在已經實現康樂用大麻合法化的州,超過20%的美國人在大選日過后的第二天清晨投了一票。 至少有6個州已進行了公投,在某種程度上實現了成人用或康樂用大麻的合法化。其中加州、馬薩諸塞州和內華達州已投票實現了成人用或康樂用大麻的合法化,而阿肯色州、佛羅里達州和北達科他州已允許使用醫(yī)用大麻。(截至上周四早上,緬因州有關康樂用大麻合法化的公投仍十分膠著)。如今,美國已有29個州實現了醫(yī)用大麻的合法化,而且至少有7個州存在合法的康樂用大麻市場。 未來4年內,合法大麻行業(yè)的全美年銷售額將達到約220億美元。 與此同時,人們對唐納德·特朗普獲勝可能帶來的影響的擔憂并非是空穴來風。隨著越來越多的州對大麻合法化投贊成票,尚未就任的新一屆政府是否會違背選民的意愿?特朗普此前曾聲援醫(yī)用大麻的合法化,但是即將上任的副總統(tǒng)邁克·朋斯卻是此事的反對者。持反對意見的還包括新澤西州長克里斯·克里斯蒂以及前紐約市市長魯迪·朱利亞尼,而他們都是特朗普最信任的顧問。 醫(yī)藥政策聯盟執(zhí)行總監(jiān)伊森·納德爾曼在發(fā)表在《華盛頓郵報》的聲明中表示:“我對唐納德·特朗普當選下一任美國總統(tǒng)后的前景感到異常擔憂?!贝舐楹戏ɑ珜ЫM織Marijuana Majority迅速開展了選后請愿活動,呼吁特朗普廢除聯邦政府的大麻禁令,并兌現其承諾,尊重各州在制定大麻法律方面的權利。 《財富》雜志聯系了特朗普大選活動的發(fā)言人,請他談談對最近實現大麻合法化的各州以及整個大麻行業(yè)的看法。我們將在收到反饋之后對本文進行更新。 然而,與此同時,大麻行業(yè)企業(yè)主和投資者對本周新一輪大麻合法化公投的反應異常興奮。 投資者蜂擁而至 大麻公司Privateer Holdings的聯合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官布倫登·肯尼迪告訴《財富》,他看到人們對這一行業(yè)的興趣呈現出了爆炸式的增長。他指出,隨著全國大麻合法化運動不斷攻城拔寨,“市場生怕錯過這一機遇”??夏岬险f:“3-6個月前,有一些公司便開始與我們接洽此事,但它們在一年前是從來不會考慮在這一行業(yè)投資的,而且坦白來講,6年前,我們無法想象這些公司會在這一行業(yè)投資,但它們如今都進來了?!?/p> 加州——大麻行業(yè)的中心 New Frontier Data創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官吉亞達·德止卡GiadhaDeCarcer: DeCarcer的New Frontier公司與ArcView Group開展合作,發(fā)布評估新生合法大麻行業(yè)規(guī)模和范圍的年度報告。周四,雙方聯合發(fā)布的聲明預測,到2020年,僅加州一州合法大麻的銷售額就可能達到76億美元。她表示,加州擁有3800多萬人口,如今是“合法大麻行業(yè)的新中心”。她還指出,“加州在醫(yī)用大麻使用方面的歷史最為悠久,而且擁有最大的大麻消費群體,因此,加州的大麻銷售額預計將在美國各州中獨占鰲頭。此外,加州技術和營銷專長也將極大地融入國內外大麻行業(yè)。” ArcView Group首席執(zhí)行官特羅伊·戴頓在聲明中提到,加州投票實現康樂用大麻合法化的舉措將成為“備受全球關注的投票”,也將為大麻行業(yè)帶來“顛覆性的改變”。 兩黨的共同關注點 總部位于加州奧克蘭的連鎖藥房Harborside Health Center的聯合創(chuàng)始人(兼ArcView總裁)史蒂夫·迪安杰羅對《財富》雜志說,他已為加州期待已久的這一決定做好了準備,他打算進行業(yè)務擴張,包括進軍種植業(yè),同時在加州開設新的Harborside藥房(公司目前在奧克蘭和圣何塞設有店面)。 他還提到,一些已經投票實現大麻合法化的州,例如阿肯色和佛羅里達,還為即將繼任的共和黨總統(tǒng)特朗普投了大量的票。“唯一的解釋便是,相當大一部分特朗普的擁躉——不管是共和黨紅區(qū)選民還是南方州選民——都是為了投票贊成大麻改革。而且,如果你從全局角度來審視昨天所發(fā)生的事情,我想你會發(fā)現,大麻改革是能夠超越兩黨界限,并讓兩黨選民達成共識的關注點之一。” 為大約100個大麻行業(yè)客戶提供法律服務的舊金山律師亨利·懷科斯基也對此表示首肯,他表示,“我認為,不管[特朗普]政府都將由哪些成員組成,但他們都必須意識到,美國民眾不再認為大麻是一種有害藥物。越來越多的人通常都會贊成大麻的合法化,[聯邦政府]應該把時間和金錢花在更值得做的事情上面,而不是反對使用大麻?!?/p> 新法規(guī)的到來 懷科斯基預計,由于康樂用大麻的種植和銷售將合法化,那么加州立法機關將為該州的合法大麻市場制定更加全面的法規(guī)。 醫(yī)用大麻藥房運營商Columbia Care(在亞利桑那州、馬薩諸塞州和紐約州設有門店的首席執(zhí)行官尼古拉斯·維塔還表示,他認為選民表達了“聯邦政府應放寬管制”,并“考慮采取長期、機遇數據的分析流程,來決定各利益相關方所稱的優(yōu)點、結果、風險和顧慮是否已得到證實或未得到證實,然后制定知情的聯邦政策”,進而重新制定聯邦政府現行的大麻法規(guī)。大麻目前被列為第1級管制藥物。 紛紛打開“綠燈” 南加州大麻種植公司CannDescent首席執(zhí)行官阿德里安·塞爾丁今年早些時候從投資者手中籌集了650萬美元,以便為位于加州沙漠溫泉地區(qū)占地9,600平方英尺的種植設施提供資金,而且該公司計劃在未來幾年內修建更多的設施。在最近經歷了籌資活動之后,塞爾丁表示,他預計加州64號法案的批準將推動該行業(yè)一路“亮起綠燈”,并掀起新一輪投資熱。 他對《財富》說,主要銀行一直都害怕接受從事大麻業(yè)務的客戶,因為大麻在聯邦層面仍是違法的。他表示,“在這一問題上,聯邦政府不會讓銀行將加州這樣大的經濟體拒之門外。這種做法是不可持續(xù)的?!比麪柖∵€表示,“大量的資金即將到來。在我看來,64號法案的通過是最終獲得銀行支持和撤銷禁令的重要砝碼,假以時日,它將開啟所有的機構資本。”(財富中文網) 譯者:Charlie 審校:詹妮 |
More than 20% of Americans waking up the morning after Election Day did so in a state that has legalized recreational cannabis. At least six states voted to legalize marijuana in some form, with California, Massachusetts, and Nevada voting to legalize adult-use, or recreational cannabis, while Arkansas, Florida, and North Dakota legalized medical pot. (Maine’s vote on recreational cannabis was still too close to call as of Thursday morning.) Now the US has 29 states with legal medical marijuana, and at least seven states have legal recreational pot markets. The legal marijuana