一個品牌要從今日的擁擠市場中脫穎而出,需要具備什么樣的條件?就像它在其他任何領域造成的影響一樣,數字變革已經顛覆了傳統(tǒng)的營銷法則。在不到10年內,Uber、Airbnb等品牌就獲得了傳統(tǒng)公司需要歷經數十載努力才能創(chuàng)造出的消費者關注度。原因很簡單:這些新品牌基本上都是科技企業(yè)。拜智能手機、云機算,以及可以隨時隨地快速獲得的免費數字工具的普及所賜,它們提供的產品和服務幾乎在可以在一夜之間打造出來。但是,很多這類品牌也在更深的層面上引起消費者共鳴。我們想一探究竟:誰是它們的最佳代表?在極短的時間內,這些品牌贏得了通常只有藍籌大企業(yè)才享有的消費者情感共鳴。為此,我們調查了4000位消費者,請他們說出對自己最重要的品牌名稱,不分大小、類型與行業(yè)。然后,我們根據行業(yè)、類型和企業(yè)年齡對榜單進行整理,制作出我們的10大“突破性品牌”排行榜。這些品牌盡管相對年輕,但帶給消費者的影響可比肩蘋果、可口可樂、迪士尼等成熟品牌。這10個品牌都是正處于發(fā)展白熱化階段的新銳科技企業(yè),它們都“取得了突破”,在大公司盤踞的市場上占有一席之地。它們當中有8家還不滿10歲。 我們還將分享其他重要的調查結果,比如被提及次數最多的品牌榜。這些品牌在數十年前就取得了突破,時至今日仍然在消費者的心中留下印象深刻。蘋果在這個榜單上碾壓了其他公司。然而,讓我們覺得最吸引人的,還是今天的突破性品牌。下一個蘋果很可能從它們當中涌現出來。 這些調查由晨星咨詢和時代公司共同舉辦。 |
WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR A BRAND to truly break through in today’s crowded market? Just as it has with everything else, digital transformation has upended the traditional rules of marketing. In less than a decade brands like Uber and Airbnb have attained the kind of consumer mindshare that companies used to have to work decades to create. Part of this is the simple fact that most of these newer brands are technology companies; they provide products and services that themselves can be built almost overnight, thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, cloud computing, and fast, free, and universally accessible digital tools. But many of these brands are also resonating on a deeper level with consumers. We wanted to get to the bottom of which companies best exemplified this—those brands that have attained the emotional resonance with consumers typically reserved for big blue-chip companies, but in a fraction of the time. So we surveyed 4,000 consumers and asked them to name the brands that meant the most to them, both overall and across a variety of industries. We then sorted the list by industry, category, and age to come up with our list of 10 “Breakthrough Brands”—companies that, when measured on the basis of how they resonate with consumers, sit side by side with Apple, Coca-Cola, Disney, and other mature brands despite being relative babes. The 10 names here are new and white-hot; they are all tech companies; and they have all “broken through” to claim space among the giants. All but two of them are less than a decade old. We’ve also shared some other key findings from our survey, like the brands that received the most mentions overall—those that may have broken through decades ago but still register highly in ?consumers’ minds. On that list, Apple trounced everyone else. But it’s the breakthrough brands of today that we find most compelling. These are the ones that are best ?positioned to become the Apples of tomorrow. Surveys conducted by Morning Consult and Time Inc. |
