


Chris Matthews 2016-07-10


石油與天然氣咨詢公司Rystad Energy的最新報(bào)告顯示,美國(guó)目前擁有最大的石油儲(chǔ)量,俄羅斯和沙特阿拉伯分別位居第二和第三。



盡管如此,Rystad也闡述了美國(guó)著重開發(fā)其他可再生能源的重要性。報(bào)告寫道:“Rystad Energy現(xiàn)在估計(jì),全球的石油儲(chǔ)量為2.092萬(wàn)億桶,也就是說(shuō),按照目前的原油開采量300億桶,還可以開采70年。這一數(shù)值表明,地球上的可采石油存量已經(jīng)相對(duì)有限。而全球的汽車保有量可能會(huì)在未來(lái)30年內(nèi)從10億輛翻倍至20億輛。很顯然,光靠石油無(wú)法滿足個(gè)人交通日益增長(zhǎng)的需求?!保ㄘ?cái)富中文網(wǎng))


According to a new analysis from oil and gas consulting firm Rystad Energy, the United States is the country with the largest volume of oil reserves, with Russia and Saudi Arabia coming in second and third, respectively.

Rystad’s analysis includes oil in proven, existing fields, oil that has been discovered and will probably be recoverable, as well as an estimate for recoverable oil in as-yet discovered oil fields. More than 50% of the United States oil reserves come in the form of “unconventional shale oil,” with Texas alone containing 60 million barrels of this type of fossil fuel.

When Rystad applies more conservative estimates of proven oil reserves, the United States falls to fourth place, behind Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran with just 29 billion barrels of proved reserves. The difference between this figure and America’s potential capacity to extract 264 billion barrels, mostly through unconventional extraction methods, underscores the importance of new fracking technologies to the American energy future.

That said, the Rystad report also illustrates why it’s critical for the U.S. to focus on developing other, renewable forms of energy. “Rystad Energy now estimates total global oil reserves at 2092 billion barrels, or 70 times the current production rate of about 30 billion barrels of crude oil per year, the report reads. “This data confirms that there is a relatively limited amount of recoverable oil left on the planet. With the global car-park possibly doubling from 1 billion to 2 billion cars over the next 30 years, it becomes very clear that oil alone cannot satisfy the growing need for individual transport.”

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