


Scott Cendrowski 2016年06月05日




對(duì)志在成為全球消費(fèi)品牌的小米而言,這次的合作十分重要。Counterpoint Research的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,小米智能手機(jī)的銷售額在今年第一季度的同比增長已經(jīng)下滑至不足9%,而他們?nèi)ツ甑臐q幅約為23%。這樣的增長率,只比規(guī)模大得多的蘋果(Apple)高出一點(diǎn)。相比之下,2015年小米共售出了7,100萬部智能手機(jī),而蘋果售出了2.31億部iPhone。一年多以前,小米的智能手機(jī)還在全球市場占有率上名列第三,而如今他們已經(jīng)跌出了前五。







小米的希望在于,微軟可以讓他們的智能手機(jī)擁有更高的立足點(diǎn)。Counterpoint Research印度區(qū)主管尼爾?沙哈表示:“小米可能以特價(jià)購得了受保護(hù)的知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)。但是作為回報(bào),微軟也得到了小米這樣一位認(rèn)真的合作伙伴,用于推廣他們自身的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)?!?


兩家公司將如何進(jìn)行合作,觀察家們需要拭目以待。不過客觀地說,我們沒有過分樂觀的理由。 (財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


A just-announced partnership between Xiaomi and Microsoft represents a potentially promising collaboration between two struggling smartphone businesses.

Starting in September, Xiaomi’s smartphones will ship with Microsoft’s Office apps and Skype, while Xiaomi will receive some much needed patents from the Redmond, Wash., giant. Xiaomi said the cross-license and patent-transfer agreement, which the two companies announced last Wednesday morning in China, helps it meet its goal of building relationships with global tech leaders. Microsoft, meanwhile, gets a new platform for its services.

Neither company is approaching this deal from a place of strength. Microsoft is all but irrelevant in smartphones—the global market share for its mobile operating system dropped below 2% last year, says IDC— while Xiaomi’s once ascendant path has stalled.

The deal is most important for Xiaomi’s ambitions of becoming a global consumer brand. Xiaomi’s smartphone growth was down 9% year-over-year in the first quarter, according to Counterpoint Research, while growth last year was around 23%, just a hair better than much bigger Apple. For comparison: Xiaomi sold 71 million smartphones in 2015; Apple sold 232 million iPhones. Xiaomi, which a little over a year ago enjoyed the third largest global market share for smartphones, has fallen outside the top 5.

Xiaomi’s smartphones haven’t been able to match the quality of Apple’s or, increasingly, Huawei’s in China, and growth is now coming from lower-priced models it sells, in India, Brazil and China. That explains why Xiaomi’s total revenues were nearly flat last year compared with the year before, as Fortune reported this month.

The deal for Microsoft’s intellectual property is bound to help Xiaomi, which understandably suffers from an IP deficit, being a five-year-old smartphone maker. Because of this deficit, analysts note, Xiaomi was the last of the major Chinese smartphone makers to add a fingerprint sensor to its phones late last year. IP weaknesses have also made Xiaomi wary of entering developed markets where litigation risk is high.

But patents alone won’t help Xiaomi successfully expand in the U.S. or Europe.

Xiaomi’s core business model—selling phones online at cutthroat prices for no margin, or nearly no margin, in hopes of attracting users to spend on its services—is difficult to replicate outside China. Shoppers in the U.S., for instance, prefer to buy phones in stores. In India, Xiaomi has turned to brick-and-mortar partners. Moreover, Xiaomi’s services aren’t offered anywhere outside China. Its current operating system is built off of Google’s Android platform. Since Google’s services are blocked inside China, Google allows Xiaomi to offer its services in place of Google’s inside that country. But outside of China, Xiaomi’s phones run with Google’s App store and other services.

Xiaomi’s head of international, Hugo Barra, and other executives say the startup is an internet company, not a smartphone seller. They say this because Xiaomi’s services in music, video and games are driving revenue per user in China, albeit from very low levels.

However, smartphone sales growth remains key to its business. Smartphones sales drive spending on services like music and video. Apple analyst Toni Sacconaghi has pointed out Apple’s own services are highly correlated with smartphone growth. When people buy new phones, they buy new services; with older phones, less so. Xiaomi faces the same dilemma.

The hope for Xiaomi must be that Microsoft can put its smartphone on better footing. “Xiaomi gets IP protected with possibly a special price,” says Neil Shah, a director at Counterpoint Research in India. “But in return Microsoft locks in Xiaomi as a serious partner to drive its own ecosystem.”

Still, this is the same Microsoft that has had recent misadventures in smartphones. Last week Microsoft said it was laying off more than 1,800 workers and writing down the value of its smartphone business by $950 million. Analysts noted that this amount, along with other past writedowns, add up to more than the $7.2 billion Microsoft paid to acquire Nokia in a blockbuster 2014 deal. Its smartphone operating system market share has dwindled to a couple percentage points.

Observers must wait to see how each company approaches the partnership. But objectively, there isn’t overwhelming reason for optimism.

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