Airbnb 創(chuàng)辦時間:2008年|總部:舊金山 相較于發(fā)布一個支付應用或聊天服務軟件,讓人們開放自家住宅供陌生人居住,實在是一個過于瘋狂的想法。早在2008年,當Airbnb創(chuàng)始人正在竭力推動這家初創(chuàng)公司展翅高飛時,很多聰明人就是這么想的。Airbnb重新定義了旅游的含義。這家公司提供了大量吸引眼球的圖片、易用的界面和誘人的價格,并將所有這一切都包裹在一種充滿“歸屬感”的溫馨的畫面中,從而打造出一個提供民宿信息的在線平臺。截至目前,全球各地利用該平臺的“賓客”已達 1.4億人次。這家公司面臨一些挑戰(zhàn),比如用戶的歧視性行為和政府監(jiān)管機構的壓制,但它一直在不斷地突破自我。 創(chuàng)辦時間:2010年 | 總部:加利福尼亞州門羅帕克市 2010年,橫空出世的Instagram似乎讓所有人都成了攝影發(fā)燒友——朋友經典表情偷拍照,顏色鮮艷的風景照,花式雞尾酒細節(jié)照……實上,借助這款應用給廣大iPhone用戶配備的專業(yè)級修圖工具,所有人都可以成為攝影師。2012年,Facebook斥資10億美元收購了這款快速增長的照片應用,進而推動它全面提速。那年,Instagram只有3000萬用戶,現在則超過5億。這個最初看上去似乎只能流行一時的應用,已發(fā)展成為一家全方位的社交網絡。Instagram曾經對Facebook構成嚴重威脅,現在卻攜手WhatsApp、Oculus VR以及該公司同名服務,一起支撐著這家社交網絡巨頭的250億美元營業(yè)收入。 Slack 創(chuàng)辦時間:2009年 |總部:舊金山 辦公室聊天軟件Slack是一個偶然的成功。當時還叫“小斑點”的Slack公司最初只是希望將它開發(fā)成一個內部工具。在最早的一款名叫Glitch的視頻游戲并未獲得回報之后,這家公司于2013年決定將Slack推向外部市場。它并不是第一款同事聊天軟件,市場上當時已經有了HipChat、Yammer等應用,但Slack擁有奇特的設計和漂亮的用戶界面。也許最關鍵的是,它的出現正當其時:使用Slack的硅谷初創(chuàng)企業(yè)呈爆炸式增長,讓它以迅雷不及掩耳之勢攻陷科技界。如今,這款服務每天有400萬活躍用戶,其中付費用戶達125萬。Slack多彩的格子圖案標識已經成為硅谷的一個象征。 |
Airbnb founded: 2008 | headquarters: San Francisco A PAYMENTS APP or a messaging service is one thing. Opening up peoples’ homes to let strangers stay in them? Well, that’s just crazy. That’s what lots of smart people thought back in 2008 when Airbnb’s founders were trying to get their startup off the ground. Some 140 million “guest arrivals” later, it has reimagined travel, building an online platform for home-based accommodations with lush, inviting photography, an easy interface, and appealing prices, all wrapped in the cozy image of “belonging.” This company has its challenges, like discriminatory behavior by its users and pushback from regulators—but breaking through has not been one of them. founded: 2010 | hq: Menlo Park, Calif. CANDID PHOTOS OF FRIENDS with a vintage patina, vistas with vivid hues, close-ups of fancy ?cocktails—Instagram’s 2010 debut made everyone seem like a shutterbug—and everyone could be, thanks to the app that brought professional-grade photo tools to the iPhone-holding masses. But Facebook’s billion-dollar acquisition of the fast-growing photo app in 2012 accelerated everything. Then Instagram had 30 million users; today it has more than 500 million. What started as a faddish distraction developed into a full-blown social network. Once a serious threat to Facebook, Instagram is now a critical pillar (alongside WhatsApp, Oculus VR, and the company’s namesake service) of its $25 billion business. And you can still use it to take a great photo. Slack founded: 2009 |hq: San Francisco WORKPLACE CHAT SERVICE Slack was an accidental success. Originally developed as an internal tool, the company—then named Tiny Speck—took a big bet on launching it to the outside world in 2013 after its original product, a videogame named Glitch, wasn’t paying off. Slack wasn’t the first app for chatting with coworkers—HipChat, Yammer, and others came before it—but it had a quirky design and slick user interface, and perhaps most critically, it came at just the right time: taking the tech industry by storm as it spread among the then-exploding number of new Silicon Valley startups. Today the service has more than 4 million daily active users—1.25 million of them paying—and Slack’s colorful plaid logo has become an icon in Silicon Valley. |
