


Geoffrey Smith 2016年05月12日


這一趨勢體現(xiàn)最明顯的便是鋰市場,因?yàn)殇囌请妱悠囁玫匿囯x子電池的主要原料。目前,汽車行業(yè)對鋰已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了明顯的供不應(yīng)求。據(jù)《華爾街日報(bào)》(The Wall Street Journal)報(bào)道,今年第一季度,碳酸鋰(一種制取鋰的中間產(chǎn)品)的價(jià)格已經(jīng)比2015年的平均價(jià)格上漲了47%。據(jù)《華爾街日報(bào)》引述數(shù)據(jù)供應(yīng)商基準(zhǔn)礦業(yè)情報(bào)(Benchmark Mineral Intelligence,以下簡稱BMI)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,去年全年,鋰金屬的價(jià)格上漲了28%,而同期道瓊斯工業(yè)金屬指數(shù)和鉑與貴金屬指數(shù)均下跌了40%以上。

鑒于目前純電動車只占全球機(jī)動車總量的比例還不足1%,因此市場對鋰的需求的潛在增長將是不可估量的?!度A爾街日報(bào)》引用了高盛(Goldman Sachs)的一份報(bào)告稱,10年內(nèi),市場對鋰的需求可能將翻三番,達(dá)到每年57萬噸。穆斯克本周早些時候曾表示,特斯拉(Tesla)要想滿足年產(chǎn)50萬輛電動汽車的目標(biāo),“基本上需要吸收全世界的鋰離子產(chǎn)量。”


其它從電動汽車行業(yè)的發(fā)展中獲益的金屬可能還包括銅和鋁。電動汽車對銅的用量是傳統(tǒng)汽車的四倍。另外,為了降低車重和燃油消耗,許多公司也開始大量使用鋁來替代車身鋼材(比如福特的F-150,以及特斯拉Model S的全鋁合金框架)。另外,據(jù)研究機(jī)構(gòu)工業(yè)礦物(Industrial Minerals)估算,光是特斯拉的“超級工廠”每年就將需要93,000噸的片狀石墨來生產(chǎn)電極用的電極,相當(dāng)于每年要消耗掉六座石墨礦山。而這也將有力地刺激石墨行業(yè)改良已經(jīng)成為行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的低效開采方法(據(jù)工業(yè)礦物公司(IM)估算,開采出的石墨原料高達(dá)70%都被浪費(fèi)了)。





Elon Musk’s quest for the mass-produced electric car isn’t only disrupting the traditional auto market—it’s shaking up the markets for the metals that go into cars too.

The trend is most evident in the market for lithium, which is used in the lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles. Already, growing demand from the auto industry is starting to outrun supply. According to The Wall Street Journal, prices for lithium carbonate, an intermediate product in the refining of lithium, were up 47% from the average price in 2015 in the first quarter of this year. It cited figures from Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a data provider, showing that prices for lithium rose 28% last year, in which time the Dow Jones Industrial Metals index and the Platinum and Precious Metals index both fell over 40%.

Given that pure EVs account for less than 1% of all vehicles on the world’s roads, the potential growth in demand for lithium is dizzying. The WSJ cites a Goldman Sachs report suggesting that demand could triple within 10 years to 570,000 tons a year. Musk said earlier this week that for Tesla to meet its target of 500,000 cars a year, “we would basically need to absorb the entire world’s lithium-ion production.”

And Tesla represents only a fraction of the likely demand growth. According to BMI, China will build twice as much new lithium-ion battery capacity as the U.S. by 2020. Tesla’s ‘Gigafactory 1’ in Nevada may be (comfortably) the biggest factory being built, but it is only one of at least 12 such projects across the world, BMI says.

Other metals that could also profit from evolution in the sector could be copper (EVs use four times as much as a conventional car) and aluminum—a material that companies are turning to to replace steel in order to cut overall weight and fuel consumption (think of Ford’s F-150, as well as the all-aluminum frame of Tesla’s Model S). At the same time, research house Industrial Minerals reckons that Tesla’s Gigafactory alone could need some 93,000 tons a year of flake graphite to make anodes for its batteries. That would be the equivalent of six new mines—a powerful incentive for industry to improve the inefficient methods that are the current industry standard (IM reckons up to 70% of raw graphite mined is wasted).

Lithium is relatively abundant in the earth’s crust but often hard to get to, and the technology needed to extract it can differ from one deposit to another. The world’s biggest resources, in Bolivia, would have to cross the Andes to reach the nearest seaport, or else face a long journey across South America to the Atlantic.

One would think that an almost completely new source of mineral demand ought to be met with enthusiasm in a mining sector that is in near-universal retreat at the moment. But the prospect of raising billions of dollars in capital for fresh projects at the same time as the industry is shuttering earlier ill-judged ventures—some of which were predicated on optimistic new paradigms ultimately based on guesswork regarding future Chinese demand—is daunting. And a number of independent miners have fallen prey to the usual cycle of hype and disappointment around such new dawns (to readFortune‘s story from last year on their troubles, clickhere).

Moreover, the displacement of the combustion engine by the lithium-ion battery has serious implications for the billions of dollars sunk into other mines that extract metals such as platinum and palladium, which end up in catalytic convertors to clean exhaust fumes. The WSJ quoted Graham Kerr, CEO of Australian mining company South32, as reluctant to invest in lithium, something that is “flavor of the month” but which could be rendered obsolete by other, as-yet unknown advances in battery technology.

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