


Annalyn Kurtz 2017-04-14




在最新版青少年消費(fèi)研究報告Taking Stock With Teens中,投資機(jī)構(gòu)Piper Jaffray的分析師調(diào)查了5500名平均年齡16歲、平均家庭收入6.61萬美元的美國少年,發(fā)現(xiàn)了兩大消費(fèi)趨勢。



連鎖餐廳星巴克顯然是贏家,至少過去七年都是青少年的用餐首選。Chick-fil-A則實現(xiàn)了質(zhì)的飛躍,一舉超越了墨西哥風(fēng)味快餐Chipotle、老牌快餐連鎖巨頭麥當(dāng)勞和意大利餐廳Olive Garden等等,躋身青少年喜愛的餐飲公司。

Piper Jaffray的分析師注意到,和Olive Garden等全服務(wù)餐廳相比,青少年越來越偏愛提供有限服務(wù)的餐館,這種趨勢大概是從2009年春季開始的。

毫不奇怪,青少年逛購物中心持續(xù)減少,越來越多的時間用來網(wǎng)購,亞馬遜現(xiàn)在是青少年首選的線上零售商。耐克依然是青少年最中意的服裝品牌,緊隨其后的是American Eagle和Forever 21。分析師指出,雖然阿迪達(dá)斯在鞋類和服裝的排名都落后于耐克,但最近排名上升速度加快。

十年前形勢大不相同。當(dāng)時青少年最喜歡的是美國奢侈品牌Abercrombie & Fitch副品牌Hollister。近年來Abercrombie & Fitch銷售額持續(xù)下滑,正竭力重新爭取青少年顧客的心。


有趣的是,Piper Jaffray的分析師發(fā)現(xiàn),F(xiàn)acebook的問題沒有華爾街擔(dān)心的嚴(yán)重。雖然業(yè)內(nèi)競爭激烈,但Facebook在青少年最愛社交媒體的排名榜上止住了下滑勢頭,F(xiàn)acebook旗下的Instagram依舊深受青少年喜愛,僅次于Snapchat。

“我們認(rèn)為,這些數(shù)據(jù)對Facebook是利好,因為一直有人說Snapchat導(dǎo)致其用戶持續(xù)流失,讓Facebook很苦惱?!盤iper Jaffray的分析師在報告中寫道。


Piper Jaffray 的分析師山姆·坎普在報告中指出:“我們很看好Instagram,網(wǎng)頁廣告量,提升廣告點擊率和轉(zhuǎn)化率都還能提升。”


最后,iPhone在青少年智能手機(jī)市場仍是王者,81%的受訪青少年預(yù)計下一部手機(jī)會選擇iPhone,創(chuàng)下Piper Jaffray歷來調(diào)查的最高比例。(財富中文網(wǎng))



Teenagers have spoken, and here’s what’s cool as of spring 2017:

Nike is still the top clothing and shoe brand, but Adidas is quietly staging a comeback. Snapchat remains the top social network for teens' attention, but Facebook’s decline may not be as dramatic as some analysts had predicted. And Chick-fil-A has joined Starbucks at the top of teens' preferred restaurants.

In the latest “Taking Stock With Teens” report, analysts at investment firm Piper Jaffray surveyed 5,500 teens with an average age of 16 and average household income of $66,100. They found two key trends.

First, teen spending has been falling gradually since fall 2014; second, teens are shifting their spending toward experiences.

Food is now the single largest category for teenagers’ wallets, accounting for 24% of their spending, followed by clothing, which accounts for 19%. Ten years ago, the exact opposite was the case, with teens spending the larger share on clothes.

The clear winners here are Starbucks, which has remained teens’ top restaurant choice for at the least the last seven years, and Chick-fil-A, which has recently leapfrogged Chipotle, McDonald's and Olive Garden among the favorite eateries.

Teens are increasingly showing a preference for limited-service restaurants, versus full-service eateries like Olive Garden—a trend that goes back to at least spring 2009, Piper Jaffray’s analysts noted.

Not surprisingly, time spent at the mall has been declining, whereas online shopping has been growing, with Amazon now ranking as teens' top online retailer. Nike remains the favorite clothing brand, with American Eagle and Forever 21 next in line. Analysts noted that although Adidas lags behind Nike on both footwear and clothing, it’s recently been climbing the rankings at a faster pace.

A decade ago, this picture looked a lot different, with teens preferring Hollister, a subsidiary of Abercrombie & Fitch, as their top clothing brand. The retailer has struggled to make a comeback amid declining sales in recent years.

Meanwhile, Snapchat remains the king when it comes to social media, with 81% of teens indicating they used the app in the last month, and 79% naming it as a top three social platform.

Interestingly, however, Piper Jaffray’s analysts note the story for Facebook isn’t as dire as many on Wall Street had feared. Despite heavy competition, declines in Facebook’s level of engagement among teens has stalled, and Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, continues to be a close number two to Snapchat.

“We believe that this data is most positive for Facebook as it conflicts with the belief that Snapchat is causing continual declines in usage,” Piper Jaffray’s analysts said in the report.

Instagram and even good old-fashioned email outranked Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook as teens’ preferred channel to hear about new products and promotions from retailers—a finding has important implications for the ability to monetize the social media platforms.

“We believe this is a bullish sign for the potential for higher ad load, click-through, and conversion rates on Instagram ads,” Piper Jaffray analyst Sam Kemp noted in the report.

He holds a neutral rating on Snap, saying that the market may have priced-in overly optimistic expectations for monetization, while there’s still significant potential “for headwinds from diversifying use cases at Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.”

Finally, the iPhone continues its reign as the top smartphone among teens, with 81% reporting they expect their next phone to be an iPhone—the highest level ever recorded in the survey.

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