Snapchat 創(chuàng)辦時間:2011年|總部:加利福尼亞州威尼斯市 很多家長到現在還完全搞不懂這款“閱后即焚”的即時通信應用,但對Snapchat來說,這根本不是事兒,它已經成功抓住了圣杯中的圣杯:世界各地青少年和年輕人多變的心思和寶貴的時間。如今,它的用戶多達1.5億,就連Facebook和Instagram也嘗試著效仿它的一些最受歡迎的功能。隨著Snapchat越做越大,其母公司Snap的野心也同步增大,不再局限于發(fā)照片和閱覽ESPN和《人物》雜志等媒體巨頭的新聞短訊。今天秋天,Snap首次發(fā)布一款名叫Spectacles的錄像眼鏡。 Spotify 創(chuàng)辦時間:2006年| 總部:斯德哥爾摩 早在2011年,Spotify就迎來了它的第一個突破性時刻。與Facebook的合作協(xié)議,使得這個來自瑞典的流媒體服務得以進入美國市場,讓它從一個鮮為人知,受小眾追捧的產品變成了一項熱門服務。但直到Spotify與泰勒·斯威夫特發(fā)生爭執(zhí)那一刻,它的好日子才真正到來。2014年,這位流行樂超級明星把她的作品從Spotify的歌單上撤下,并撰文攻擊其歌手補償政策。她在不經意間讓該品牌借助自己的超高人氣迅速崛起。自那以后,這家公司的付費聽眾從原來的1250萬暴漲到現在的4000萬,數百萬習慣聽盜版歌曲的人成了它的付費用戶。蘋果音樂等競爭對手也競相效仿,但Spotify的先發(fā)優(yōu)勢——以及“斯威夫特門”——鞏固了它的市場地位。 Square 創(chuàng)建時間:2009年| 總部:舊金山 作為杰克·多爾西的另一家企業(yè),Twitter吸引了所有贊賞和抨擊的目光,但多爾西還在兼管Square。這家公司的白色讀卡器永遠地改變了小企業(yè)。其創(chuàng)意相當簡單:贈送一個能與手機和平板電腦相連的讀卡器——不管是什么類型的信用卡,都按同樣的費率收費。Square不僅首次讓支付變得如此輕松,它還提供了一個好用的會計服務,很快就成為家庭教師、遛狗師以及各行各業(yè)小商販的理財工具。目前還不知道多爾西能否繼續(xù)領導Square,但他已經給我們購買、銷售產品及服務的方式留下了一個持久的印記。 特斯拉 創(chuàng)辦時間:2003年 |總部:帕洛阿爾托 伊隆·馬斯克擁有的不是客戶,而是粉絲。自史蒂夫·喬布斯與世長辭之后,沒有哪個公司的產品如此緊密地跟他的發(fā)布者聯(lián)系在一起。他的客戶不僅贊賞他的野心,更欽佩他的理念;他讓一個沒有碳排放的世界的想法變得如此時尚。歷經數年坎坷之后,特斯拉終于揚眉吐氣,其全電動豪華轎車Model S被《汽車族》評為2013年年度汽車——這是該獎項64年來首次頒發(fā)給一款不靠內燃發(fā)動機驅動的汽車。特斯拉下一個大手筆是尚未面世的Model 3。外界預計該公司直到2017年底才會發(fā)貨,但已有37.3萬名客戶支付了1000美元訂金。 |
Snapchat founded: 2011 | hq: Venice, Calif. PLENTY OF PARENTS are still thoroughly confused by the mobile ephemeral-messaging app, but that doesn’t matter to Snapchat, which has achieved the holiest of holy grails: capturing the fickle hearts—and precious time—of teenagers and young adults the world over. It now has 150 million daily active users, numbers that have prompted attempts by Facebook and Instagram to copy some of Snapchat’s most popular features. The ambitions of parent company Snap have grown in lockstep with Snapchat’s scale as it moves beyond mobile apps for sending photos and reading bite-size news from media giants like ESPN and People: In the fall, Snap unveiled its first pair of video-recording sunglasses, called Spectacles. Spotify founded: 2006 | hq: Stockholm SPOTIFY HAD ITS FIRST BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT back in 2011, when a Facebook partnership introduced the Swedish streaming service to the U.S. market and it went from a little-known cult favorite to a popular service. But it’s not until you tangle with Taylor Swift that you really hit the big time. When the pop superstar pulled her music from Spotify’s catalog and penned a critique about its artist compensation practices in 2014, she inadvertently lent her celebrity to the brand. Since then, the company has ballooned from 12.5 million paying listeners to the 40 million it has now, nudging millions of would-be song pirates into the paid-subscriber camp. Apple Music and others are on its heels, but Spotify’s early lead—and Swiftgate—?solidified its position in a competitive market. Square founded: 2009 | hq: San Francisco JACK DORSEY’S other company, Twitter, gets all the ?attention—good and bad. But Dorsey also runs Square, the company whose little white dongles changed small business forever. The idea was simple enough: Give away small credit card readers that connect to mobile phones and tablets and