


Lindsay Kimble 2017-02-12







最近一段時(shí)間,將“第一女兒”的時(shí)尚品牌撤網(wǎng)下架的知名零售商還有很多,諾德斯特龍只不過是其中的一個(gè)。內(nèi)曼馬庫斯(Neiman Marcus)和貝爾克(Belk)等百貨商也都從他們的官網(wǎng)上撤下了這個(gè)品牌。一名熟悉伊萬卡品牌的消息人士對(duì)《人物》(People)雜志表示:“伊萬卡品牌與貝爾克的合作還在繼續(xù),而且該品牌還在按照慣常的業(yè)務(wù)流程與各大零售商圍繞產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行持續(xù)討論?!痹撓⑷耸窟€表示,即便有些網(wǎng)站(如ShopStyle)將一些產(chǎn)品撤網(wǎng)了,也不代表他們不會(huì)單獨(dú)引起該品牌的一些商品。



















T.J. Maxx??








作者:Lindsay Kimble


Nordstrom's confirmation that it has dropped Ivanka Trump‘s fashion brand from stores, incited a furious response from her father, President Donald Trump. Nonetheless, many other brands appeared to have followed suit.

The first daughter’s clothing and jewelry line is now more difficult to find on many retailers’ websites, and there are reports that T.J. Maxx employees have been instructed to mix in her previously prominently-displayed merchandise with the other store offerings.

In the wake of the president’s tweet about the “terrible” treatment of his daughter, a Nordstrom spokesperson issued another response Wednesday—insisting Ivanka had been “personally informed” of the decision—adding: “To reiterate what we’ve already shared when asked, we made this decision based on performance.

“Over the past year, and particularly in the last half of 2016, sales of the brand have steadily declined to the point where it didn’t make good business sense for us to continue with the line for now. We’ve had a great relationship with the Ivanka Trump team. We’ve had open conversations with them over the past year to share what we’ve seen and Ivanka was personally informed of our decision in early January.”

Rosemary K. Young, senior director of marketing for Ivanka’s company, responded: “The Ivanka Trump brand continues to expand across categories and distribution with increased customer support, leading us to experience significant year-over-year revenue growth in 2016. We believe that the strength of a brand is measured not only by the profits it generates, but the integrity it maintains.

“The women behind the brand represent a diverse group of professionals and we are proud to say that the Ivanka Trump brand continues to embody the principles upon which it was founded. It is a company built to inspire women with solution-oriented offerings, created to celebrate and service the many aspects of their lives.”

Nordstrom (jwn), however, is just one of many popular retailers which appear to have distanced themselves from the first daughter’s brand; others, including Neiman Marcus, Belk and more appear to have removed the line from their websites. A source familiar with Ivanka’s brand told PEOPLE: “The relationship with Belk continues, and the brand is continuing discussions on product as they do with all retailers, per normal course of business,” while nothing that some of the sites with missing product, like ShopStyle, are aggregators and don’t stock her merchandise independently.


On Friday, a Nordstrom spokeswoman told Fortune in a statement that it would stop selling Ivanka Trump items this season because of sales performance.

“We’ve said all along we make buying decisions based on performance,” the statement read. “In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we’ve decided not to buy it for this season.”

The luxury retailer said that they switch out about 10 percent of assortment each year to refresh it.

Trump responded to the reports on Friday, with a spokesperson for the brand telling Refinery29, “Nordstrom ordered both apparel and shoes for the spring, and followed through with the orders on the apparel. They canceled the shoe order, kept the apparel order and moved the apparel from online into stores. It’s there.”

A Wednesday afternoon search on the Nordstrom website only turned up four results for four different style shoes. A search on Nordstrom Rack’s website for “Ivanka Trump” turned up no results.

Neiman Marcus

According to Racked, the Ivanka Trump jewelry line is no longer available on Neiman Marcus’ website. Further, a sales associate at a northern New Jersey location told Racked that the brand’s jewelry has been pulled from the Garden State Plaza store.

“Neiman Marcus has a very small Ivanka Trump precious jewelry business which is comprised 100 percent of consigned merchandise (merchandise owned by the vendor),” the retailer said in a statement to Racked. “Based on productivity we continuously assess whether our brands are carried in stores, on our website, or both.”

Neiman Marcus did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.


Department store and online retailer Belk said in a statement posted to its website that Ivanka Trump products will now only be sold in its flagship stores across 16 states.

“We want to thank all of you who have reached out to express your views about Ivanka Trump branded merchandise sold by Belk,” the statement read. “We welcome and pay close attention to feedback from our customers. We continually review our assortment and the performance of the brands we carry. We make adjustments as part of our normal course of business operations. In this regard, we are no longer carrying Ivanka Trump branded merchandise on our website, but are continuing to offer the brand at our flagship stores.”

As of Wednesday, a search for Ivanka Trump on Belk’s website turned up no results.


A Home Shopping Network spokesman confirmed to PEOPLE in a statement that the network has never been a purveyor of Ivanka Trump merchandise.

“At HSN, we are non-partisan and our product decisions are based solely on a continual evaluation related to our business,” the statement said. “While we don’t take a political position at HSN, we recognize that our employees, our partners and our customers will have wide-ranging views on politics and public policy. That sometimes means people will have differences of opinion, but we welcome and encourage that diversity of thought.”

However, commemorative President Trump merchandise, including coins, were available on HSN’s website as of Wednesday afternoon.

T.J. Maxx??

TJX Companies, the parent company of discount retailers T.J. Maxx and Marshalls, sent a memo to store employees on Wednesday, asking them to discard Ivanka Trump brand signage and mix products into regular sales racks, according to the New York Times.

Asked to confirm the memo, a TJX spokesperson said in a statement to PEOPLE, “At TJX, we deliver great value on a rapidly changing selection of brand name and high quality apparel and home fashions. We aim to offer a merchandise mix that gives our customers a choice in what they may want to purchase.”

The statement continued, “At this time, we continue to offer this line of merchandise. From time to time, we communicate with our stores about how to handle merchandise. The communication we sent instructed stores to mix this line of merchandise into our racks, not to remove it from the sales floor.”


Shopping search engine ShopStyle has removed the brand from the site’s database, a spokesperson confirmed to Racked.

“Corresponding to the decline in demand for Ivanka Trump products our retailers are seeing, we saw the same decrease in demand,” the spokesperson said. “We are therefore removing Trump products from our database to allow higher performing products greater visibility on our platform.”

ShopStyle did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.

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