61% of the $493 million Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles booked was generated abroad.

For Alibaba, the deal with Paramount is part of a broader strategy to support the company’s entertainment ecosystem. Other aspects of that business include broadcasting, Internet television, and the production of films and TV shows via Alibaba Pictures.

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