industry could generate roughly $22 billion in annual sales across the US within four years. At the same time, there is some cause for concern over what Donald Trump’s surprise victory could mean. Would the president-elect’s administration go against the will of voters in an ever-growing number of states? Trump has previously voiced support for legalized medical marijuana, but Vice President-elect Mike Pence is an opponent of cannabis legalization. So are New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani—both of them close advisors to Trump. “The prospect of Donald Trump as our next president concerns me deeply,” Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a statement to The Washington Post, citing Pence, Christie and Giuliani. The legalization advocacy group Marijuana Majority quickly launched a post-election petition calling on Trump to end the federal government’s marijuana prohibition and to honor his pledge to respect states’ rights with regard to marijuana laws. Fortune reached out to a Trump campaign spokesperson for comment on the latest states to legalize cannabis, and the industry in general, and we will update this article with any response. Meanwhile, though, business owners and investors in the cannabis industry reacted enthusiastically to the latest wave of marijuana legalization votes this week: Investors Jumping In Brendan Kennedy, co-founder and CEO of cannabis company Privateer Holdings: Kennedy’s firm Privateer was the industry’s first to raise more than $100 million in total financing. Now, he told Fortune, he’s seeing an explosion of interest. There is, he says, “a fear of missing out” as legalization efforts across the country continue to open new markets. “Three to six months ago, we started being approached by firms who would have never looked at making an investment in this industry a year ago [and who], frankly, we would have never imagined making an investment in this industry six years ago,” Kennedy said. “But, they’re all in the industry now.” California the Epicenter of Cannabis Industry GiadhaDeCarcer, founder and CEO of New Frontier Data: DeCarcer’s New Frontier partners with the ArcView Group to produce an annual report estimating the size and scope of the nascent legal marijuana industry. On Tuesday, a joint release from New Frontier and ArcView projected that California’s legal marijuana market could reach $7.6 billion in annual sales by 2020 alone. California, with its population of more than 38 million people, is now “the new epicenter of the legal cannabis industry,” she said, adding, “As both the oldest medical cannabis state and the largest cannabis consumer population, sales in California are projected to dwarf those of any other market. Additionally, the integration of California’s technology and marketing expertise will be enormously into the cannabis industry both domestically and internationally.” Troy Dayton, CEO of ArcView Group, said in a statement that California’s vote to legalize recreational cannabis will be the “vote heard ’round the world” and will be creating a “seismic shift.” A ‘Bipartisan’ Issue Steve Deangelo, co-founder of Oakland-based dispensary Harborside Health Center (and president of ArcView) told Fortune that he