


Anne VanderMey、Nicolas Rapp 2017-04-05




? 美國(guó)州際公路的擁堵路段超過(guò)五分之二。2014年,交通堵塞導(dǎo)致的時(shí)間浪費(fèi)和燃料損失達(dá)1600億美元。

? 五分之一的人行道狀況很差,需要修繕的道路非常多,而且越等越多。

? 2015年,交通事故死亡人數(shù)同比上升7%,達(dá)到35092人,而之前幾年死亡數(shù)字一直在下降。




You’ve heard it before: America’s infrastructure is failing. Well, almost. The American Society of Civil Engineers this month reiterated its nearly failing grade for the country’s vital infrastructure: a D+.

The ASCE report comes out once every four years, and has become a familiar bearer of bad news. But the state of the country’s roads were the standout piece of bad news this year—the report found that $2 trillion would be needed over the next 10 years to get U.S. roads back in fighting shape.

And there’s more reason to do that than just a smoother drive. From the report:

? More than two out of every five miles of America’s urban interstates are congested and traffic delays cost the country $160 billion in wasted time and fuel in 2014.

? One out of every five miles of highway pavement is in poor condition and our roads have a significant and increasing backlog of rehabilitation needs.

? After years of decline, traffic fatalities increased by 7% from 2014 to 2015, with 35,092 people dying on America’s roads.

Donald Trump’s plan to spend big on infrastructure may offer some much-needed relief. However, there are some are concerns over his plan to try to build infrastructure like toll roads that would pay for itself, rather than just putting up the money. What many experts are arguing for is far less sexy than revenue-generating mega-projects, but could save more money for taxpayers in the long-term: repairing the roads that already exist.

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