charge the same rate for each transaction, regardless of the type of card. Square was the first to make that easy, and along with its user-friendly accounting services, it fast became a tool of economic empowerment for tutors, dog walkers, and shingle hangers of all stripes. Dorsey may or may not remain Square’s leader, but he has already made a lasting imprint on the way we pay for—and sell—goods and services. Tesla founded: 2003 | hq: Palo Alto ELON MUSK doesn’t have customers. He has followers. Not since Steve Jobs has a company’s product been so closely aligned with the person who brought it to them. In Musk’s case, his customers admire not just his raw ambition but his ideology: He has made it cool to want a carbon-emissions-free world. After several rocky years, Tesla began to hit its stride when the Model S, its all-electric luxury sedan, was named the 2013 Car of the Year by Motor Trend—the first time in the award’s 64-year history that its winner was not powered by an internal-combustion engine. Tesla’s next act, its upcoming Model 3, isn’t expected to ship until the end of 2017, but 373,000 customers have already plunked down $1,000 to reserve one. |
Uber 創(chuàng)建時間:2009年| 總部:舊金山 很少有公司名稱被當作動詞用,而Uber幾乎從一開始就成了動詞。這家打車服務商從一個借助移動應用叫車的有趣點子,快速成長為一家當前估值近700億美元的公司。盡管Uber的競爭對手遍布天下,但它“不惜一切代價爭取勝利”,甚至經常叫板當地立法機構。這種態(tài)度幫助它在包括美國在內的很多市場建立起統(tǒng)治地位。如今,Uber的業(yè)務遍及70多個國家,而且不限于載客:它還送熱餐,正在開發(fā)自動駕駛技術,并且夢想創(chuàng)建一個汽車滿天飛的未來。 Venmo 創(chuàng)辦時間:2009年| 總部:紐約市 在去年的6月至9月,近50億美元通過熱門支付應用Venmo匯出,用于支付各種費用,比如給房東支付租金,或是給朋友返還兩天前聚餐的份子錢。這款應用讓人們可以使用手機瞬時轉賬。作為斥資8億美元收購Braintree交易的一部分,PayPal成為這款流行應用的新主人。Venmo最早的追捧者是年輕用戶,他們喜歡Venmo的移動和社交元素,討厭PayPal這樣的“大品牌”。但如今,Venmo正在成為PayPal數字錢包組合中最閃亮的明星,其每年處理的資金直逼200億美元。有了它,人們以后可能沒法從朋友那里借到現金了。 位智 創(chuàng)建時間:2008年 | 總部:加利福尼亞州山景城 早在位智公司(Waze)于2008年成立前,導航系統(tǒng)就已存在(顯然,我們評選的突破性品牌不一定是行業(yè)先驅),但通過獨辟蹊徑地提供由社區(qū)驅動,兼具趣味性和社交性的導航服務,位智迅速脫穎而出。這款導航系統(tǒng)可以幫助司機更新道路信息,比如何處施工,何處發(fā)生了事故,等等。2013年,已擁有熱門地圖應用的谷歌斥資10多億美元,擊敗其他公司,收購了這家當時擁有5000萬用戶的以色列初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。現在,該公司已將總部遷到山景城,與Lyft開展合作,剛剛在灣區(qū)推出拼車服務,對共乘行業(yè)的影響力日趨擴大。 ? 全明星品牌榜 我們要求受訪者說出任意一個行業(yè)堪稱突破性品牌典范的公司名稱。蘋果高居榜首,被提及次數是第二名沃爾瑪3倍多。以下是排名前15位的品牌名稱。 蘋果 也許沒有哪個品牌擁有像蘋果那樣的消費者情感共鳴,它的品牌建設和產品一樣具有創(chuàng)新性。蘋果在我們的排單中被提到的次數最多,甩開其他品牌好幾條街。 沃爾瑪 年營收近5000億美元的沃爾瑪,在《財富》500強排行榜上高居榜首。在消費者的印象中,這是個超級品牌。沃爾瑪的高管一定會很高興地看到,他們的排名比亞馬遜高。 谷歌 谷歌的母公司或許是Alphabet,但這家搜索巨頭的名字早在上世紀90年代末就成一個動詞,在消費者心中享有崇高地位。 亞馬遜 它激起了零售業(yè)所有競爭對手的恐懼,但對于這家經營一切的電商巨頭,消費者似乎只有滿滿的愛。 三星 由于蓋樂世Note 7手機爆炸及隨后的召回事件,這家韓國電子消費品品牌的名聲似乎變壞了,但在消費者心目中,其整體品牌的排名還是很高的。 微軟 這家有41年歷史的科技巨頭一度步履艱難,如今在薩特亞·納德拉的領導下,重新踏上崛起之路,消費者仍然給予它很高的評價。 豐田 危機算什么,2009年因意外加速而導致的大規(guī)模召回事件,已經漸漸被汽車買家遺忘。在全球性品牌榜單上,豐田一直名列前茅。 福特 這家有103年歷史的公司是美國偶像級品牌,一直是可持續(xù)性方面的領先者。1948年推出的F-150皮卡是史上最暢銷的汽車。 塔吉特 盡管競爭日趨激烈,2014年又遭遇信用卡信息嚴重外泄事件,但塔吉特的獨特氣質、對用戶友好的商店和網站,以及低價格仍然在撥動著美國消費者的心弦。 可口可樂 還有比可口可樂更經典和更具標志性的品牌嗎?它是獨一無二的。今天,很多有理想的公司在打造品牌時仍在效仿它使用多年的營銷手法。 耐克 這家體育巨頭因“Just Do it”系列廣告永遠被世人熟知。該廣告開始于1988年,和它的飛鉤標識一樣,至今仍然是其品牌的核心要素。 威瑞森 這家公司也許不如耐克的飛鉤那樣迷人,但它贏得了手機和寬帶服務客戶的贊賞。隨著它逐漸轉型為一家媒體巨頭,工商界對它的贊賞也越來越多。 索尼 無論有沒有黑客事件,索尼始終是受訪者心目中一個占據主導地位的娛樂品牌。 本田 本田也許不如它的一些競爭對手有魅力,但在許多司機的心目中(以及在許多道路上),其主打產品雅閣和思域都是一種永恒的存在。此外,在跨界車領域,本田也獲得了令人印象深刻的市場份額。 AT&T 出人意料地收購時代華納公司,讓這個最知名的電信品牌再次成為一家明星企業(yè)。 老品牌的新生 傳統(tǒng)品牌并未死亡??纯刺O果吧,它在我們的調查中被提及次數比其他任何品牌都多。或者,看看下面3個品牌,它們組成了另一個榜單——正在復興的老牌企業(yè)。 迪士尼 自從艾莎公主于2013年出現在迪士尼第53部動畫電影《冰雪奇緣》以來,這家好萊塢巨頭接連推出多部叫好又叫座的電影作品。 李維斯 因堅持可持續(xù)性原則,并禁止客戶帶槍進店,美國最著名的牛仔服品牌贏得了如潮好評。 好市多 這家零售巨頭是行業(yè)里業(yè)績最好的企業(yè)之一,受到富裕顧客的喜愛?,F在,它終于把經營重點轉向電子商務。(財富中文網) |