prepared for California’s long-expected decision by planning a business expansion that includes expanding into cultivation while also planning new Harborside locations in California (the company currently operates locations in Oakland and San Jose). He also pointed out that some of the states that voted to legalize cannabis, such as Arkansas and Florida, also voted in huge numbers for Republican president-elect Donald Trump. “The only way that could happen is for a very significant number of Trump voters—red voters, Southern voters—to vote in favor of cannabis reform. And, if you look at what happened yesterday as a whole, I think what you see is that cannabis reform was the one issue that was able to cut across party lines and unite voters in a bipartisan consensus.” Henry Wykowski, San Francisco-based attorney, represents roughly 100 cannabis industry clients, also agreed, adding, “I think that, regardless of who makes up the [Trump] Administration, they have to realize that the population of the United States no longer thinks that cannabis is a bad drug. More people than not are in favor of its legalization, and there’s a lot better things to do with [the federal government’s] time and money than to pursue an agenda against cannabis.” New Regulations Coming Wykowski, a former Justice Department prosecutor, expects California lawmakers will produce “more well-defined regulations” for the state’s legal cannabis market now that recreational pot will be legal to grow and sell. Nicholas Vita, CEO of medical marijuana dispensary operator Columbia Care, a company operates medical dispensaries in Arizona, Massachusetts, and New York, also said he thinks that the votes show “the need for the federal government to take a step back” and “consider adopting a long-term, data-based analytical process to determine whether or not the merits and the observations and the risks and the concerns that different stakeholders have are validated or invalidated, and to really come up with an informed federal policy” that would reshape the federal government’s current regulations on marijuana, which is currently listed as a Schedule 1 drug. A ‘Green’ Rush Is Coming Adrian Sedlin, CEO of Southern California cannabis-growing operation CannDescent, earlier this year raised $6.5 million from investors to help fund a new, 9,600-square-feet cultivation facility in Desert Hot Springs, Calif., with plans to open more facilities in the area over the next few years. Having recently gone through the process of raising money, Sedlin said he expected the approval of California’s Prop 64 will “make that ‘Green Rush’ accelerate,” opening up the industry to a wave of new investments. “There is no way the federal government is going to allow an economy as large as California to remain unbanked on this issue. It’s not a tenable position,” he told Fortune, referring to the fact that major banks have been afraid to take on cannabis business clients because the drug remains illegal on the federal level. Sedlin added: “The big money is about to come in. Prop 64 passing, to me, is the large domino that allows banking and de-scheduling to finally happen in a matter of time that is then going to open up all of the institutional capital.” |