


財(cái)富中文網(wǎng) 2016-08-01
知情人士稱,復(fù)星制藥將收購Gland Pharma的創(chuàng)始人和私募股權(quán)公司KKR共同持有的全部約96%的股份

上海復(fù)星醫(yī)藥(集團(tuán))股份有限公司(Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd)已同意以14億美元的價(jià)格,收購KKR& Co LP投資的Gland Pharma公司。這是印度今年規(guī)模最大的外資收購。

知情人士稱,這是自復(fù)星國際有限公司(Fosun International Ltd)創(chuàng)始人、中國知名企業(yè)家郭廣昌在去年晚些時(shí)候短暫失聯(lián)之后,復(fù)星集團(tuán)的第一個(gè)大動作。復(fù)星國際為上海復(fù)星制藥的母公司。


位于印度南部城市海德拉巴的Gland Pharma擁有四家工廠,提供各種注射類藥物——這些藥物用途廣泛,可通過藥瓶、注射器、注射袋和注射泵服用,制造難度高于普通藥物。


Gland Pharma的創(chuàng)始人和私募股權(quán)公司KKR共同持有約96%的股份。知情人士稱,該筆股份將全部出售給復(fù)星制藥。


上海復(fù)星的發(fā)言人拒絕置評。KKR與Gland Pharma未立即對此事發(fā)表看法。

億萬富翁郭廣昌在上個(gè)月的“路透社新聞人物”活動(Reuters Newsmaker)上表示,由于此前的英國脫歐公投給英國和歐洲市場帶來了日益嚴(yán)重的波動性,因此復(fù)星集團(tuán)也在這些市場尋找機(jī)會。

有知情人士在四月份向路透社透露,除了復(fù)星之外,Gland Pharma的出售消息,也引起了私募股權(quán)公司Advent、醫(yī)療公司百特國際(Baxter International Inc)和制藥公司Torrent Pharmaceuticals有限公司(Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd)的興趣。

美國注射類藥物市場的機(jī)遇,吸引了許多大型制藥公司,如邁蘭制藥(Mylan NV)在2013年收購了Strides Shasun公司的注射類藥物部門。



Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd has agreed to buy Gland Pharma – backed by KKR & Co LP – for about $1.4 billion, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said, in India’s largest inbound acquisition this year.

The deal, which the person said could be announced as early as Thursday, would be the first major move by the Fosun group since Guo Guangchang, founder of flagship holding firm Fosun International Ltd and one of China’s best-known entrepreneurs, briefly went missing late last year.

The acquisition would also underscore a positive outlook for drugmakers in India, which is a major global supplier and counts the U.S. as its largest export market, helped by lower manufacturing and labor costs.

Gland Pharma, based in the southern city of Hyderabad, owns four factories from where it supplies a variety of injectables – widely used medicines administered through vials, syringes, bags and pumps, which are harder to make than regular medicines.

Moody’s Indian associate ICRA expects patents to expire on about $16 billion worth of injectables in the U.S. over four years through 2019, offering a growth opportunity for Indian suppliers. ICRA estimates the U.S. injectables market to grow at about 10 percent annually over five years.

Gland Pharma’s founders and private equity firm KKR, who jointly hold roughly 96 percent of the drugmaker, will sell almost all of their stake to Fosun, said the person, who was not authorized to speak on the matter ahead of an announcement and so declined to be identified.

Trading in shares of conglomerate Fosun International Ltd and its Shanghai Fosun subsidiary was suspended in Hong Kong on Thursday pending a statement regarding a “notifiable transaction”.

A spokeswoman for Shanghai Fosun declined to comment. KKR and Gland Pharma were not immediately available for comment.

Fosun group is also looking for opportunities in Britain and Europe, in markets rendered increasingly volatile by the former’s vote to leave the European Union, billionaire Guo said at a Reuters Newsmaker event last month.

Besides Fosun, the Gland Pharma sale attracted interest from private equity firm Advent, medical company Baxter International Inc and drugmaker Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, people close to the matter told Reuters in April.

Opportunities for injectables in the United States has attracted large pharmaceutical firms such as Mylan NV, which bought the injectables business of Strides Shasun Ltd in 2013.

Hospira, a large U.S.-based injectables firm, was bought by Pfizer Inc last year.

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