


Christopher Tkaczyk 2016-07-10


今年的《財富》500強中,只有16家公司登上了由《財富》長期合作伙伴Great Place to Work公司評選出的最適宜工作公司排榜。入選榜單的公司職場文化深厚,極受信任,因而贏得員工好評。以下是《財富》500強中最受員工喜愛的公司:

Among this year’s Fortune 500, only 16 companies are recognized for having great workplace cultures. These employers have earned high marks from their workers, who completed an extensive workplace culture and trust index survey administered by Great Place to Work, Fortune’s longtime partner for our annual list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Read below for the top 10 companies within the Fortune 500 that are loved by employees.





1.Alphabet (Google)

100 Best Companies rank: No. 1

Fortune 500 rank: No. 36



Google has been on the 100 Best Companies list for 10 years, with this being its seventh time at No. 1, thanks to sparking the imagination of its talented and highly compensated workers, and by adding perks to an already dizzying array of freebies. Last year it enhanced health care coverage by offering virtual doctor visits, second-opinion services, and breast-cancer screenings at headquarters. One Googler explained, “The company culture truly makes workers feel they’re valued and respected as a human being, not as a cog in a machine. The perks are phenomenal. From three prepared organic meals a day to unlimited snacks, artisan coffee and tea to free personal-fitness classes, health clinics, on-site oil changes, haircuts, spa truck, bike-repair truck, nap pods, free on-site laundry rooms, and subsidized wash and fold. The list is endless.” Read the Great Place to Work review here.








100 Best Companies rank: No. 21

Fortune 500 rank: No. 287

With a workforce of more than 12,000 employees spread out over 172 sites, Stryker offers more than 60,000 medical devices, including implants used in joint replacement surgeries and surgical navigation and endoscopic systems. To make sure employees understand how their products are used, they encourage them to observe surgeries and attend trade shows and ride along with sales reps during meetings with customers, as well as hear patient stories. One inspired employee remarked: “I see the face of someone who is alive because of our product, and that’s amazing.” Read the Great Place to Work review here.








100 Best Companies rank: No. 23

Fortune 500 rank: No. 386

This global cloud computing company knows how to give back: CEO Marc Benioff and his wife, Lynne, have become San Francisco’s favorite philanthropists, rivaling the legendary Levi Strauss. Their most spectacular donation has been $200 million for a new children’s hospital bearing their names. This social commitment is an extension of the company’s culture: Salesforce.com has logged over 1.3 million volunteer hours and donated more than $100 million in grants. Employees receive seven paid days a year to volunteer, and one employee told us: “We have the flexibility and support to volunteer on our own, yet be supported by the company.” To prove it, staff member donations are matched, dollar for dollar, by the company. Read the Great Place to Work reviewhere.








100 Best Companies rank: No. 36

Fortune 500 rank: No. 114

Football-fanatic employees scored last year when this financial institution serving military families became the official Military Appreciation Sponsor of the NFL. In Phoenix, USAA employees and NFL Pro Bowl players helped refurbish a park; in Denver, employees and the Broncos hosted nearly 100 military members for a first-ever event to bring the military and the NFL together. In Washington, D.C., employees made the dreams of fans come true when they were able to meet the starting quarterback of their team. Last year Stuart Parker, an 18-year USAA veteran who flew C-141 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm, kicked off his promotion to CEO with a coast-to-coast tour for face time with employees. Read the Great Place to Work review here.








100 Best Companies rank: No. 50

Fortune 500 rank: No. 135

This supplemental insurance company based in Columbus, GA, celebrated its 60th birthday last year with an entire year of events: parties, contests and giveaways ending with a special day ringing the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Parent-friendly perks: onsite child care (only $520/month and open for the company Christmas party), 30 days paid paternity, onsite chaplains, and a work and family resource center. Nearly half of employees use flexible scheduling here: “dream schedules” allow employees to begin work as early as 5:30 AM, and PTO can be scheduled by the day, week or hour.Read the Great Place to Work review here.



