上周,新華社報道援引中國警方消息稱,今年公安機關已破獲地下錢莊及洗錢案件158起,涉案金額折合300億美元。 報道稱,公安部、中國人民銀行和國家外匯管理局聯(lián)合開展專項行動,端掉192個地下錢莊窩點。 中國政府去年4月啟動了打擊地下錢莊的行動,截至去年11月,已搗毀170多個地下錢莊,涉案金額超過8億元人民幣。 近年來,影子銀行P2P的流氓行為時常見諸報端,而且中國洗錢監(jiān)管不力飽受國內(nèi)外投資者批評。因此有關部門決心采取行動。 這次嚴打行動還包括,調查處理涉及640億美元非法交易的中國最大地下錢莊。 新華社報道稱,雖然嚴打一定程度上遏制了地下錢莊的犯罪活動,但“黑錢”背后的違法網(wǎng)絡還在擴散,并且隱蔽性越來越強。 報道還提到,地下錢莊是轉移各類犯罪贓款的通道,包括貪腐官員挪用的公款。 “地下錢莊違法犯罪活動仍然猖獗,各地地下錢莊相互勾連加劇?!?新華社報道如此評價。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
Chinese police have this year uncovered $30 billion worth of illegal banking activity, involving 158 cases of underground banks and money laundering, the official Xinhua news agency reported the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) as saying late on Tuesday. A special task force, jointly launched by the MPS, central bank, and foreign exchange regulator, uncovered illegal banking services in 192 locations, the report said. Beijing started a crackdown on underground banks in April last year and uncovered over 170 cases of money laundering and illegal fund transfers involving more than 800 billion yuan as of last November. China has been dogged by reports of rogue managers of P2P – shadow banking platforms – and has been criticized by local and overseas investors for being soft on money laundering, prompting authorities to take action. The crackdown included the investigation on the country’s biggest underground banking case that handled $64 billion worth of illegal transactions. Although the crackdown has curbed underground banking to some extent, illegal activities using those “grey capital” networks are still spreading and becoming more elusive, the report said. Underground banks are channels for transferring money obtained through illegal activity, including public funds embezzled by corrupt officials, it added. “Criminal activities by underground banks are still rampant. There is increasing collusion among underground banks in different regions,” Xinhua reported. |