


Clitin Leaf 2017-04-05




過去幾周我們看到,共和黨領(lǐng)袖先是推動特朗普的醫(yī)保方案立法,后來又放棄了,因為有少數(shù)議員堅決不愿“修改”或者替代奧巴馬醫(yī)改法,寧可直接廢除,然后建立一個純粹自由的市場機制。理論上新體制下愿意買醫(yī)療服務(或者醫(yī)保覆蓋險種)的人在實際需要時購買,不想買或者無力負擔醫(yī)保的人不必購買。畢竟,從Froot Loops的早餐麥片、手機,到將萬圣節(jié)期間女超人主題的寵物貓狗穿戴裙裝,市場中很多商品都是這么運作的。



無論是牙齒感染、胰腺手術(shù),還是化療、治療槍傷,醫(yī)療需求之所以叫“需求”是有道理的。如果你買不起Froot Loops麥片,最新款iPhone或者給小寵物的裙子,問題不大,沒有也能過下去。但不管買沒買醫(yī)保,需要急救的人必須得急救。到最后,人們會不計一切代價涌進急救室求醫(yī),很多沒有醫(yī)保的人逼急了就能做出來(然后由所有人均攤開銷)。如果滿足不了需求,很有可能就會死人。





在行業(yè)協(xié)會保護下醫(yī)療供應商對市場的掌控力堪稱超乎想象。還沒有收到賬單以前,他們就已經(jīng)定下費用(或者更通常情況下,知道你能通過醫(yī)保支付多少費用)。所以,醫(yī)療市場的消費者在了解醫(yī)療成本之前,甚至在不知道服務質(zhì)量以前就上了 “賊船”。事實上,需要住院的人幾乎必須向院方承諾為所有服務付錢,有些服務可能都等不到用上,另一邊醫(yī)療機構(gòu)卻可以獅子大開口。自由市場可不是這么運轉(zhuǎn)的。


坦白說,假如醫(yī)療市場真能像自由市場一樣運作再好不過。目前有一些還不錯的想法在推動醫(yī)療走向自由市場。比如美國科氏工業(yè)集團掌門人查爾斯?科赫與大衛(wèi)?科赫兩兄弟支持的非營利組織Freedom Partners最近發(fā)布了一份戰(zhàn)略備忘錄。其中建議,立法者改變當前的規(guī)定,允許個人和企業(yè)跨州購買保險項目,“鼓勵培育”多年期保單甚至壽險保單市場,至少在某種程度上可以避免投保人因長年身纏重病陷入赤貧。同時,我們應該大幅提高稅前健康儲蓄賬戶的存款上限,拓寬賬戶資金的用途(最明顯的例子,可以支付保費或者基礎醫(yī)療團體計劃的會員費)。重要的是,我們應該修改當前嚴重阻礙跨州遠程醫(yī)療服務發(fā)展的法令。(點擊此處了解相關(guān)背景。)




I spent the week in paradise—on a “spring break” vacation with my family—and I can attest with the utmost certainty that it is better to spend a week not thinking about healthcare than thinking about it.

But truth be told, not thinking about healthcare got me thinking of it. And eventually in need of it. That’s because in the midst of a whale-watching, snorkeling, waterfall-exploring, pool-supersliding, beach-bumming island vacation, I had one heck of a toothache. I grimaced with each bite of anything harder than papaya, jumped from my chaise with the babiest baby-sip of colada—but still pushed off calling a dentist until…my wife called one for me. (The one thing worse than having a toothache on vacation, it appears, is vacationing with a spouse who has a toothache.)

She found an amazing dentist and I’m grateful for it. But the long and short of this episode was that the need for healthcare found me. And therein lies a lesson or two for anyone who hopes (in earnest) to reform it.

As we saw in the past few weeks, as Republican party leaders pushed for Trumpcare and then abandoned it, there is a small and determined group of lawmakers who don’t want to “fix” or replace Obamacare, but rather to repeal it outright and then institute a purely free market system in its place. That system, in theory, would let those so inclined buy healthcare (or insurance coverage for healthcare) when—and only when—they want it, and would leave those who don’t want it (or can’t afford it) alone. That’s, after all, how the market for Froot Loops works—and the one for mobile phones and for Supergirl-inspired Halloween tutus for your dog or cat.

