


Madeline Farber 2016-07-06



亞馬遜旗下電影票房統(tǒng)計(jì)網(wǎng)站Box Office Mojo的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,約翰遜以33億美元合計(jì)收入(未根據(jù)通脹因素調(diào)節(jié))成為排名第十的10大票房收入最高的電影明星,僅次于邁克爾·凱恩和約翰尼·德普。更令人矚目的也許是,約翰遜是前十名中唯一的女性。












3. 摩根·弗里曼——44億美元

4. 湯姆·漢克斯——43億美元

5. 小羅伯特·唐尼——39億美元

6. 艾迪·墨菲——38億美元

7. 湯姆·克魯斯——36億美元

8. 約翰尼·德普——33億美元

9. 邁克爾·凱恩——33億美元

10. 斯嘉麗·約翰遜——33億美元 (財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))



Scarlett Johansson, known for her roles in box office hits like the Avengers and Captain America, just joined the list of the top 10 highest-grossing movie stars of all time.

According to data from Box Office Mojo, Johansson is the 10th highest-grossing movie star ever, coming in at $3.3 billion (not adjusted for inflation), trailing just behind Michael Caine and Johnny Depp. What’s perhaps even more notable is that Johansson is the only woman in the top 10.

Johansson joins her Avengers co-stars Samuel L. Jackson who is No. 2 on the list, and Robert Downey, Jr. who is 5th on the list. At just 31 years old, she is youngest on the list by 20 years. What makes her place even more impressive, however, is that it combines the domestic box office revenue of an actors entire filmography, according to TheWrap.

“It is staggering when you take into account how young she is,” Rotten Tomatoes senior editor Grae Drake told The Wrap.

By comparison, Jennifer Lawrence appeared much lower on the list, coming in at No. 55. Despite the lower number for the Hunger Games star, she still pulled a gross of $2.3 billion. Lawrence was also ranked the highest-paid actress in 2015, with a pre-tax pay of $52 million.

Despite climbing the gross-pay ladder, Johansson still has a ways to go before she can break through the glass ceiling. She was No. 65 on the Forbes’ World’s Highest Paid Celebrities in 2015 list, earning about $35.5 million, compared to her Avengers co-star, Robert Downey, Jr., who made $80 million and is tied with Taylor Swift for No. 8.

While this is great for Johansson, Hollywood has still long been under scrutiny for discriminatory hiring practices, especially when it comes to female directors. Back in May, a federal investigation was launched by two government agencies to investigate discrimination against female directors in Hollywood.

The investigation was initiated by the American Civil Liberties Union, which collected testimonials from over 50 female directors who reported sexist practices such as almost male-only “short lists” which were compiled by various studios.

Women also made up just 9% of all directors for the top 250 grossing films last year, according to the annual Celluloid Ceiling Report released by the University of Southern California. The ACLU says this number indicates a systemic bias, as defined by the Supreme Court.

Female directors do succeed, as do their films. Some of 2015’s biggest hits were Sam Taylor-Johnson’s Fifty Shades of Grey, Elizabeth Banks’ Pitch Perfect 2 and Nancy Meyers’ The Intern. Unfortunately, however, they’re considered the exception, not the rule.

Here’s the top 10 highest-grossing actors:

1.Harrison Ford – $4.9 billion

2.Samuel L. Jackson – $4.7 billion

3.Morgan Freeman – $4.4 billion

4. Tom Hanks – $4.3 billion

5. Robert Downey Jr. – $3.9 billion

6. Eddie Murphy – $3.8 billion

7. Tom Cruise – $3.6 billion

8. Johnny Depp – $3.3 billion

9. Michael Caine – $3.3 billion

10. Scarlett Johansson – $3.3 billion

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