UBER founded: 2009 | hq: San Francisco FEW COMPANIES EVER SEE their name become adopted as a verb, but for Uber it happened almost out of the gate. The ride-sharing startup quickly grew from a fun way to summon a black car with a mobile app to a business currently valued at nearly $70 billion. Though Uber has competitors around the world, its “win at all costs” attitude—including often rattling local lawmakers—helped it establish dominance in many markets, including the U.S. Today it operates in more than 70 countries and isn’t limited to shuttling people around; it also delivers hot meals, is developing autonomous-driving technology, and dreams of a future with flying cars. Venmo founded: 2009 | hq: New York City FROM JUNE to September last year, nearly $5 billion was sent through popular payments app Venmo for everything from sending in rent to your landlord to paying your friend back for covering for you at dinner the other night. PayPal inherited the popular app—which lets people send money to one another instantly from their phones —?as part of its $800 million acquisition of Braintree. Venmo first drew a cult following among younger users, who liked its mobile and social elements and distrusted “bigger” brands like PayPal. But it’s now becoming the shining star in PayPal’s portfolio of digital-wallet apps, on track to process $20 billion a year—and to never let anyone mooch from his or her friends again. Waze founded: 2008 | hq: Mountain View, Calif. NAVIGATION SYSTEMS existed long before Waze came onto the scene in 2008. (If it isn’t obvious by now, a brand need not be first to be a breakthrough.) But its unique community-driven navigation service helped it stand out by making it fun and social for drivers to ?contribute road updates, like alerts about construction or accidents. By the time Google—which already had its own popular mapping app—beat out other companies to acquire the Israeli startup for more than $1 billion in 2013, Waze had 50 million users. Now based in Mountain View, it’s growing its influence in the ride-sharing space, via a partnership with Lyft and its own nascent carpooling service in the Bay Area. ? AS PART OF OUR METHODOLOGY, we asked respondents to name one company in any category that best exemplified a breakthrough brand. Apple topped the list—and got more than three times the mentions of the runner-up, Walmart. Here are the top 15. Apple Perhaps no brand has the emotional resonance of Apple, whose branding has been as innovative as its products and who tops our list for most mentions, crushing all others by a mile. Walmart It tops the?Fortune?500 with revenues of close to $500 billion, and it registers high among