There is a certain appeal to such economic liberty. And for four days or so, I myself was a Freedom Caucus’er—dead set against trading an afternoon of precious vacation for one in a Maui strip mall with a jawful of drill.

I lost that intellectual battle not because of the nature of free markets, but rather because of the nature of healthcare itself. Here are two fundamental reasons why:

A medical need—whether it be a tooth infection, pancreatic surgery, chemotherapy, or gunshot wound—is called a “need” for a reason. Dare the thought that you can’t afford a box of Froot Loops or a new iPhone or a tutu for your pet. It’s okay: You can probably live without it. But those who require urgent care will still have the same need for urgent care whether or not they have insurance. In the end, they might storm an emergency room to get it—which is what many without coverage still do (and which we still, collectively, pay for). And if they don’t address the need, they might well die.

As a society, we’re pretty good about recognizing that distinction in other contexts. When your neighbor’s house catches fire, chances are you’d want firefighters to race to the scene to put it out. You’ll probably even be okay with the fact that the fire department won’t send your neighbor a bill afterward—and I’m guessing you won’t post a sign on his front lawn saying, “Entitled!” or “Freeloader!” Freedom-loving folks though we are, we treat need differently than want.

Some of that distinction is due to the perception of shared risk, of course. A fire in your neighbor’s house could spread to yours. But then, the same can be said for many infectious diseases.

This market may have unlimited buyers, but sellers are strictly limited by law. There is, apparently, no federal or state law that prohibits a person from selling a tutu for your shih tzu on eBay, or for dressing your pet in one (though one might argue there should be). But our medical systems are thoroughly enveloped in laws and regulations, as well as practices so entrenched by guild or industry convention that they have the force of law.

Start with the obvious: We, as a society, don’t give everyone the keys to the operating room, any more than we let Joe from the mailroom fly a commercial jet—not without many moons of training and a license, that is. So the healthcare market has a bunch of built-in monopolies, depending on the particular service being offered.

Those guild-protected medical providers also have another uncanny market-controlling power: They can demand that you pay (or more commonly, have proof that you can pay through insurance) before they see you—and before you see the bill. So medical consumers are on the hook for payment long before they know what the total cost of the service is, or how well that service was provided. Indeed, those who require a stay in the hospital will almost certainly have to promise to pay for services from providers they may never see—and who can charge pretty much whatever they want. Not many free markets work like that.

Sure, in the euphoria of liberty-cherishing DYI-philia, I could have pulled my own tooth and gargled in Walmart peroxide. But even then, I couldn’t prescribe myself an antibiotic (which, it turns out, I needed). Our prescription drug trade may look like a free market—because sellers have proven over the past several years that they can charge whatever they want. But the government has thousands of rules about which pills and nostrums can be sold to whom, by whom, for what purpose, and when. The barriers to entry for those who want to create and market a new medicine are enormous—which drives up prices on its own.

It would be great, frankly, if healthcare did operate more like a free market. And there are some good ideas out there for how to push it in that direction. For example, Freedom Partners, a group supported by Charles and David Koch, suggested in a recent strategy memo that lawmakers change the current rules to let individuals and businesses purchase insurance plans across state lines, and “foster the creation of a market” for multiyear and even lifetime insurance contracts that would enable people to protect themselves, at least somewhat, from the financial ravages of a serious illness years down the line. At the same time, we should significantly raise the contribution caps on pre-tax health savings accounts and broaden the scope of what they can be used for (including, quite obviously, paying for insurance premiums or membership fees for primary care group plans). And importantly, we should rewrite the current statutes that largely prevent the expansion of telemedicine offerings across state lines. (Here’s some background reading on that.)

As leaders in Congress take up healthcare legislation anew (as they have recently teased they will), they might consider these options—along with the sobering fact that healthcare, as we know it, is a long way from a free-market system now. And any “reforms” that try to instill this ethos by simply changing who pays for insurance and how is likely to be even less embraced by freedom-loving Americans than the flawed system we have now.

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