6.Goldman Sachs




高盛的員工都十分熱愛公司,所以自從1998年開始排名之后年年都榜上有名。高薪當然是個原因,公司非常關(guān)心員工健康是另一個原因。高盛辦公室里有健身中心,還有醫(yī)療診所,常駐醫(yī)生、護士、皮膚病專家、婦科專家以及理療師等。近年來公司還經(jīng)常舉辦彈性工作周,會請演講人討論“幸福與壓力”之類的話題。點此閱讀Great Place to Work提供的評估報告。

100 Best Companies rank: No. 51

Fortune 500 rank: No. 74

The Wall Street firm’s employees love working here, hence its presence on the list every year since since it was first published in 1998. Money is one reason. Wellness is another reason. The firm has an on-site fitness center and a medical clinic staffed with doctors, nurses, dermatologists, gynecologists and physical therapists. In recent years the company has been holding a Resilience Week featuring speakers who discuss such topics as “Happiness and Stress.” Read the Great Place to Work review here.



7.Hilton Worldwide





100 Best Companies rank: No. 56

Fortune 500 rank: No. 254

Women represent 51 percent of this hotel chain’s U.S. employee population — and 52 percent of non-executive managers. The company has a Women’s Mentoring Program and a Women’s Team Member Resource Group, which hosts special events for women’s leadership. Starting in 2016, the company is surging ahead of the industry by ramping up paid leave to two weeks for dads and adoptive parents — and giving moms ten weeks off following childbirth. Read the Great Place to Work review here.



8.Publix Super Markets





100 Best Companies rank: No. 67

Fortune 500 rank: No. 87

There is a strong family feeling at this employee-owned supermarket chain, which operates more than 1,100 stores in six Southeastern states. Turnover here is incredibly low, averaging 5% for full timers and 38% for part timers. Nearly 20,000 employees have worked at Publix for more than 15 years, and one reason they stay is a stock ownership plan that automatically plunks shares into employee accounts at the end of each year. The contribution ranges from 7% to 10% of their pay. Cost to employees is zero. And for the last 55 years, Publix stock has grown on average by almost 16% annually. All these factors have made Publix the largest employee-owned company in the nation. Read the Great Place to Work review here. ALSO READ Bag Boy Confidential: My Five Days As a Publix Employee



9.Whole Foods Market





100 Best Companies rank: No. 75

Fortune 500 rank: No. 181

Anyone who shops at the country’s leading natural food supermarket chain knows it is passionate about its mission of selling organic food, GMO labeling, and animal welfare. Many employees (called “Team Members”) say this mission aligns with their personal beliefs. Whole Foods Market strives for an egalitarian culture and caps its executive salaries at no more than 19 times that of the average worker. The company’s unique gain-sharing plan rewards teams for coming under budget. The team’s monthly surplus is distributed among team members—based on number of hours worked—and has averaged about 6% of workers’ total wages. “Getting that extra boost of money when you work on a great team and know that you have earned it is a great feeling,” says one employee. Read the Great Place to Work review here.


10.Cisco Systems




思科公司主要的產(chǎn)品是路由器、轉(zhuǎn)換器等網(wǎng)絡設備,幫助電腦用戶連上互聯(lián)網(wǎng)。思科也收購過其他公司,1984年成立以來共收購了186家公司。去年思科還迎來了新任首席執(zhí)行官查克·羅賓斯,從1995年即擔任此職位的約翰·錢伯斯手中接過了帥印。思科的倡導的工作生活項目在硅谷風評甚佳。3000多位員工現(xiàn)在都在家辦公,思科還為600個員工寶寶配備超豪華托兒中心。此閱讀Great Place to Work提供的評估報告。

最適宜工作公司排行榜排名中還有六家《財富》500強公司,分別為萬豪國際(第83), CarMax 公司(第85), 第一資本金融公司(第88), Nordstrom公司 (第92), First American Financial 公司(第94), 以及美國運通公司 (第96) (財富中文網(wǎng))



100 Best Companies rank: No. 82

Fortune 500 rank: No. 54

Maker of such network products as routers and switchers, which help computer users connect to the internet, Cisco is also a serial acquirer of other companies. Since its founding in 1984, it has bought 186 companies. They also acquired a new CEO last year, Chuck Robbins, who replaced John Chambers, who had held the reins since 1995. Cisco has achieved strong recognition in Silicon Valley as a leader in work-life programs. More than 3,000 employees now do their jobs from home, and has a state-of-the-art child care center with 600 kids. Read the Great Place to Work review here.

The six additional companies in the Fortune 500 that also appear on our list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For are: Marriott International(No. 83), CarMax (No. 85), Capital One Financial(No. 88), Nordstrom (No. 92), First American Financial (No. 94), and American Express (No. 96).

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