consumers as a superbrand (higher, as the folks in Bentonville will surely be pleased to see, than Amazon). The parent company may be Alphabet, but it’s the search giant that became a verb way back in the late 1990s that’s king with consumers. Amazon It strikes fear in the heart of any retailer that competes with it, but consumers seem to have only love for the Everything Store. Samsung The South Korean consumer electronics brand has attained notoriety—not the good kind—for its exploding and subsequent recall of its Galaxy Note 7, but the overall brand still ranks high on consumers’ minds. Microsoft The 41-year-old once-lumbering tech giant is newly ascendant under Satya Nadella, and its brand still rates high among consumers. Toyota What crisis? The company’s mass recall in 2009 related to unintended acceleration seems to have receded in the rear-view mirror in car-buyers’ minds as the company consistently rates top among global brands. Ford The 103-year-old company is an iconic American brand and has been a leader in sustainability. Its popular F-150 truck, introduced in 1948, is the best-selling vehicle of all time. Target Despite increased competition and a major credit card hack in 2014, Tar-zhay’s quirky personality, user-friendly stores and website and low prices still hold a soft spot (or should we say a bullseye) in American shoppers’ minds. Coca-Cola What brand is more classic and iconic than Coke? Its Coke Is It! And other campaigns over the years are still modeled by aspirational brand-building companies today. Nike The sports juggernaut may forever be known for its Just Do It campaign, formed in 1988 but still, along with its Swoosh logo, a core component of its brand. Verizon It’s not exactly as sexy as the Swoosh, but Verizon has gained admiration among its cell phone and broadband service customers—and, increasingly as it has transitioned into a major media conglomerate, by the business world. Sony Hack or no hack, Sony is the dominant entertainment brand among our survey respondents. Honda It may not be as sexy as some of its competitors, but its workhorses the Accord and Civic loom large in many drivers’ minds (and driveways) and it’s staked out impressive claim of the crossover space. AT&T One of the best-known names in telecommunications, AT&T is also making its mark as a corporate star with its unexpected pending acquisition of Time Warner. TRADITIONAL BRANDS AREN’T DEAD—far from it. Consider Apple, which got more mentions than any other brand in our survey. Or consider these three brands that made our list—legacy names by any definition that are having a resurgence. Disney is in the midst of a hot streak that kicked off the moment Princess Elsa appeared on-screen in 2013’s Frozen, its 53rd animated feature. America’s most famous denim brand has won plaudits both for its sustainability principles and for barring customers from bringing guns into its stores. The retail giant is one of the industry’s top performers and is beloved by its affluent clientele. Now it’s finally turning its focus toward e-commerce. |