


Mack Gelber 2016-08-03



無論原因如何,雇主品牌公司Universum最新的《全球最受歡迎雇主》(World’s Most Attractive Employers)調(diào)查旨在揭示當(dāng)今求職者最為青睞的公司。結(jié)果顯示,榜上有名的是一系列行業(yè)巨頭,其中許多現(xiàn)在就在Monster掛有招聘信息。






2. 微軟

3. 蘋果

4. 寶馬集團(tuán)

6. 通用電氣

7. 英特爾

8. 西門子

9. 三星

10. 索尼


1. 谷歌

2. 蘋果

3. 安永

4. 高盛

5. 普華永道

6. 德勤

7. 微軟

8. 畢馬威

9. 歐萊雅集團(tuán)

10. J.P.摩根



What makes one company more attractive than another? Maybe it’s the work environment—after all, what’s a great job without great people? Maybe it’s the cool perks and benefits, or a nifty-looking office with a Ping-Pong table in the break room. Or maybe it’s a chance to work for a company that’s making sweeping innovations in its industry.

Whatever the case, employer branding firm Universum’s latest World’s Most Attractive Employers survey seeks to uncover which companies are the biggest draws for today’s job seekers. The results feature a slew of industry powerhouses, many of which are hiring on Monster right now.

The survey draws on answers from over a million job-seeking students in business and engineering/IT disciplines. This approach makes for two separate top 10s that deviate in some ways, but remain similar in others: Google led among both sets of students, for instance, while software giants Apple and Microsoft also featured in both the business and IT top 10s.

Among business students, leaders in the professional services and finance industries balanced out the tech companies at the top of the list. Ernst & Young took the third-place spot (after Google and Apple), followed by Goldman Sachs and PricewaterhouseCoopers. On the finance side, Goldman was the only company in the top 10 to maintain its position from the previous year’s list, suggesting it’s one of the few employers in its field to successfully leverage digital and social media and maintain a strong image among millennials.

Meanwhile, engineering and IT students gave highest marks to the biggest names in software (Sony, Samsung and IBM also made the top 10). But not every company came from the tech space—at No. 4, BMW Group was the highest of several auto manufacturers to make the cut. But with the development of self-driving cars spurring collaboration between the tech and auto industries, its inclusion makes a lot of sense (BMW plans to produce autonomous vehicles by 2021).

This is Universum’s list of the top 10 most attractive companies according to engineering/IT students…

1.Google 3.07%

2. Microsoft 0.84%

3. Apple -0.12%

4. BMW Group 1.77%

5. IBM -0.46%

6. General Electric -0.35%

7. Intel 0.26%

8. Siemens 0.75%

9. Samsung

10. Sony 8.90%

5. IBM

…And the 10 most attractive companies according to business students:

1. Google

2. Apple

3. Ernst & Young

4. Goldman Sachs

5. PricewaterhouseCoopers

6. Deloitte

7. Microsoft


9. L’Oréal Group

10. J.P. Morgan

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